
Rough waves lapping at the reef.


One after another dazzling lightning.

Illuminated the dark, pitch-black sky.

This is a ghost island that never sees the light of day.

Once upon a time.

This isolated island in the sea served as a place of exile for the criminals of the Kingdom of Peace.

In the local legend of the country of Wano, the dark clouds that never disperse over the island of ghosts are the condensation of the resentment and ghosts of sinners throughout the ages.

The island is surrounded by terrifying whirlpools in all directions.

The only safe entrance and exit is the main entrance.

There used to be a tight military fortress.

Ensure that the great sinners who have been exiled here have no way to escape.

You can only become a small skeleton with a small skull and a huge skull.

However, under the erosion of time, the former military fortress has decayed away.

Since the rebellion of the Black Carbon clan more than seventy years ago.

Nine Mile replaces the Ghost Island as the new Impossible Land.

The island of ghosts has always been in a state of abandonment.

Until more than twenty years ago.

The Hundred Beasts Kaido entered the Land of Peace under the guidance of the Black Charcoal Twilight Cicada and the Black Charcoal Cicada Maru.

Kaido’s unique aesthetic is the giant skull of the Oni Island at a glance.

It was decided to make the Island of Ghosts a stronghold for the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Under the efforts of the top craftsmen of the country of Wano.

Today’s Ghost Island is no longer the place where criminals were exiled.

It is a pirate heaven with a unique style, on the luxury does not lose the flower capital.

Inside there are large stages, and there are even flower streets for wandering girls.

It can be used for the pirates of the Hundred Beasts to have fun.


No matter how luxurious the interior is.

A little.

The Isle of Ghosts has not changed in the slightest from beginning to end.

It was a dark cloud over the island.


The sky was dark.

The thunder of the electric snake in the thick dark clouds was incessant.


Occasionally, a piercing electric light exploded, illuminating the sky.


Above the undulating sea, a cheerful singing voice suddenly sounded.

A huge ship with fancy cakes and candies rode the wind and waves straight in the direction of the central Ghost Island.

“Mom, I’ve been able to see, Kaido’s Ghost Island.”

The long-legged paddle reported to Star Smuggie.

“The base camp of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, this is really an unprecedented first time!”

Squint Starsmuggie’s eyes slightly.

“That’s the legendary Ghost Island, it’s really gloomy!”

“I don’t like this place!”

“Compared to our nations, it is really far behind!”

On the deck, the cadres of the bigmom pirate regiment looked at the ghost island in the distance and opened their mouths one after another.


The four emperors bigmom, who were like small giants, laughed and looked inexplicable on their faces.

“Mom, are we really going to continue?” Sure enough, it was still too risky. ”

Mirror Fruit Ability Bree said with a panicked face.

“Idiot, what are you doing to say such things to this day?” It’s all here, and there’s still a reason to come back empty-handed. ”

Candy Minister Peros Perot reprimanded.

“Well, Bree, do you want to escape?”

Charlotte Lingling stared at Bree.

“No, no, no, how could it be.”

Bree waved her hand in a panic.

“If that’s the case, do your own thing.”

The Four Emperors bigmom grinned.

“Yes, Mom.”

Bree nodded awkwardly.

If it weren’t for the fact that this operation required Bree’s Mirror Fruit ability.

The bigmom had already plundered all of its lifespan with the Soul Fruit.

“Kaido, your signpost history article, your right-hand men and your legacy, I will not be polite to laugh!” Mm-hmm-hmm! ”

Four Kings bigmom Charlotte Lingling laughed.

There has never been an unbreakable friendship between pirates like Bigmom Charlotte Lingling and Hundred Beast Kaido.

Some are just eternal interests.

Bigmom Charlotte Lingling agreed to Kaido’s alliance.

Of course it wouldn’t really be like trying to help him get through it.

Instead, he wanted to take advantage of Kaido.

For example, the most important red signpost history article.

Bigmom knew that Kaido also had a piece in his hands.

This is the opportunity to seize it.

As for helping Kaido fight a strong enemy?

If it was Roger, she wouldn’t mind fighting.

After all, when Roger’s group openly invaded the nations and snatched the road signs, the two sides also formed a vendetta.

As for the others.

Especially the red-haired pirates and some arrogant man.

That’s still free.


In the joy of singing.

The Bigmom Pirate Regiment’s mothership, the Queen Mother Song, docked and moored in the harbor of Onishima.

“Oh Ming, Lingling, welcome!”

The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido laughed and welcomed.


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