I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

100:Why Did Baida Plaza Come To Us? 【1】

Baida Plaza?

When Lu Li heard these four words, his heart skipped a beat. After all, these four words were so well-known before he started his business in League of Legends... After all, he is Baida. The son of the biggest boss in the industry!

"Why did he come to us?" Lu Li frowned, not quite sure why the man who could sever the father-son relationship with him for a woman came to him at this time.

Could it be that they feel that League of Legends has been very successful, so Baida Industries wants to take advantage of its own popularity?

"Mr. Lu, it's not him who comes to see you, it's the person in charge of Baida Plaza in Shanghai who comes to see you in a private capacity." Miss explained to Lu Li.

Miss naturally knew Lu Li's past clearly, so she actually didn't have much favorable impression of that man. Cut Zero Three”

But this time, the situation is different, because before Lu Li returned to China, most people didn't know his name, and as for Lu Li's appearance, no one knew.

If the person in charge of the Baida Plaza in Magic City came to Lu Li this time, it was probably because the League of Legends had recently found many local partners, but did not find Baida, so he called Lu Li anxiously. Made a phone call.

"Mr. Lu, the person in charge of Modu Baida told me that they want to cooperate with us, saying that they can set up a special e-sports venue for us to promote the game. What else can we say, if we rely on the League of Legends game If you use your account to shop in Baida Plaza, you can enjoy shopping discounts and so on.

Miss said to Lu Li, obviously a little moved.

Although Lu Li did not want to have anything to do with Baida Plaza, Lu Li was actually a little tempted by the cooperation content proposed by the person in charge of Baida.

As long as a person has a League of Legends account, he can enjoy shopping discounts. In other words, as long as passers-by go to Baida Plaza for shopping, they will definitely register a League of Legends account, and after registration, even if not everyone Everyone will become a player of League of Legends, but there will definitely be users who will become loyal players of League of Legends!

"Do they want money?" Lu Li frowned and asked Miss.

"Mr. Lu... They don't want money, saying that as long as the League of Legends players in Magic City can bring revenue growth to Baida, they can even give us some advertising fees..." Miss He also curled his lips and said, because Baida does not want money, and even pays for it to advertise League of Legends, it is indeed a bit strange.

"Even if they give money back, they are still making money. After all, as a businessman, it is impossible to do business at a loss." Lu Li thought this way.

"Then shall we cooperate with them?" Miss was a little confused.

Lu Li was also a little confused, but after thinking about it carefully, since the person in charge of Baida didn't know him, he must simply want to cooperate with the League of Legends, and he should have nothing to do with that person.

"I'll go talk to him. After all, as long as we can boost the popularity of League of Legends, we should all try it." Lu Li said.

That night, Lu Li met the person in charge of the Magic City at Baida Plaza. What reassured Lu Li was that from the other person's words and deeds, he probably didn't recognize him.

"So Mr. Lu? Can we sign an agreement? If the conditions just mentioned are not enough, I can add more!" the person in charge of Baida said looking at Lu Li expectantly.

The person in charge of Baida promised Lu Li to do a very good thing. Not only would he build a temporary e-sports stadium for passers-by to watch the League of Legends game mode, but he would also paint League of Legends murals on ten walls of the TV University.

At the same time, in order to maximize the number of League of Legends users, they also require that people who come to Baida Plaza to shop must have at least a new League of Legends level 5 to 10 account before they can enjoy the preferential activities, which directly eliminates the problem of new users failing to register after registration. Play games and buy things directly with old players, but there is no possibility of attracting new players.

The conditions were indeed very good, but Lu Li still hesitated a little.

It's not that Lu Li thinks he will lose or the other party will lose, it's just that it feels a little strange for such a thing to happen in Baida Plaza.

"Mr. Lu, if this doesn't work...then I have no choice but to give up this cooperation..." While Lu Li was thinking, the person in charge of Baida seemed to be a little more confident. Temper, said to Lu Li.

And just like that, Lu Li gave up all his worries. Since he dared to be angry with himself, it meant that there must be nothing fishy in it.

"No, I completely accept what you said. I was just thinking about when should we start this cooperation?" Lu Li said calmly to the person in charge of Baida.

"If possible, of course the sooner the better." The person in charge of Baida said with a smile, and took out another card, "Mr. Lu, this is the shopping card of our magic city Baida.

Every month, there is a shopping limit of 100,000 yuan... As long as we can cooperate for a long time, this card can be used permanently. "

The person in charge of Baida said with a smile, that is to say, as long as the League of Legends stops cooperating with them, this card will become invalid.

But Lu Li did not accept this card because he actually did not want to come here often. What's more, he also has many such cards.

After negotiating a cooperation agreement with the person in charge of Baida, Lu Li was ready to return to the company. At the same time, he decided that if anyone proposed a cooperation agreement to him again, even if it was for free, he would not cooperate. After all, at this time The advertising positions in the entire Magic City, including hotels, subways, banks, buses, etc., are all almost taken over by them...

Some things need to be done in moderation, and the same goes for the advertising of League of Legends. If it is excessive, it may have the opposite effect.

And just after Lu Li returned to 2.7 Company again, this time, he could finally officially start the concept of the second expansion pack of League of Legends.

Originally, Lu Li left an Easter egg in the first expansion pack about the attack of void creatures as the beginning of the second expansion pack of League of Legends.

But now, Lu Li does not want to make void creatures the protagonist of the second expansion pack.

Because with the popularity of "La La La Demacia", countless summoners want to know what kind of story happened between Demacia and Noxus.

As for this matter, Lu Li did not want to show it through "La La La Demacia" from the beginning. Instead, he wanted to continue to use expansion packs to use more rigorous and shocking CG animation effects. Tell this story to the summoners of the League of Legends!.

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