“Lord Embers, something is wrong!”

A hundred beast pirates suddenly shouted in panic.

“Haven’t been contacted yet?” Jack’s over there.”

Yan Yan frowned in dissatisfaction.

“Not only Lord Jack, but now even the whole town of Boro is missing, Lord Ember, there seems to be an incredible change in Boro Town!”

The Hundred Beasts Liaison Officer panicked.


The eyebrows under the mask of the Yan Plague Ember rose more and more.

The ominous feeling of foreboding grew heavier and heavier.

Just as he was about to go to Jiuli to find out.

“Lord Serpent, Nine Mile…”

A samurai ran in a panic.

“What’s wrong with Nine Mile?”

The ember of the fire was raised with a big hand, and the samurai was lifted.

“Lord Embers, just now, the City of Flowers received some fragmented news, Nine Mile… The town of Jiuliboro is occupied! Suspected undead Mitsuki Mita appeared! ”

The samurai shouted in horror.

“What do you say!!!”

“Mitsuki Mita!!!”

The eyes under the mask of the Fire Plague Ember were wide open.



Ghost Island.

Wandering Women’s Street.

Not long ago, because I couldn’t stand the strong momentum of Kaido and bigmom.

The general Black Charcoal Snake turned to play in the courtyard of the Lady Place.

However, his good mood did not last long.

Right now.

Swimming Girl Pond.

Boiling hot into the almost boiling pool, a black pig-like figure could not stop trembling.

He is the current general of the Kingdom of Wano, the Black Carbon Serpent.

“So cold! It’s cold! Hurry up and keep on the fire! ”

Even in the boiling hot water, even if the body has been boiled red by the hot water, the black charcoal snake is still shouting cold.

The body shivered uncontrollably.

It was a chill of fear emanating from within his body.

“Lord Snake, you can’t continue, the water temperature has exceeded seventy degrees!”

The servants shouted in horror.

“Shut up”

The black charcoal snake screamed loudly, and then a demonic expression appeared on his face.

“Impossible! When pigs fly! Why! Why is Mitsuki Mita really resurrected! This doesn’t make sense! This time will die, really will die! ”

“So cold! Why it’s so cold! The water temperature is not enough! Hurry up and add fire to General Ben!!! ”

The black charcoal snake shouted with exhaustion.

“Lord Serpent!!!”

The loud shouts of Fu Lu Shou, the captain of the Great Snake Imperial Court, made the Black Carbon Great Snake return slightly from his panic.

“Fu Lu Shou! You hurry up and tell me that’s not true! ”

“Mitsuki Mita was already dead eighteen years ago, how could he still appear alive?” You’re right! ”

The black charcoal snake opened its mouth with a look of hope.

“Regarding this matter, the people under my command are still investigating, please forgive the subordinates for not guaranteeing it!”

Fu Lu Shou said in a deep voice.

“What do you say?”

The Black Charcoal Serpent was furious.


Fu Lu Shou’s words turned sharply.

“What if Mitsuki Oda is really resurrected?” Why was the Great Serpent so afraid! ”

Fu Lu Shou asked rhetorically.

“Why are you afraid? Because that’s Mitsuki Oda! ”

The black charcoal snake was full of horror.

“Even if it’s Mita?” Now on this ghost island, the two strongest forces in the world have formed an alliance, and our backing has one more bigmom in addition to the hundred beasts! ”

Fu Lu Shou Dao.

The fear on the face of the black charcoal snake was slightly reduced.

“Keep talking!”

“In addition to this, eighteen years have passed now, and the Kingdom of Wano is the Land of the Great Serpent and your Land of Peace, even if Mitsuki Oda is resurrected?” The samurai who were willing to follow him had already died, injured, and they could not turn over any storms! ”

Fu Lu Shou’s determined opening.

“Uh-huh… Oh well”

The black charcoal snake suddenly smiled.

“Right, right, you’re right, Fulu Shou!”

“Mitsuki Mita, if you really come back, then let him die again!”

“Dealing with that idiot in Mita, I have a strategy of trying and trying everything!”


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