Obviously the same [Sand of Time], but when it flows down, it is clearly divided into two parts. After the two parts of [Sand of Time] are poured on the Poké Ball, the virtual images of the Bloodwing Dragon and the Master Ball appear in the void, floating on the left and right sides of the air.


The phantom of the Bloodwing Dragon made a silent roar, and then directly sank into the phantom of the Poké Ball on the other side.


Qin Chuan grabbed the Master Ball that was gradually becoming clearer and finally solidified.

Then he put it in the small box with some emotion, and after covering it layer by layer, he sighed:"Is this the beginning or the end of everything? Or is it just the never-ending Mobius Ring......"

While Qin Chuan was thinking about this, the unknown totem Xiao C floated in front of him and started to twist.


Qin Chuan suddenly sighed, and said helplessly:"I know, I know! Can you stop urging me?"

He slapped the unknown totem Xiao C away from his eyes again, walked to the opposite wall and stood still, and took out the fragments of the two Death Boards from the system space.

While splicing them into the grooves of the wall, he complained:"I was wondering why there was no reward after beating these two Death Boards?"

"After all this time, it turns out that it was all fake? Did Lucario and I fight against two stone slabs?"

"" Smash!"

After putting the two pieces of the 'Death Plate' together, Qin Chuan took two steps back and took out the last two pieces of [Sand of Time] and threw them up.

In an instant, two illusory soul bodies completely connected the stone plates, and the snake-shaped pattern on the 'Death Plate' suddenly lit up, but then slowly went out.......



Qin Chuan clapped his hands and exhaled slowly as if he had finished a big project.

But before he could appreciate this"masterpiece" completed by his own hands twice, the unknown totem Xiao C, who was no different from a debt collector, was about to fly in front of him again.

But this time Qin Chuan took the initiative to take the first step. Of course, he did not forget to catch this guy and throw it behind him.

After Qin Chuan jumped onto the altar, he saw the familiar small stone slab.

But now there is nothing on this stone slab, and the smooth surface seems to be waiting for someone to carve it.

"Isn't this person me?"

While speaking, Qin Chuan's movements were not slow. His fingers, which were densely covered with space power, moved smoothly and drew a man with a sun pattern on his chest.

After doing all this, Qin Chuan had no time to sigh.

The whole hall suddenly became illusory like a mirage, and then shrank into a singularity, piercing through the space.

After a while, a familiar figure was squeezed out of the void like toothpaste.

Then it floated to the back of Qin Chuan's left hand in a daze and stuck to it.

"You guy......"

Qin Chuan was about to raise his hand to say something to the unknown totem Xiao C that was attached to him.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded:

【Ding, complete the plot mission - the second cycle of time and space - a gift for the past (future)】

【The second ring is completed, triggering the third ring mission - meeting again across time and space】

"Third Ring......It looks like it's time for me to leave."

Looking at the third ring of tasks prompted by the system and feeling the pulling sensation of spatial dislocation coming from him, Qin Chuan knew that it was time to say goodbye.......

"......Ha, let's go, Majiyana. I'll cook for you today and make you a midnight snack. Let's have a bonfire party!"

After two seconds of silence, Qin Chuan smiled and pulled Majiyana, who was waiting obediently, and walked towards the inner lake of the Nibel Plateau, facing the setting sun that was gradually setting over the mountains.

That place is where everyone is.......

Midnight snack.

Everyone enjoyed the meal.

With Yuli, the little happy fruit, there was constant laughter.

After the bonfire party, Bolkanian approached Qin Chuan and said in a low voice:"Boy, are you leaving now?"

"Oh? How did you figure that out?"

Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows, put his arms behind his head, stared at the starry night sky, and asked without turning back.

"......Humph! After all, I am also a fantasy beast that has lived for many years. Don't think I can't see the time and space fluctuations that are constantly emanating from you!" It took a long time for Porkanian to suppress the throbbing in his heart, and he said in the same tone as always:"And if you want to leave, leave quickly! Be careful that you can't suppress the backlash of time and space, and you will die miserably, little ghost!"

"Bolkanian, you are indeed well-informed, but I didn't intend to hide it from you."

"And you don't have to worry, I've asked the two little ones to prepare."

"No matter what, we should give them time to say goodbye to each other."

"But my old friend is leaving, why are you still speaking in such an awkward tone?"

"Aren't you afraid that I'll be sad?"

Qin Chuan stretched out a hand and waved it casually in the air, creating a series of ripples, and said jokingly in a leisurely manner.


Bolkanian opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Qin Chuan did not speak at this time.

The air gradually became quiet, and a faint sadness spread between the two.

Not long after, Qianhu and Yuli, with tears on their faces, also came to Qin Chuan surrounded by many elves from the Nibel Plateau.

Especially the little golden hair, whose face was wrinkled into a ball at this time, and he couldn't stop sobbing and sobbing.

Although they had decided to go with Brother Qin Chuan, they were still reluctant to leave these good friends they made on the Nibel Plateau. friend.

Magearna did not show up.

At this time, she was hiding alone in the cave behind Porcanion, curled up into a ball.

Qin Chuan knew that this was a sign of Magearna's sadness.

He had no way to deal with this.

The rules of time and space could not allow him to take Magearna away.

And even if Magearna was disassembled, it might not work. The rules of time and space are not so easy to fool.

What's more, Magearna may not be willing to give up everything and go with him.

Because here is her original friend Porcanion.

She can't abandon the elves on the Nibel Plateau either.......


Qin Chuan suddenly heard a sound like a tape jamming. Then, his body began to shake like snowflakes on the screen.


Qin Chuan barely suppressed the pulling feeling brought by the time and space, but still couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

"Brother Qinchuan, what's wrong with you?"

"Qin Qin Qin......Brother Qin Chuan, are you okay?"

Qian Hu and Yu Li were so frightened by the sudden change that they trembled, and Bolkenian also stood up suddenly and issued a final ultimatum:"Qin Chuan! Your health can't be delayed any longer!"


Qin Chuan gently swallowed the fishy taste in his mouth, shrugged and said:"It seems that this is right."

He waved his hand and sent the two little ones into the two [Time and Space Crystals] in the system space to be sealed.

"Well, everyone, it's time to say goodbye. Yuli and I have been very happy during this period, so thank you for your care."Qin Chuan bowed slightly to Bolkanian and the others.

Then he stood up and said,"I have always believed that parting is for the next meeting. Goodbye, Bolkanian, Magyana, and everyone."

"I look forward to meeting you all again. Next time, let's hold a bonfire party."

The overflowing white light gradually covered Qin Chuan's whole body. After leaving a faint smile to all the elves, Qin Chuan disappeared from this world.

"This guy......"

Polkaneen tried hard to hold back the steam rising from his face and raised his head high to prevent it from falling.~~~Bang!

At some point, Magearna, who was standing behind Bolkanian, raised her arm and released a pink beam of light into the sky. After the beam exploded, Qin Chuan's gentle smile appeared in the night sky, illuminating the faces of all the elves on the Nibel Plateau.......

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