“I ask you, Black Charcoal Serpent, are you really sure that Kaido and that bigmom will always be in league with you?” Or rather, what do you have to be worth their alliance! ”

“Of course it’s this country, I’m the general of the country of peace, and with me there, Kaido can 、、、”

Before the Black Charcoal Serpent could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the Samurai Old Star.

“Is this really the case?”

Samurai Old Star asked rhetorically.

“Do you really think this is your country of peace?” In the past twenty years, the true ruler of the Kingdom of Peace has always been Kaido! ”

“Shut up! Stop talking nonsense, Kaido is my ally! ”

The black charcoal snake shouted angrily.

Unwilling to admit this fact as told by the Samurai Old Star.

“This is only the first point, then the second point!”

The Samurai Old Star raised a second finger.

“Even if Kaido and the bigmom alliance are still unable to change the ending of the curtain.”


The black charcoal snake was stunned at first.

Then he laughed again.

“You old man is really good at deceiving the public, and the alliance between the two monsters will come to an end?” When pigs fly! You didn’t see it with your own eyes, so you didn’t know the oppressive force of those two monsters standing together! Enough to make the sky collapse! ”

Black Charcoal Great Snake Road.

“There’s no denying that the alliance between Kaido and Bigmom Charlotte Lingling is strong, but there is a stronger presence on this sea than them!”

Samurai Old Star’s ghostly way.

“So what do you mean?”

The black charcoal snake came in interest.

Prepare to listen to it and then taunt the samurai star.

“Although the country of peace is closed, you should know that the war at the top of the naval headquarters happened not long ago!”

Samurai Old Star Road.

“Ah, I know, your navy and the world government have failed miserably!”

The Black Charcoal Serpent took the opportunity to sneer.

The samurai old star’s face was slightly dull, and finally he continued patiently.

“The former lord of the country of Wazuki, Mitsuki Ota, who used to be the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, the old man got reliable information that he is now on his way to the country of Wanoku!”


The black charcoal snake immediately sat up straight, and finally stopped calming.

Of course, he couldn’t have been ignorant of the horrors of the world’s strongest man.

“Not just Whitebeard, Mitsuki Mita used to be Roger’s companion of One Piece, and now that Roger has arrived in your kingdom of peace!”

The samurai old star continued.


The black charcoal snake’s eyes widened sharply, and he couldn’t help but inhale the cool air one after another.

“Don’t worry, it’s not over, now the most terrifying pirate group in this sea, the captain of the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirate Regiment, Red-haired Shanks, he was once a member of the Roger Pirate Regiment, and he has a friendship with Mitsuki Mita, I say this, you should understand!”

Samurai old star old god in the Dao.

The voice dropped.

The conference room fell into a long dead silence.

The black charcoal snake flashed its eyes.

For the case of the open sea.

As a general of the Wano Kingdom, he certainly could not fail to understand.

Although there has been no direct contact with Whitebeard, Roger, or Redhead.

But as a character of the same level as Kaido and bigmom, and even above it.

Their horror is evident.

More importantly.

The black charcoal snake still remembers clearly.

Four years ago.

The one who single-handedly entered the General’s Mansion.

The arrogant man who had cut off one of his heads.

That man was also the top man in the sea.

It is even most likely the strongest.

The more important arrogant man was also a member of the Red-haired Pirates.

That’s how it counts.

He only had Kaido and Big Mama on his side.

Look at the other side.

Whitebeard Edward Newgate, One Piece Roger, Red-haired Shanks, plus the arrogant Qi Yu who left an endless shadow in his heart.

The top combat power is directly doubled.


And not only!

The Black Charcoal Serpent thought of the rumors of the day.

Mitsuki Oda, return!

It was the only scar on Kaido’s body that nearly defeated Kaido.

In that case, it’s five against two!!!

The winning margin is approximately equal to zero!!!


Big bad!

The black charcoal snake covered his heart.

I only felt my stomach tumbling.

His face suddenly turned white.

Finally he fell to the ground without a god.


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