Nine miles, the wasteland.

The mighty Hundred Beasts pirates.


At the moment of seeing Qi Yu.

All of them were scared into quails.

Extreme panic, panic is spreading.


The timid pirates were so frightened that they passed out on the spot.

All because the presence that suddenly appeared in front of them was too amazing.

Be fine before you come.

Say yes to the three captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.

The result is in place.

Take a look.


Even the emperor of the sea, the strongest in the world, was present.

This is a spanking!

In front of the strongest man in this sea.

They didn’t even dare to run away.

Not just the average beast pirate.

Even the Iron King Drought Jack is no exception.

Before coming.

He is the king of the head iron who is not afraid of heaven.

Yet now.

Even Jack couldn’t help but be afraid.

Crown the eve of the war.

Qi Yu and the red-haired two join forces to descend to the Kingdom of Peace.


Jack had leaned over the ship without knowing the height of the sky.

The result was the destruction of the ship and the death of the people.

Even the carefully nursed ivory was stubbornly snubbed by Qi Yu.

It has not grown back so far.

The pain of losing the heart of the ivory.

Jack still remembers it vividly.

So this time.

After seeing Qi Yu again.

Jack finally couldn’t get his head as iron as he usually did.

At the moment of seeing Qi Yu.

His body was instinctively frightened and sluggish, unable to move.

The silence does not know how long it lasted.

Fur seat on the dog.

Qi Yu clapped his hands.

So all the beasts, including Jack, gathered together and almost collapsed to the ground in fright.

“You’re that mammoth Jack, aren’t you, ivory, regrown?”

Qi Yu smiled and opened his mouth.

Hear the word ivory.

Drought Jack was even more terrified in his heart.

I couldn’t help but shake my head in denial.

Damn it!

This guy is coming for real!

It’s not enough to do it once!

I even want to do it again!

Jack’s inner emotions fluctuated fiercely.

“If you don’t have it, don’t be afraid, and talk about it next time.”

Qi Yu waved his hand casually.


Drought Jack was scared and frightened, and continued to breathe deeply.

“Big Big…”


Jack gave himself a slap.

“The arrogance of the red-haired pirates, why are you here?”

“Last time, your red-haired pirate group had an agreement with our Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment!”

Jack plucked up his courage and spoke.

“Convention? I didn’t see you obey!” ”

Qi Yu opened his mouth faintly.

“But don’t be afraid, I don’t need to shoot this time, I’m just going to see the liveliness!”

Yamato: “??? ”

Didn’t you want to kill the Ghost Island not long ago?

“See the hilarity?”

Jack was stunned and immediately happy.

As long as it is not directly aligned with the feather.

That couldn’t be the best thing to do.

That’s when it happened.

“Allow me to thank you again!”

The tall figure that had always had his back to Jack finally spoke.

The voice dropped.

He bowed deeply to Qi Yu in front of him.

Followed by.

Oda finally got up.

Instead, he faced the Hundred Beasts Legion led by Jack.

A mighty momentum emerges like a tidal wave.

Shock the four sides.

“Damn, what kind of person is that!”

A little cold sweat oozed from Jack’s forehead.

Intuition told him.

The man dressed like Yamato was also a terribly strong man.

But he had never seen it.

Next second.

What shocked Jack more and more happened.

Only to see the untamed sake tenmaru standing calmly behind the man.

A look of the first look of his horse.

“Bastard, what are you?”

Jack finally couldn’t help but shout a question.

Without waiting for Oda to answer.

“Lord Jack”

In the Hundred Beasts Legion, an old member who had participated in the Great War eighteen years ago suddenly screamed.

“What’s wrong?”

Jack’s face was full of confusion.

“Lord Jack, that’s that… That person… That man…”

“No, no, no… No way! How can it be! This kind of thing is impossible! ”

“How could that man still be alive?” I don’t believe it! ”

“He he he … He would have died eighteen years ago! ”


More and more old men of the Hundred Beasts recognized Oda identity.

“So, who the hell is that man?”

Jack’s forehead was pounding.

“That… That man was Mitsuki Mita!!! ”


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