Qin Chuan looked away. Although his eyes were cold, he stood still facing the fist. He had no intention of dodging or taking out the elves to fight back.

Because he knew that other people and elves had already taken action.


A master weasel suddenly rushed in front of Qin Chuan, waving the long hair on his hand, and first used a slap to easily block the spiked arm of the Mengge cactus.

Then he took advantage of the victory and stretched out his palm to hit the open belly of the Mengge cactus, knocking it away directly.

Qin Chuan could see that it was a power skill!

"You are so brave, the boy from the Aoki family, you dare to cause trouble on my territory? And you have committed the serious crime of instructing elves to attack humans!"A cold voice sounded.

Along with this cold voice came a dashing woman with an explosive figure.

She had neat short hair, a black long-sleeved tight top with a pair of navy blue denim shorts.

She looked hot and cold.

Qin Chuan knew the name of this woman, or almost everyone present could call out the name of this woman.


This is a celebrity figure who is almost a household name in the Xuankong Elf Domain.

Because she is the woman who has won the Xuankong Domain Elf League Championship for three consecutive years!

It should be known that there are two types of Elf League Competitions held in the Xuankong Domain.

The first type is also called the Tianjiao Competition because it is limited to trainers under the age of 25.

As for the second type, there is no age limit, and everyone can participate. The real Xuankong Conference is held only once every five years.

Only the players who have entered the top 32 of the Tianjiao Competition over the years are eligible to participate in this competition.

And because the champion of this competition has the right to challenge the current four kings of the alliance, the Xuankong Conference is also called the King Challenge!

Anna is naturally the first type, because the last King Challenge was held four years ago, and at that time, she was just a newcomer who had just entered the university campus.

She has never participated in any competitions, so she is not even qualified to participate in the Xuankong Conference.

But Anna can win the championship three times in a row in the Tianjiao Competition, which brings together young strong men from all over the Xuankong Elf Domain. This woman is naturally extraordinary.

This can be seen from this well-trained master weasel.

【Name: Master Itachi】

【Attribute: Fighting】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Mental strength】

【Qualification: Top】

【Level: Nine-star peak】

【General skills: Resurrection, Slap, Yoga Pose, See Through, Continuous Slap, High-speed Star, Power, Qi Bomb, Shadow Clone】

【Genetic Skill: Awakening Power】

"The level has reached the peak of nine stars, and it is only one step away from the elite level. It's amazing!"Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

As far as he knew, Anna was only 22 years old this year, and she had only been a trainer for less than four years.

Moreover, if Qin Chuan remembered correctly, this Master Itachi was not her initial Pokémon. Anna's initial Pokémon only appeared at the first Tianjiao Conference.

It seemed to be a strong chicken.......It should have evolved into a flame chicken by now.

In other words, Anna may have already entered the door of the elite level! At the age of only 22!

Elite trainer.

It can already become a gym trainer in a city.

This is an achievement and pursuit that many trainers can hardly achieve in their lifetime. It is worthy of being the number one prodigy in the Xuankong Elf Domain!

""Ge Meng!"

The Mengge cactus screamed in pain after being knocked out, but still insisted on getting up and blocking its master Qing Muyuan.

However, it had already felt the huge gap between itself and its master Itachi, so it naturally dared not step forward.

Master Itachi glanced at Mengge cactus casually, his eyes full of warning, and obviously did not take Mengge cactus seriously.

Anna walked between the two of them, first looked at Qin Chuan with interest, her eyes full of interest.

She almost saw everything that happened just now. She also guessed the conflict between the two.

"only......The look in this handsome boy's eyes was so calm, so calm that even when facing the sudden attack from Mengge Cactus, his expression did not change at all!"

"There was not even a subconscious thought of pulling out the Poké Ball to fight back.......Interesting!"

Anna retracted her thoughts and swept her eyes over Qin Chuan, looking down at Qing Muyuan who was still lying on the ground and unable to get up.

"What? Aoki family kid, you don't think you can get away with it by lying on the ground and pretending to be a fool, do you?"Anna sneered,"Instructing Pokémon to attack humans, it seems that you want to be revoked of your qualification as a trainer?"

"I don't dare!"

Aokihara, who was always domineering, didn't even dare to talk back. Not only did he struggle to get up, but he also took the Dream Song Cactus back into the Poké Ball. He was so well-behaved!

There was no other way. Even though the Aokihara family was quite powerful and controlled most of the power of a second-tier city, the family also had a king-level trainer in charge.

But he couldn't afford to offend Anna, not only himself!

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