The sky gradually darkened, and the moon was high in the sky.

Zhao Feiyan had already left Qin Chuan's house.

Walking on the road, he couldn't help but recall a private conversation between him and Qin Chuan after Qin Chuan asked him to show his main spirit:

"Uncle Zhao, are you and my dad hiding something from me?"

"Forehead......Why do you say that?"

"Forget it, Uncle Zhao, it seems that you won't tell me the truth. I came to see you for another matter."

"What's up?"

"It's about the kid named Burning Bug, but before that, could you please, Uncle Zhao, show me the main Pokémon you carry?"


Trample Trample......Step!

Thinking of this, Zhao Feiyan suddenly stopped and looked back at the gradually dimming light behind him."Qin Chuan, this kid has indeed awakened a special power, but it can be seen that the elf's qualifications......This is really......"

"However, the Burning Bug with perfect qualifications that is ranked above the top qualifications?"Zhao Feiyan stroked the Burning Bug Poké Ball on his waist.

He chuckled and turned around to go home again.

Only a murmur left, which gradually dissipated in the night air:"King of Heaven,......This kid actually made my blood boil with just a few words."

"For now, let me give it a try!"


On the other side,

Qin Chuan was walking side by side with Yan Xiaoxiao along the moonlit street.

Not far behind them, a maglev car was slowly following them.

"Xiaoxiao, this thing shouldn’t be cheap, right?"Qin Chuan turned his head to look at his childhood sweetheart next to him. He was playing with a card shining with stars in his hand.

The front of the card was engraved with the words [Xuankong City - Home of the Elves], and there was a serial number [09] at the back.

Qin Chuan naturally knew this thing.

This was a serial card issued by the main store of the Home of the Elves in Xuankong City.

The Home of the Elves.

This was designated by the Elf Alliance, or it was originally a subordinate organization of the Elf Alliance that specialized in selling elf eggs or young elves.

The Home of the Elves had an official background in the Alliance, so it did a lot of business.

It can be said that it was spread all over the elf world!

And this Home of the Elves in Xuankong City was the head office of the entire Xuankong Elf Domain, and the qualifications of the elves there were completely superior to those of the branches in all other cities under the Elf Domain.

As far as Qin Chuan knew, some people even bought elves with top qualifications from it!

Although such lucky people are rare, compared with Baihua City where Qin Chuan is, you can see how precious it is!

You know, there are only seven elves with top qualifications that are openly disclosed in Baihua City in the past hundred years.......

This is the top qualification on the surface!

If it is cultivated well, there is even a 30% chance of breaking through to the Heavenly King level!

Ranked at the top of the Xuankong Elf Domain!

But things are precious because they are rare. On the other hand, good things must not be too many.

Therefore, the main store of the Elf House in Xuankong City only allows 30 people to enter and select elves every year.

And the proof is the sequence card in Qin Chuan's hand at this time.

This small card is so precious!


Seeing Qin Chuan looking at her with burning eyes, Yan Xiaoxiao blushed immediately, shook her head and said softly,"It's not worth much money. Look, I have another one."

Then, she took out a card with serial number 10 from her small bag, her eyes were bright as the moon, and she smiled and raised it to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan smiled softly and stretched out his hand to rub Yan Xiaoxiao's hair, his eyes full of doting.

He didn't say anything else, but just grabbed the girl's hand and led her to continue walking home.

He will silently remember this friendship in his heart.......


After sending Yan Xiaoxiao back to their family's manor, Qin Chuan refused her invitation to sit in with her, and did not ask their driver to pick him up, but walked directly on the way home.

Not much happened today, but he has always had the habit of summarizing and thinking independently. It has been three months since he traveled through time.

There are some things that Qin Chuan really needs to think about carefully.

Originally, he always thought that he was born into a warm and happy ordinary family: he has a breeder mother who dotes on him unconditionally; a

Pokémon Doctor father who respects any choice he makes; and the many Pokémons in the ranch in the backyard of his own breeding house where he has played since he was a child; and the Pikachu who has been inseparable from him since he was a child.......

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