At this point, the young clerk asked another question as usual:"You should all have empty Poké Balls prepared, right?"

After everyone nodded in confirmation, the clerk made a please gesture, stepped back two steps, and stopped talking.

The one holding sequence card number one was a cute girl with a soft face.

She looked young and should be a senior high school student who will graduate this year, just like Qin Chuan and Yan Xiaoxiao.

Qin Chuan just glanced at her and then looked away.

He didn't pay attention to this pretty little girl.

This made Yan Xiaoxiao, who had been paying attention to Qin Chuan's every move, pursed her lips and her mood couldn't help but improve.


At this time, after the cute girl with the No. 1 serial card entered the incubator, many trainers with serial numbers behind them could no longer suppress their curiosity and lay outside the glass cover to look into the incubator.

Some familiar people would gather together and whisper from time to time, discussing and guessing about the dragon-type quasi-god Pokémon egg.

Qin Chuan also pulled Yan Xiaoxiao's Rouyi closer.

Near the glass window of the incubator, Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a faint digital light flashed, and his eyes swept over these Pokémon eggs one by one.

The Pokémon in the Pokémon eggs selected by the Pokémon Alliance for cultivation are indeed guaranteed in terms of qualifications. They are all Pokémon with excellent qualifications or above.

And the race is also very good, either like the three starter Pokémons such as Chrysanthemum, Squirtle, and Charmeleon, or Pokémon species with very outstanding race values such as Rhinoceros and Charmeleon.

However, after looking at the thirty Pokémon eggs cultivated by the Alliance, Qin Chuan did not see any Pokémon that made him very excited.

The only two with decent qualifications were a Fire-type Litten and a Screw with amazing physical attack after evolution.

Both of them had reached the rare level.

At this time, the first cute girl who entered had already made a choice. Coincidentally, she chose one of the only two rare-level Pokémon that Qin Chuan had observed, which was Litten. As she pressed the button, the Pokémon egg in the incubator rose, and under the soft white light, a kitten-type Pokémon with black fur and red stripes appeared in front of everyone.

""Ah, it's Litten!"

The cute girl was obviously very happy, and she put the hatched Litten on her face and rubbed it vigorously.

It was not until the staff reminded her that she put the Litten, who was sucked dizzy, into the Poké Ball and ran out happily.


Because the Pokémon eggs cultivated by the alliance were not satisfactory, or in other words, to Qin Chuan, who had a very high vision, they were not satisfactory.

So he turned his head and looked at the group of Pokémon eggs in the wild area on the other side.

【Rattata's Pokémon Egg, Qualification: Normal】

【Caterpillar's Elf Egg, Qualification: Ordinary】

【Magikarp's Elf Egg, Qualification: Ordinary】

【Mosquito Repellent Tadpole Elf Egg, Qualification: Ordinary】

【Scyther's Egg, Qualification: Ordinary】


After looking at more than a dozen elf eggs, not a single one was above average.

Qin Chuan even saw an elf with defective qualifications.

This refreshed his lower limit of elf qualifications:

【Bulbasaur's Pokémon Egg, Qualification: Flaw (Bulbasaur with congenital deficiencies cannot even evolve or advance, which is a congenital disability of Pokémon)】

However, Qin Chuan was not too discouraged.

After all, at least the Dragon Quasi-God had not appeared yet.

He had just checked that the batch of Pokémon eggs prepared by the Alliance did not contain the Dragon Quasi-God that the clerk had mentioned before.

The possibility that the clerk of the Pokémon House was lying was ruled out.

The Dragon Quasi-God must be among these wild Pokémon eggs.

Qin Chuan continued to observe patiently until he saw the second to last egg, when he finally found this Pokémon egg of the Dragon Quasi-God that was hidden quite deeply:

【[Slimy Pokémon's Elf Egg, Qualification: Top]

Slimy Pokémon with top qualifications!

Although in the previous life, it was once nicknamed the shame of the quasi-god by netizens because of its pure dragon type.

But in Qin Chuan's opinion, the finally evolved Slimy Melu Dragon, with its excellent special defense and good special skills, can fully serve as the special attacker and single-blade tank in the team.

However, Qin Chuan is not going to subdue this dragon-type quasi-god Slimy Pokémon.

Instead, he decided to leave it to Yan Xiaoxiao.

The reason for making this decision is not that Qin Chuan's vision is really so high that he can't even look down on the dragon-type quasi-god.

It's really that the inconspicuous blue water cloud pattern elf egg in the corner attracted his attention too much!

【Frog's Pokémon Egg, Qualification: King (a natural king of the race, with the ultimate qualification that may only be born in one of the entire Pokémon race!)


Frog with the qualification of a king!

Qin Chuan's breathing was a little heavy, and the eagerness in his eyes almost burst out.

You know, the Pokémon with the top qualification in his hand is Lucario, which is the same as Frog, with the qualification of a king.

However, Lucario not only has the addition of a silver character card, but also took the atavism pill rewarded by the system, which is why he has the qualification of the king of the race.

But this Frog is different, it is a natural king!

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