Eighteen years ago, Oda died.

Jinweimen, Lei Zang, and others were teleported to the future by Lady Shi.

The people in charge of the temple, such as Sakutenmaru and Tetsujiro, survived.

As the last insistence of Hikari Moon, Yu Hezhi Kingdom is dormant.


Under the double oppression of the Black Charcoal Serpent and the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

The living space of the rebels, led by the sake tenmaru, was squeezed to the limit.

Even the most basic food and clothing cannot be maintained.

Their weapons decayed under the erosion of time.

Their bodies, strength, and swordplay have also been worn out and exhausted in time.

They couldn’t wait any longer.

In that long and hopeless life, Jiu Tianmaru didn’t want to die with such regret.


Ten years ago.

Sakutenmaru made a decision.

They ate all the food.

Wipe the weapon polished.

Ride on a ship that has almost decayed in time.

The samurai led by Sakutenmaru slaughtered the Oni Island.

To remove the tumor rooted in this country.

However, the end result is already predetermined.

Under the overwhelming strength of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, they were completely annihilated almost instantaneously.

Only the sake tenmaru himself survived because of the ‘appreciation’ of the hundred beasts Kaido, who wanted to accept it as a subordinate.

It was this battle that had worn away all the self-confidence and pride of the Sake Heavenly Maru.

Fleeing back to Nine Mile alone, he forgot his red sheathed identity.

Occupy Tousan, recruit his subordinates, and renew his old business before meeting Mitsuki Mita decades ago.

“It’s over! There is no future for this country anymore! ”

The wine heaven pill opened his mouth quietly, and his eyebrows were full of obscurity and despair.

“Sakutenmaru …”

To hide his face pale as paper.

He could feel it.

Former friend, inner despair.

“You’re right, I really don’t have the right to accuse you of abandoning this country, but one thing you’re wrong about is that it’s not over yet!”

“The future of this country is now in the hands of you and me, in the hands of every samurai who has a bright moon, so come with me to fulfill the legacy of Lord Oda and let the country of peace be founded!”

Take a deep breath and send out an invitation to the sake tenmaru.



A crisp sound.

Kushitenmaru mercilessly slapped open the invitation to hide.

The look was filled with indifference and mockery.

“The most important Lord… The person I followed is no longer there, then I just need to live as I want, what you want to do is your business, if you want to open the country, then do it yourself, don’t pull me! ”

Sakutenmaru Road.

“Sakutenmaru, you bastard.”

Ezo finally couldn’t help but roar.

So far.

Having been patient, he was finally irritated by the indifferent attitude of the sake tenmaru.


Ezo punched Sake Tenmaru in the face, knocking it off the back of the ox.

“Bastard, he really dared to do something to me.”

Sakutenmaru was furious and threw his fists at each other mercilessly.

“Since you don’t want to wake up from a desperate dream, I’ll wake you up.”

Hide your anger and rebuke.

Two strong enough to rank in the top five echelons of the world.

At this moment the weapon was abandoned.

Just like the little hooligans in the city, they beat each other and fought with their fists.

There is nothing Marco can do about it.

The mountain thieves under the sake of the Sake Pill looked at each other.

For a while, he did not dare to rush to help the chief.


The wind howled.

The large fox dog carried Qi Yu and his party back to the town of Leak.

“Sister Azuru”


Xiao Yu and Ace stepped forward quickly.

“Ace, you’re back!”

“Marko, what the hell is going on?” Why did Ezo get into a fight with that fat man! Ace asked puzzled.

“That fat man is a nearby mountain thief, and he is also a former friend of Yizang, and I met him thirty years ago when I came with my father, and he is also a courtier of Mita, so I am not good at interfering!”

Marco shook his head helplessly.

“Ah this”

After listening to Marko’s explanation.

Ace was also stunned.

As Marco said, they couldn’t do anything.

“Ezo, Sake Heavenly Pill, don’t fight!”

Tengu Mountain Feiche tried to dissuade it.

But to no avail.

“Sure enough, violence is still needed to separate them here!”

Yamato puts on the mask of Banjo and separates them as Mitsuki Oda as Mitsuki.

Just then, a large warm and powerful hand landed on her shoulder.

Yamato looked at Qi Yu and tilted his head in confusion.

Without waiting for her to ask.


The wind of heaven and earth rises.

“You two, stop!!!”

A broken drink suddenly exploded on the wasteland.

At the same time, it is accompanied by an unparalleled familiar domineering.

That was the overlord of the lord Mita!!!

The head of the wine heaven pill roared, and the dream went back to decades ago.

“The Imperial Family… Lord Oda? ”


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