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"It's a pity. Although your qualifications may not be outstanding among the Ultimate Beasts, you have reached the peak combat power of the Titled Heavenly King after all.......What a pity, what a pity, in this time and space I cannot subdue the legendary elves and the ultimate beasts."

Jumping off the blood-winged dragon, Qin Chuan walked to the deep pit created by the Exploding Muscle Mosquito and shook his head with some regret.

The Exploding Muscle Mosquito was obviously very miserable at this time.

Half of its four legs were broken, and its two strong arms were twisted on both sides of its body.

Even the hardest kiss thorns on its body were worn flat at the tip!

It was surrounded by green smoke, and it seemed that it would not live long just by looking at this appearance.

But Qin Chuan knew.

The vitality of these ultimate beasts is terrifying. Such an injury can only be regarded as taking away half of its life. It can recover as soon as it survives for a few days.

Thinking of this, Qin Chuan took out a high-tech device from the system space without any slowness.���Bracelet.

After putting it on his hand, he closed his eyes and adjusted it, then gently pushed it towards the air in front of him.


The next second.

A purple hole with colorful optical fibers on the edge appeared in the void.

Qin Chuan, who was dragging the Explosive Muscle Mosquito by one leg and was about to throw it in, suddenly seemed to remember something and asked:"System, if I kill this Explosive Muscle Mosquito, will it affect my completion of the mission?"

【Ding, calculating......If you don't take it out of this space and time, there will be no impact】

"Can I just not carry it out of this time and space? I understand."

Qin Chuan chuckled and picked up one of the legs of the explosive mosquito, throwing it directly towards the cave entrance, and shouted in a deep voice:"Blood Wing Flying Dragon!"


The blood-winged dragon immediately flapped its wings and flew up. From its mouth, a small magic circle was spit out, and it instantly expanded to a diameter of three meters.

Then, a turbulent green particle stream gushed out like a stormy sea!


Qin Chuan had already turned around and held the brim of his hat with his hand, letting the strong wind blow from behind.

"Well, very good, it seems that one has been solved."

Looking at the red dot closest to him on the Ultimate Breath Detector in his hand slowly dissipating, Qin Chuan nodded with satisfaction and put the Ultimate Breath Detector, which looked like a large pocket watch, into his arms.

Then, he reached out and lightly pressed the green button on the bracelet.

‘With a beep, the empty Ultimate Hole behind him closed immediately.

"Qinchuan brother~~~!"

"Woo wow wow wow......"

Just when Qin Chuan was about to rush back, Yu Li rolled down from the tricycle with tears on her face.

Then she hugged Qin Chuan's thighs and wailed as if her mother had died. The crying was so miserable that anyone who heard it would cry.......

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay."

He rubbed the little golden retriever and comforted it with a confused expression, looking up at the Qianhu who was walking over and asked,"Little Qianhu, what happened to her?"


Qianhu scratched his cheek awkwardly, and after a while, Ai Ai hesitated before telling him the general story.

Qin Chuan was a little amused when he heard that Yuli was crying so miserably because she had sworn that she could no longer eat the pork rib soup she made.

At lunch, in order to comfort the little golden retriever's injured heart,

Qin Chuan specially showed his skills and made a bowl of fragrant winter bamboo shoots and old hen soup.

Yuli, who had a special love for soup, was immediately addicted and forgot about the pork rib soup.......


In the following month,

Qin Chuan took the two little girls to the fertile but hard-to-find Carlos continent, constantly searching for the Ultimate Beasts, defeating them one by one, and expelling them back to the Ultimate Space.

Qianhu and Yuli also went from being cautious at the beginning to now enthusiastically discussing how long the next Ultimate Beast can resist.

Little Qianhu would also draw the shape of each Ultimate Beast every night, annotating various data and information obtained by asking Qin Chuan. Of course , Qin Chuan's heroic deeds in fighting and driving away the Ultimate Beasts are also indispensable......


"Brother Qinchuan, it went to the left again!"

"All right! Hold on tight!"

A few days later, in an abandoned city in the evening, at the reminder of Qianhu who was holding the Ultimate Breath Detector in his hand, Qin Chuan slapped the blood-winged flying dragon under him, controlled it to turn sideways almost 90 degrees, and continued to move towards the slender white figure in front.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh!"

At this dangerous angle, not only Qin Chuan turned a blind eye, but even the two little guys in his arms looked indifferent.

Even the little golden retriever Yuli was twisting around in excitement.

""Okay, don't move! I've been chasing this guy for three days. I must send it back to the Ultimate Cave today!"

Qin Chuan patted Yuli's little head and stared at the Feromei Mantis in front of him. To be honest, this guy can really run, and his speed is amazing.

With a level of 'only' the peak of the titled king, he managed to keep Qin Chuan and the Blood Wing Dragon away for three whole days!

【Elf: Pheromone】

【Attributes: Insect/Grid】

【Gender: No gender】

【Features: Monster Enhancement】

【Qualification: King level】

【Level: Titled King Peak】

【Common skills: Butterfly Dance, Feather Perch, Kick Down, Quick Defense, High-Speed Spin, Stare, Double Kick, High-Speed Star, Stomp, Silver Cyclone, Bounce, Flying Kick, Triple Kick, One Step Ahead.....】

【[Inherited Skills: Speed Swap, High-Speed Movement]

However, this time, we absolutely cannot let it get away!

Because after dealing with this guy, there is still one last super troublesome big guy to deal with!

I don't have time to play hide-and-seek with you here!

Qin Chuan's eyes flashed fiercely, and he shouted:"Now, Blood Wing Flying Dragon!!"

With an order, the Blood Wing Flying Dragon suddenly retracted its wings and fell straight to the ground, disappearing in the city streets in the blink of an eye.

"Woo sauce~?"

The pheromone stopped, tilted its head in confusion and looked back.

But just as it turned around, a low groan suddenly came from behind her:"Hey! Checkmate the pheromone!"


Then a huge force hit her waist and abdomen, pouring the pheromone back to the floor below!

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