
Everyone was dumbfounded.

Such a scene was beyond their expectations.

Or rather, they dared not even think about it!

Although Qing Mujun looked a little ugly, he was a genuine King-level trainer!

Although the King-level of the Qing Mu family was known to be weak.

It can even be said that the King-level Pokémon trained by the Qing Mu family's Life-burning Training Method was not only weak enough to lower the level of the King-level, but also could not sustain even a slightly more intense confrontation.......

But! No matter how weak a King-level is, it is still a King-level!

It cannot be defeated casually!

But just now, facing the killing blow of Bulbasaur, which was obviously Aoki Shun's main Pokémon, it must be a King-level Pokémon. That Flame Chicken......

It was just a random punch?!

He didn't even use any skills!

"too......too strong!"

"Yes, my son-in-law is really strong!"

"Could this elf be given the title of King of Heaven?"

"I'm afraid there's more!"

"I also think it is more than that, it must be a champion-level elf without a doubt......."

No matter how they speculated, they could not know that the 'flaming chicken' standing in front of them was a superior being who had reached the realm of God!

A fantasy beast that was at the peak of the first level of God, a real boss!


At this time, Qing Mujun, who looked a little dazed, finally came back to his senses and touched the bloodstain on his right face caused by the strong wind. His face was changing.

At the same time, he secretly retreated, thinking of retreating and preparing to run away!

Although Qing Mujun has a natural villain face, he is not a fool.

Although the flame chicken in front of him with a strange temperament behaves like a child with ADHD.

But as long as he is not really stupid, he should know: if he fights, even if he uses all his means, there is only one way to die!

So, instead of dying in vain, it is better to run away! As for the anger and revenge of the An family that the Qingmu family can foresee because of not silencing Anna?

That has nothing to do with him!

At worst, he can sneak to other elf continents on the other side of the ocean under an assumed name!

With the few king-level elves left in his hands. He can still live a good life!

However, Qing Mujun's idea is very good, but it can only be thought about.

Qin Chuan's style of doing things is either to do nothing or to do it completely!

If you don't remove the root of the problem, it will grow again in the spring breeze.

It can't happen to him!

So when no one on the field seemed to notice, Qing Mujun, who had secretly stepped back a few steps, reached out to touch the elf ball of the coconut tree that he used to save his life.

Qin Chuan's cold voice sounded instantly:"Little guy, stop him, don't let that guy run away! Hold him for me!"

After hearing the order, Menghuan did not hesitate, and simply flashed behind Qing Mujun who was trying to escape.

In the desperate eyes of the other party, Menghuan pulled off the elf belt on Qing Mujun's waist and threw it out. The elf ball that fell to the ground seemed to shake in resistance, but the invisible mental power on it completely blocked their hope of coming out.

Then the right leg quickly touched the joints of Qing Mujun's limbs in a flash.

Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!

There were four consecutive crisp sounds, and the precise force directly dislocated all the joints of Qingmu Shun's hands and feet, causing Qingmu Shun to scream and fall to the ground.

The set of movements of the flame chicken transformed by Menghuan was so smooth that it could be said to be flawless.

Qin Chuan secretly praised it when he saw it.

After dealing with Qingmu Shun, Menghuan, who still maintained the appearance of the flame chicken, also jumped up to Qin Chuan.

He poked his head out, looking like he was coming to praise me.

"You did a great job, little one. Here's a reward for you.

Qin Chuan patted Anna's back, who was clinging to him like a four-clawed octopus, and motioned her to get down.

He reached out and took out a piece of candy and handed it to Menghuan, kneading her now soft feathers and saying,

"Hehehe~" Menghuan took it with a smile, peeled off the candy wrapper skillfully, and stuffed the soft candy directly into her mouth.

At this time, Anna finally came to her senses. Seeing herself hanging on Qin Chuan like a tree pillow bear hugging a tree pillow, her face suddenly turned red.

But Anna is Anna, she is tough by nature and her thoughts are completely different from those of ordinary women.

In the previous moment, the moment she thought she was dead, Anna was sure that she had understood her own feelings.

And she was willing to face this point of herself!

""Asshole, you got it easy."

Anna jumped off Qin Chuan's body and murmured. As if she had made up her mind, she suddenly pressed Qin Chuan's shoulders, stood on tiptoes, and pressed hard on him again.

Qin Chuan was stunned, and after a moment, he did not refuse and wrapped his arms around the other's slender waist, which was not much thicker than the mouth of a bowl, and responded enthusiastically.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Chuan suddenly felt a sharp pain, followed by a fishy smell of blood spreading in his mouth.

Qin Chuan suddenly opened his eyes and met Anna's eyes, who opened her eyes at the same time.

Then, Anna broke free from her ring, took two steps back, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said directly:"Xiao Chuanzi, from now on you belong to me, your sister."

"Except for your childhood sweetheart Yan Xiaoxiao, please remember to keep yourself clean for me"

"Well, if nothing else, just find a way to go back to Baihua City. I will take care of the aftermath of this guy!"

Looking at Anna, who had her back to him as if she was trying to drive someone away, Qin Chuan couldn't help but smile.

He understood that Anna wanted to get him out of this matter.

He felt a little warm in his heart, but Qin Chuan obviously didn't want to leave just like that, because he felt that the Aoki family sent people to attack Anna's private airship, and it was related to him.

Back then on the airship, the dandy boy named Aokihara died in his hands. Maybe

Anna was implicated by him.

Otherwise, judging from the fear and dread of Anna by the eldest young master of the Aoki family, it is impossible for the Aoki family to attack a force far more powerful than themselves for no reason!

Thinking of this, Qin Chuan turned around and glanced in the direction of Aoki Jun, and then, as if he had discovered something, he suddenly smiled and said,"There's no rush to go back. I still have something to ask this gentleman from the Aoki family."

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