




As Qin Chuan and Lucario pressed the mechanism together, the entire underground hall was obviously shaken.

Then, accompanied by the sound of the mechanism turning.

The altar in the center of the hall suddenly rotated slowly, and countless strange runes flowed and gathered on it.

Gradually, this altar that was almost three meters high went through a series of combined deformations and finally turned into an octagonal columnar object, suspended in the air.

The fluorescent light on it seemed to converge into a more arc-shaped twisted hole.

When Qin Chuan was hesitating whether to climb up the altar again to take a look.


Suddenly there was a loud noise.

Then, Qin Chuan felt his feet empty, and the whole person fell rapidly downwards along with countless broken stones.

"Oh my god! What's going on?"

Qin Chuan, who had used his levitation ability to hover in the air, turned around and saw that Lucario was also walking on the air, using the Moon Step to catch up with him.

At this time, the abyss had already appeared under their feet.

The stone slabs where they had originally stood had suddenly turned into countless pieces of rubble for some reason, falling into the abyss below.

Bang bang bang bang! Crash!......

After a long time, there was a sound of countless rubble hitting the water.

It seemed that the depth below was connected to an underground river.......But at such a height, especially the sound that took three to five minutes to come, it was enough to prove that if a person or an elf fell down, even if there was water below, it would be difficult to survive!!

"Let's go to the altar and take a look!"

Qin Chuan said, and flew to the altar first, and Lucario also stepped on the ground and ran in the air and jumped onto the altar.

At this time, there was no support around the altar.

In other words, the altar, which had been replaced by an octagonal cylinder, was floating in the air!

"It is because the material affects the magnetic field......Or is it related to the runes on it?"

Qin Chuan half squatted down and gently stroked the ancient and complex runes on the ground.

Having said that, in fact, he himself was more inclined to the second possibility - that is, these runes gave the altar the ability to float!

But unfortunately, he had no research on ancient characters.

Therefore, he could only fly around the altar up and down, left and right, and completely recorded it in his mind with his strong memory.

Then, he came to the altar again and stood at the arc-shaped twisted hole.

The extended mental power of Qin Chuan's immortal soul penetrated his body and sank directly into the hole.

"This is......Space channel?"

After a moment, Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows in doubt, because his mental power found a silver-clad area after passing through a channel of distorted light and shadow.

Although he didn't look closely, he still found some ruins of buildings.......The familiar tall buildings should be areas where human activities once existed.

After retracting his spiritual power, Qin Chuan cautiously reached out to touch and sense it, and confirmed that the cave entrance was indeed densely covered with space power.

"It seems that this is indeed a space channel."

"Not sure exactly where it will be sent to?"

"However, the silver-clad, snow-covered building style that I had seen at a quick glance before......It should be the Xuanbing Domain, no doubt about it!"

"In this way, even if we can't return through the space channel, it won't be difficult to return to Xuankong Domain with me and Lucario!"

Qin Chuan has always been a cautious person.

Although he is not lacking in adventurous spirit, it is not his style to recklessly put himself in danger!

"Come back first, Lucario." Qin Chuan put Lucario back into the Poké Ball, took a deep breath, tapped his toes lightly, and left a miniature sun pattern on the ground.

Then he plunged into the light circle. As soon as he entered, Qin Chuan felt a strong dizziness like a rapid displacement.

He was very familiar with this feeling.......When I had not yet mastered the power of space, I would feel dizzy for a short time when I transferred space.

Qin Chuan guessed that this was probably the movement between the spatial phases, which caused a perceptual confusion similar to motion sickness.

In simple terms, the speed of space crossing was too fast, exceeding the speed of your body's perception of the external environment.

It made you feel confused and overwhelmed!

"It should be here soon......."Based on my understanding of space, it shouldn't take long to cross two adjacent elf domains, right?"

In the space corridor, Qin Chuan calculated while suppressing the severe dizziness.

At this moment, he already felt something was wrong, but the space channel could only go forward and not backward.

Using the power of space would not affect it. If he used the power of space recklessly without being familiar with the space coordinates, he might be thrown there!

Now the only thing Qin Chuan was thankful for was that he was cautious enough!

Before entering the space corridor, he left a space coordinate on the stone platform of the altar in advance!

It was the small sun pattern!

In fact, such space coordinates had been left along the way for at least ten times when he stepped into the Bluestone Mountains!

Now it seems that everything should be left for yourself.......A way out.

It was indeed the right thing to do.......

Thinking like this,

Qin Chuan, feeling a little relieved, calmed down and let the invisible force in the space channel carry him forward.

After about ten minutes, he finally approached the space exit that his mental power sensed at that time.

With a faint smile, Qin Chuan prepared to enter the area vaguely covered in silver and prepare for a new journey.......


But just when Qin Chuan's body just touched the 'hole', the silver-clad scenery was pierced by him like a mirage!

Qin Chuan suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked back, only to see that the curtain that looked like a virtual interface had been left behind by him.

Gradually, it became a dream bubble.......

"Holy shit! Space phantom? Who the hell set this up?......"Qin Chuan gnashed his teeth, but before he could finish his words, he felt his body, which was still moving forward, suddenly fall into a large elastic plastic net.

This black net seemed to be made up of countless letters and symbols, wrapping Qin Chuan in it like a fish.

Before Qin Chuan was ready to resist, the next second, he disappeared directly into the space corridor with a"whoosh" sound!

Qin Chuan himself only had time to leave behind a gentle and easy-going curse:

"Damn it! I was tricked!!!!!"

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