
Sakutenmaru fell to his knees weakly.

Not because of the impact of that mighty Overlord color.

He turned his head in shock.

The sight of both eyes was just dead looking at the wasteland a hundred meters away.

In the dust that flew, stood a tall figure standing tall in the sky.


The mouth of the wine day pill trembled uncontrollably.

“The Imperial Family… Big…”

Tears gradually blurred his vision.

Not just sake tenmaru .

“Oh well”

The tea house owner Ah He also involuntarily raised his hand to cover his mouth.

Two lines of clear tears ran down her cheeks.

“Is that person !!!”

Marko’s eyes were wide open and his mouth was wide open.

The eyeballs almost jumped out of the orbit, and the chin almost reached the ground.

He also recognized the tall figure a hundred meters away.

How can you not recognize!

Because that used to be their closest companion!

“That adult is…”

He was also shocked by the sudden arrival of Oda so much that even the figure could not be found, and there were Tengu Mountain Feiche and Yamato.

Especially Yamato.

Eighteen years ago.

In the capital of flowers, she once witnessed Mita’s feat of holding out in a frying pan for an hour.

That heroic gesture was firmly engraved in her young soul and could not be indelibly indelibrated for a lifetime.

It was after that.

Yamato became a fan of Mitsuki Mita’s brain.

He began to imitate Oda in his dress and Oda tone.

He even called himself Mitsuki Oda in front of others.

Since Mitsuki Mita is no longer there, let her become Mitsuki Mita.

This would have been Yamato’s goal.

Yet now.

Her idol.

She had a heart and soul for the man she wanted to be.

How could such a sudden 、、、 appear?

What’s going on here?



Standing there was the beating of living life.

So could it be the imitation fruit ability that caused Oda to lose eighteen years ago?


Even if you can imitate the appearance.

But inside, especially the mighty king’s domineering, it is absolutely impossible to imitate!

Then there is only one answer left!

Mitsuki Oda is really resurrected!!!

People who have been dead for many years have come back from the dead or something.

If this kind of thing had been in the past, no one would have believed it.

But now it’s different.

War on top.

Countless people have witnessed miracles happening with their own eyes.

Witnessed the resurrection of Roger, who had been dead for more than twenty years.

That’s it.

The resurrection of Mitsuki Oda is not so difficult to accept.

But why is Mitsuki Oda resurrected?

Who resurrected the dead like Mita and Roger?

Just for a moment.

Yamato already had the answer in his mind.

She suddenly turned her head, and her eyes locked on Qi Yu, who was always light and cloudy.

There is and only one miracle man in this world!!!

“Lord Mita!!!”

A hoarse roar broke the dead silence between the fields.

Originated from the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment Sixteen Fan Team Captain Yizang.

Look at the familiar tall figure not far away.

Tears couldn’t stop pouring out of his dark red eyes.

He used both hands and siblings, forcibly manipulating his unsummoned body, stumbling closer to the dreamlike figure.



Feel the real touch and temperature.

Ezo couldn’t help but cry and couldn’t say a word anymore.

“Hide, I’m back!”

Mitsuki Oda leaned down and took the weeping courtier into his arms.

“Mita! Is it really you coming back? Mita! ”

Marko’s emotions were also uncontrollable, and he yelled in his throat.

“Alas, alas, alas”

Ace’s eyes widened in shock.

“Mita? Is that person Mitsuki Mita? ”

“However, Oda is not long ago…”

Ace’s words came to an abrupt end.

Because he suddenly thought.

His own biological father.

One Piece Roger is already dead.

But now it is still active in the sea.

After One Piece Roger.

The second undead are revived!!!

“Lord Mita”

Tengu Yama let out a hoarse scream of excitement and stumbled toward Oda before falling to his knees.

“Fei Che, what are you doing, hurry up.”

Mitsuki Mita recognized Fei Che for the first time and rushed forward to help him.

“Lord Oda, you are finally back!” We’ve always believed it! I believe that one day you will return and recreate the glory of the light and moon! ”

Tengu Shan Fei Chu was also crying like a Tibetan.


Mitsuki Oda firmly focused on the point.

Fei Chu stood up trembling under the support of Mita.

Wiping away tears, Fei Chu seemed to think of something.

He hurriedly closed the package behind him.

Solemn hands up.

“Lord Oda has been taking good care of you for so many years, and now is the time to return the things to their original owners.”

Tengu Mountain flew through the solemn Dao.

Looking at the wooden box handed by Fei Chu, Mitsuki Oda only felt his heart skip a beat.

A familiar feeling sprang up, making his emotions involuntarily high.


The lock of the wooden box snapped open.

Two large knives, one white and one black, appeared in Mitsuki’s line of sight.

This is his saber —

The Heavenly Feather Chopper that can even cut down the sky, and the famous sword Yama Demon that even hell can conquer!!!


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