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The Evil Food King once again let out a strange roar that was not like a human voice.

It did not get up from the ground. It used its claws to protect the small head on top of its head. It put its only tongue into its big mouth and curled up its whole body.

It rolled on the ground and spun towards Lucario and Pheromone on the ground!

Although the Evil Food King was huge and not very flexible, it rolled on the ground with a sense of feeling! It even rolled with momentum!

Its speed was not slow at all.

Like a rapidly spinning top, it stirred the surrounding soil and trees to fly all over the sky, and it came to the two Pokémons in the blink of an eye like a rotten wood!

But unfortunately, Lucario and Pheromone were not so easy to hit.

Lucario, who had attached two physical skills masters in a row, had already left most Pokémons, even the phantom beasts, behind in terms of footwork and speed!

Apart from other things, he had already mastered the shaving style, one of the six styles.

In a short-range close combat, it was like teleportation!

Not to mention the Pheromone.

She is an ultimate beast known for her swiftness and agility!

Think about the effort Qin Chuan spent to catch her.......Escape, sneak into Chencang, make a feint to the east and attack in the west......Qin Chuan didn't use any of the thirty strategies! He even used the beauty strategy in the end!

Otherwise, who knows how many laps Feromei Mantis would have to take advantage of his speed to make him walk around the Kalos continent!



Almost at the moment when the Evil Food King rolled close to them, they disappeared from the spot! They directly avoided the Evil Food King's crazy rolling trick!

Even Feromei Mantis, who was deliberately showing off, didn't retreat far at all, and almost brushed past the Evil Food King who rolled over!

After the Evil Food King pounced on nothing.

Feromei Mantis made a sharp turn and jumped up, stretched out her hand and lightly tapped her mouth, pulling out a pink bubble and changing it into a heart shape in mid-air.

Then she stretched out her hand and pulled it like drawing a bow.

Soso whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Countless pink arrows emerged from the heart bubble, cutting through the void, and chasing after the Evil Food King who was rolling away!

The sharp arrows crossed the sky and instantly caught up with the huge body of the Evil Food King!

Snap! Crack!

It hit the small bat-like wing on the side of its body!

Under the almost regular power of the sweet fruit, it was instantly petrified and shattered!


A violent cry of pain sounded again!

The rapidly rotating body of the Evil Food King trembled slightly, and the speed suddenly decreased!

Good opportunity!

Qin Chuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he ordered in succession:"Lucario, make it turn! Deterrence and anesthesia! Fist bone meteor! Use strength!"

Then, he slapped the blood-winged flying dragon and waved"Use Dragon Dive!"


Lucario is worthy of Qin Chuan's tactical master. He understood the idea of Qin Chuan's command in just an instant!

After a flash, he appeared in front of the rolling Evil Food King.

Calmly watching the Evil Food King roaring excitedly, when he was less than three meters away from him, facing the wind pressure that was coming in his face, he instantly crossed his fingers and stabbed his shoulders!

Deterrence and anesthesia·Giant!


Like a loud heartbeat in his ears, Lucario's body, which was less than two meters tall, suddenly swelled, especially his arms, which were like the arms of a ten-meter giant!

The gigantic Lucario burst out with a strong and brutal aura of a predator.

Even a ferocious Ultimate Beast like the Evil Food King couldn't help but feel a moment of fear in his heart!

It was as if he was placed on a huge dining table.

A huge humanoid wolf, at least dozens of times his size, was holding a knife and fork, ready to enjoy him!


The Evil Food King's body trembled, and even his rotation was a little stagnant.


At this moment, the giant Lucario grabbed the curled up Evil Food King. The muscles and bones of his whole body burst!

The black muscles of his arms, as black as gold and iron, rolled and undulated like a python!

Fist Bone Meteor·Modified·Flowing Sakura Power!


The air suddenly became quiet, and then a strange sound accompanied by surging air pressure rushed in all directions!

And the Evil Food King, who was held on both sides by Lucario like a"ball" at the center, was also spread all over his body by a kind of hard and soft power that seemed to hit the bull across the mountain!

It shook like a boomerang!

The Evil Food King was stunned by this series of attacks, and even his big mouth opened unconsciously.

The only remaining tongue was thrown out, waving weakly in the air like an arm.


At this time, the blood-winged flying dragon, which was wrapped in a black shadow aura and a layer of bright blue energy, swooped down from the air!

It approached the black tongue that seemed to be shaking unconsciously in the air!

""Go! Holy Sword Graydarfa!"

With Qin Chuan's sudden command, the figure of the Blood Wing Flying Dragon in a hurry lit up a golden magic circle from the red reverse angle blade on its head!

The magic circle went down from the tip of the reverse angle blade, and in the blink of an eye, it turned it golden!

The next second!

A sky-high golden air blade burst out from the top of the Blood Wing Flying Dragon's head!

The speed of the Blood Wing Flying Dragon increased by another 30%, and it slashed towards the tongue of the Evil Food King like a stream of light!

However, just when the golden air blade on the top of the Blood Wing Flying Dragon was about to hit the target, the little head on the top of the Evil Food King, which seemed to be in a state of confusion, struggled to open an eye!


The black tongue that looked like a carnivorous plant suddenly turned upside down!

It opened its huge clamp-like mouth and bit the Blood Wing Flying Dragon that flew under it!

"I've been waiting for you, King of Evil Food! You're going to keep this split tongue! Go back!"

Qin Chuan's body shook, and he transformed into a big snake at a hair-raising speed. The next second, he appeared under the jaws of the split tongue!

Pulling his arm back, he put his index and middle fingers together like���

Gently move forward, point forward, and quietly wait for the evil food king's split tongue to attack.


The Evil Food King became even more angry when he saw this! A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and after a roar, his strength became even more turbulent, and the jaws of the claws carried a terrifying power and slammed into Qin Chuan's fingers fiercely!


The strange thing was that there was not the slightest violent collision sound at the moment of contact between the two sides, but the jaws of the claws stopped in the air very strangely at the moment of contact with the fingers.

It seemed to be fixed!

Then, an arc-shaped semicircular thin sheet appeared at the tip of Qin Chuan's finger, and it broke in an instant!

At this moment, multiple forces hit back from the void to the jaws of the Evil Food King's split tongue, knocking it back directly, and it was thrown straight in the air!


The blood-winged flying dragon with a light blade also passed by at this moment!

Cut off the second split tongue of the Evil Food King!


The evil food king's shrill roar rang out, and green, sticky, corrosive liquid splashed in the air.

But this could not change its powerlessness in front of Qin Chuan!

Boom, boom, boom!

The heavy sound of running suddenly came from a distance, and at the same time, Bolkanian's heavy voice followed closely behind.

"Qin Chuan boy, I'm back!!"

----------- ps: I wish everyone and myself a happy holiday. After all, everyone is a baby, right? ( ̄3 ̄)

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