Under the angry counterattack of the samurai.

The Hundred Beast Pirates who were in charge of guarding the Rabbit Dump were completely destroyed.

After more than 20 years of exploitation and bullying, thousands of prisoners and warriors regained their freedom.

After nine miles.

Rabbit, Liberation !!!

There are four more – White Dance, Suzugo, Himi and the City of Flowers!!!




Night falls.

The rabbit quarry that used to be lifeless and shrouded in despair all year round, tonight is very happy.

The large amount of food stored in the warehouse of the Hundred Beasts Regiment was now owned by the prisoner warriors.

Thousands of prisoner samurai who had regained their freedom were agitated and went on a rampage to destroy the food in front of them and replenish their strength.

Prepare to join the resurrected lord Mitsuki Oda in a big fight to retake the country from the hands of the Hundred Beasts and the Black Carbon Serpent.


“Lord Mita”

“Mr. Oda

Under the leadership of Goro, the old flower soldier of the original underworld in Wano Kuni.

The underworld bosses of the four townships, such as the Blood Script Daije, the Broken Kasa Ganggoro, and other stalwaras joined forces to meet the lord Mita.

“Boss Bing Goro, don’t be polite, these years have really worked hard for you.”

Mitsuki Oda waved his hand.

“Lord Mita”

“As long as Lord Oda can come back, all these sufferings we have suffered will be worth it.”

“That’s right, Lord Mita, please lead us once again to take back this country!”

“The Black Charcoal Serpent and the Hundred Beasts Kaido, absolutely unforgivable!”

Representatives of the samurai, such as Tsubasa Goro and Akihito, opened their mouths.

Mitsuki Oda was just a silent emphasis.

The suffering of these eighteen years and the kingdom.

The people of the country of peace suffered.

It can only be washed with the blood of the enemy.

This time he would not spare his men.

We will not make the same mistakes as we did more than twenty years ago.

“Lord Oda, the time is almost up, you can plan for the next step.”

Ezo reminds you.

“I know.”

Mitsuki nodded.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Bing Goro and the others.

“Lord Oda, next step… What are you going to do? ”

Hana no Sengoro asked.

“We have already taken nine miles during the day, and now we are Bunny Bunny, and the next target is the City of Flowers, and it is time to go and meet the bastard of the big snake for a long time!”

Mitsuki Mita’s eerie opening.

“Slay the Black Charcoal Serpent!”

He Song’s eyes were red and murderous.

“Go straight to the City of Flowers!”

“Kill the Black Charcoal Serpent!”

The throat knot of Hana no Shogun Goro and the others rolled down involuntarily.

“Good and good!”

“Lord Mita, please make sure that we do our part too!”

Tsubasa Tsubasa and the others opened their mouths in excitement.

“Lord Mita, please let me go along, I have a plan that will definitely come in handy.”

Hana no Shogun Goro said seriously.

“Good for a short stay”

Oda nodded in response.

Eight o’clock in the evening.

The Rabbit’s campfire was extinguished.

Under the instruction of Mitsuki Mita.

Four thousand armed soldiers were divided into five routes.

The leaders of the four major underworld paths, namely Blood Writing Daigo, Shōkasa Ganggoro, Xiyan Adi, and Snake Eye Mi Taiping, each led a team to various townships to recruit and contact other partners, secretly lurking, waiting for the opportunity.

Mitsuki Mita, the Akatsuki Samurai, and Hana no Shogun Goro led the eight hundred strongest samurai straight to the middle of the road.

That night is a secret trip to the capital city of flowers.

Prepare to take down the head of the Black Charcoal Serpent in one fell swoop.



The time goes back a few hours.

The capital of flowers, Luocha Street.

The base camp of Luocha Street.

“Crazy Boss”

“Boss, you’re back!”


The Black Charcoal Imperial Merchant, the current Black Knife Boss of the Capital, dozed off and ignored the support of his subordinates

Stumbling and stumbling up to the top floor of the flower tower.

Finally he knelt down in front of a vermilion gate.

“Little Purple”

Berserker whispered.

The vermilion gate opens.

“Crazy Boss”

Dressed in a big red and luxurious kimono, Kazuno Kuni Kui Xiaozi hurriedly stood up to greet him.

“Oh well”

Berserker finally couldn’t suppress the emotions stirring in his heart anymore.

The distorted face, as if possessed by an evil spirit, was further distorted.

The evil and cunning hanging eyes are wet.

Hot tears couldn’t stop running down his face, wetting the floor.

Looking at the boss who had always been cold and wise, at this moment, such a gaffe look, Hua Kui Xiaozi couldn’t help but stare at the panicked beauty.

“Boss Berserker, what’s wrong with you today?”

Hua Kui Xiaozi looked overwhelmed.

“Little Purple, no, Riwa, is back!”

The mad man cried silently.

“Coming back? Who’s back? ”

Princess Haraka no Kuni, the only heir of the Hikari family, Hikari Hikari asked incomprehensibly.

“Our lord, your father, Mita… Lord Oda is back!!! ”

The former Mitsuki clan, who alias Crazy Death Lang, and one of the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath, burst into tears of joy.


Guangyue Ri and the white slim hand subconsciously covered their red lips, trying not to let themselves scream out loud.

“Passero, this… Is this true? ”

The tears blurred the light and the moon and the beautiful eyes.


A voice of affirmation suddenly sounded.


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