Qin Chuan's pace was neither hurried nor slow.

Anyone walking on this flower-filled forest path would feel relaxed and happy, and would unconsciously walk down the path.

"Sister Xiaolan, Sister Meijuan."

After entering the store of Yatu Breeding House, Qin Chuan looked around and found that his mother Ye Qingya was not there. He was not surprised, but smiled and greeted the two busy shop assistants.

The two shop assistants were women in their late thirties, with average looks, and they had worked in this store for five or six years.

Naturally, they were very familiar with Qin Chuan, the child of the boss.

After hearing Qin Chuan's voice, they smiled and greeted him:

"Hey, is Xiaochuan back? Have you had breakfast?"

"You are here to see Manager Ye, right? She is in the backyard, teaching the new employee how to take care of Hu Hu."

"Yes, I've already eaten. I understand. Thank you, Sister Xiaolan and Sister Meijuan."

Qin Chuan responded to the two with a smile. After nodding, he walked towards the inner courtyard behind the store. As he walked, he wondered in his heart: New clerk? Why don't I remember that my family needs to recruit people?

You know, Qin Chuan's mother's breeding house is not busy on weekdays.

And in addition to his mother Ye Qingya, the store has maintained a staff of six clerks working in three shifts for several years.

Why are they suddenly recruiting again?

With such doubts, Qin Chuan walked to the backyard in two or three steps and shouted,"Mom, I'm back! By the way, I heard that the store is recruiting again......Yeah......"

Looking at this familiar guy in front of him, with a hunched back and a forced smile on his face, Qin Chuan's mouth twitched.

"......It turned out to be you, Han Haodong, how did you come to my breeding house?"

Qin Chuan looked up and down at Han Haodong, who was covered with various jams and juices, with a strange look on his face.

At this time, he didn't look like the eldest young master of the Green Ridge Han family at all.

He was in a mess.

It was obvious that he was not doing well at all when taking care of Hu Hu, the pet he raised at home.

"I am working and studying, hehe, working and studying!"

Han Haodong said with a smile on his face.

Working and studying?

Qin Chuan's face twitched again.

Are you kidding me?

You are the only child of the titled Heavenly King family, the eldest son of the Green Ridge Han family, and you went to work and study in a breeding house in Baihua City, a third-tier small city among third-tier cities?

Such a lame excuse, do you think I am stupid or are you stupid yourself?

Qin Chuan rolled his eyes helplessly, but in fact, the moment he saw this guy Han Haodong, his brain began to work rapidly.

Qin Chuan, who inherited the brain of his predecessor, the God of Learning, is naturally not a fool. On the contrary, he possesses quite good wisdom.

What's more, the soul of the great snake has greatly strengthened his will and thinking. It makes him even more powerful!

So in just a breath, Qin Chuan had roughly guessed the purpose of Han Haodong's coming here......And it’s almost accurate!

"Did you get some information about me from that woman named Anna?"

"Come find me......Is it for his strong-jawed chicken worm?"

Qin Chuan pondered for a moment.

Because he knew exactly what Han Haodong wanted.

And the only one who knew that he had this ability was Anna, a woman who had experienced it firsthand.

So it was not difficult to guess.

However, his countermeasures did not matter, because he absolutely believed in Anna, and believed that a shrewd woman like Anna would be able to know what to say and what not to say.

What's more, as one of the eight heroes with whom he had a soul-blood bond, Anna would never do anything that would harm herself!

Thinking of this, Qin Chuan raised his head and looked at Han Haodong's eyes with interest. The pair of clear and dark eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, causing Han Haodong to unconsciously shift his gaze away.

Although he knew what was going on, Qin Chuan had no intention of exposing him.

He smiled. He stepped forward.

Gently patted Han Haodong's left shoulder that was not stained with juice, and encouraged softly:"Work-study is indeed a good thing. You should work hard here. I believe my mother will not treat you badly."

"Right, mom?"

"Well, since Xiao Han is a friend that Xiao Chuan knows, then Auntie will definitely not treat you unfairly. Work hard and I will give you a raise."

Ye Qingya also said with a smile on her face, her eyes full of satisfaction.

Although her son is very outstanding, he has not had a real friend for more than ten years since he was a child, except for Yan Xiaoxiao who has been following Qin Chuan like a follower since he was a child.

This time, a friend he met outside finally appeared, which is simply a breakthrough from zero!

Therefore, Ye Qingya secretly decided to teach this young man named Han Haodong various work skills in cultivating elves.

In addition to extracting juice from the back shell of the pot, he also has to learn one by one such tasks as shearing the wool of the Meely sheep, milking the big milk can, and collecting the silk of the caterpillar.

I believe that after mastering so many skills, this"work-study" child will have an easier life in society in the future.......

Ye Qingya's face showed a relieved smile


After reporting to his mother Ye Qingya,

Qin Chuan left the Alakazam that his father Qin Hetu had in the store.

After all, he had many secrets.

He was not used to having an"outsider" eye around him.

Even if it was his father's elf partner, it was the same.


Qin Chuan completely ignored Han Haodong's eager eyes, said goodbye to his mother, and walked out of his own breeding house.

There are still more than 20 days to the Elf High School Trial Assessment.

And one week before the exam, you need to go to school to register your identity and the elves you carry.

In other words, you will only have about ten days of free time.

For Qin Chuan now, passing the Elf High School Trial Assessment is simply a simple matter.

It's a piece of cake!

The only thing he needs to consider is how to accurately control his elves so that the strength they show will not be too shocking.

Thinking of this���Qin Chuan couldn't help but chuckled with some emotion and said,"Haha, I really didn't expect that in just a few days, my mentality has changed so drastically."

"Forget it. The Pokémon College Entrance Examination is a piece of cake for me now. I might as well use the time to train that lazy Pikachu!"

"Furthermore, the silver additional card of Senju Tobirama is also just right for Frogger, as well as Deoxys' core......."

Beep, beep!

Qin Chuan was just thinking about the training plan for his elves when suddenly a ring rang, interrupting his thoughts.

Retracting his thoughts, Qin Chuan took out his communicator and saw the head portrait of his class teacher, Mr. Zhang.

Without any hesitation, Qin Chuan answered the call directly.

"Hello, Teacher Zhang, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yes, Qin Chuan, I am here to inform you about the changes in the Elf High School entrance examination."

"You say"

"I just received the notice too."

At this point, Mr. Zhang paused, as if he was thinking about how to phrase it.

After a moment, his deep voice continued:"First of all, the date of this year's college entrance examination has been moved forward. It has been confirmed to be June 5, which is seven days later."

"In addition, all students who chose the Elf Battle Course were disqualified from being admitted, and the examinations were supervised by investigators sent by the alliance."

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