
Gunfire fell.

Artificial hippopotamus ability, Rabbit Dumpling Deputy Warden Doppon, dies.

Even those with the ability to produce artificial hippopotamus fruits with thick skins.

Under the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment’s sixteenth squad to hide the domineering bullet attached.

Its hard skin is as fragile as paper.

Not just the outward hippopotamus.

Even the head of the body in the hippopotamus’s big mouth exploded.

The huge body collapsed.

Dead can’t die anymore.


“Lord Dopon… Lord Doppon is dead!!! ”

“The intruder … The invaders killed Lord Doppon!!! ”


After a brief silence.

The prisoner’s mining ground erupted in the hustle and bustle of the sky.

The Hundred Beast Pirates who had witnessed the tragic death of the powerful deputy warden Dorpen widened their terrified eyes and cried out in exhaustion.

Next second.

The brilliant sword light exploded.

The rabbit pirate guards fell to the ground one by one under the sword.

“Hundred Beasts Pirates, don’t even think about running away!!!”

The Asura Boy Sake Heavenly Pill is like an incarnation of Hell Shura.

Constantly wielding a large knife.

Kill one hundred beast pirates after another.

The posture is like a mad demon.

No wonder.

After all, for this day.

He had been suppressed for too long.

The other side.

Marco and Ace weren’t idle either.

A fist of fire came out.

The Quartet retreated.

It’s only a few minutes before and after.

The huge quarry square is quiet.

The hundreds of beast pirates within a kilometer radius have all fallen.

It was liquidated clean.


Sizzle !!!

Witness this shocking image with your own eyes.

The prisoners at the miner involuntarily inhaled the cool air.

The hard rolling of the throat knot and the sound of inhaling cold air came and went, one after another.

This prisoner quarry suffered so many years of oppression.

This was the first time they had seen the brutal pirates on the Hundred Beasts side crushed and slaughtered head-on.

Who is it?

Who’s going to save them!

“Hey, look, that man like Shura seems to be an Asura boy!”

A prisoner samurai recognized the Asura boy through the scattered smoke.

“There can be no mistake, that’s the boss of the sake pill!”

“Former Red Sheathed Samurai!”

“Mitsuki’s courtier!”

“But who are the others?”

Many of the prisoners recognized the identity of the Sake Pill.

However, for Marco and Ace, no one knows.

But soon.

Their attention was drawn to the shouts of Hana no Sengoro!

“Lord Oda, are you really back?”

Look at the familiar tall figure in front of you.

Hanabi’s inner emotions were as turbulent as the sea of the new world.

Shock, shock, excitement, excitement, and so on all the emotions melted into this high-pitched shout and echoed over the mine.


The eyes of the prisoner warriors on all sides were all brushed together towards the center point.


The wind howled and raged.

The dust was carried away by the wind.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the earth.

Shining on top of that tall figure, a long and narrow shadow was dragged out.

Look at the figure that haunts their souls, thinking about it day and night.

All the samurai prisoners were shocked and petrified at this moment.

The emotions called shock are all that occupy their whole body.

Then it turned into excitement and excitement, making their eyes turn red at once.

They want to scream.

But something was choking up in his throat.


‘Click, click, click, click’

One by one, the samurai prisoners fell to their knees.

Kneel down in front of the tall figure.

“The Imperial Family… Lord Oda ”

They opened their mouths, murmured unconsciously, and cried out in the name of their Lord.

And then from the bottom of my heart, I look forward to it.

Looking forward to a response from the Lord.

Expect someone to be able to tell them.

Now what they’re going through.

All that they witnessed was real, not their fantasy.


Under the fervent hope of the prisoner samurai.

The response they expected from their hearts arrived as expected.

“Sorry everyone, for making you wait! I’m late! ”

Mitsuki Mita opening.

“Oh well”

“Oh oh oh oh oh”

“Lord Mita!!!”

“Is it really Lord Mita!!!”

At this moment, the huge rabbit digging ground, all the samurai prisoners boiled for it!!!


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