I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

Chapter 133 Yu Shuang Joins And The World Championship Begins! 【6】

Here, it is worth mentioning that the SSG team in the LCK division is not the Samsung-Galaxy team led by Leader An in the previous life, but is called Samsung-Gaming. It is very likely that the SSG team is in this parallel world. predecessor.

As for the XAN team, it is a team from the wild card division, Singapore + Singapore.

After the five teams that can participate in the League of Legends S1 Global Finals were determined, Lu Li also received good news again.

It's not news from the League of Legends, but news from the capital.

"Way, Mr. Lu, I quit my job in the capital, and I want to have an interview to see if I can be the host of League of Legends. Is that okay?" Yu Shuang's voice came from the phone, asking Lu Li After hearing this, a smile appeared on his face.

Nearly half a year has passed, and Yu Shuang has finally thought clearly about joining the League of Legends family!

"What kind of interview? If you want to come, you can come at any time!" Lu Li said to Yu Shuang, "But you have to go a little faster. The world finals are about to start. The commentary and host teams have already started to prepare. .

Lu Li said to Yu Shuang again, and in the afternoon of that day, Yu Shuang flew from the capital to the Magic City, joined Riot 900 Entertainment, and directly started preparations for the World Championship with the six commentators and Ren Dong. !

Today is September 20th, and there are still more than ten days before the start of the group stage. While the entire Riot Games is proceeding with the previously planned work in an orderly manner, Lu Li and Guan Bo Niang, A new activity has also been launched again.

As long as players in the League of Legends national server wear the IG team's LPL championship icon from today until the end of the World Championship, play games, and win five games, then in the next game During the game, the names of the summoners will also be automatically added with an "IG" prefix!

Of course, summoners can also choose not to wear the IG team's icon, but choose the icons of the other four teams. The tasks and rewards are all the same.

With the multiple event rewards of season rewards and world championship rewards, the game atmosphere of League of Legends during this period is simply not good!

Everyone is working hard to play every game well. There are fewer trolls, fewer AFK players, and even the jerks don’t want to mess around anymore!

And in such a good (bdbe) game atmosphere, the championship teams of the four major overseas leagues, as well as foreign summoners from various divisions, also came to China by various means of transportation!

And when the time came to October 1, Lu Li also learned from Miss that they were all ready for all the preparations for the League of Legends Global Finals!

"You must work hard!" On this day, Lu Li also sent a WeChat message to Xiao Cang to cheer for her and the entire IG team.

Xiao Cang also immediately sent Lu Li a photo of the entire IG team training hard, which made Lu Li very happy.

So, on October 7, the day for the League of Legends S1 Global Finals finally arrived!

On this day, the world's attention converged on the place called Wuhan City in Hubei, China!

After the exciting opening ceremony, as the host Ren Dong shouted, all the members of the five teams also appeared on the stage!

"Let us welcome the IG team from the LPL division! The SSG team from the LCK division! The TSM team from the North American division! The FNC team from the European division! And the XAIN team from the wild card division!"

"Let us cheer for the five teams together and wish them all good results in the World Championship!"

"The first League of Legends Global Finals begins now!"

As Ren Dong's voice fell, the huge cheers from the audience rose into the sky, almost overturning the entire competition venue!

As for Riot Live, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room of the first game, between the IG team and the SSG team, exceeded 100 million right at the beginning! It is directly comparable to the number of viewers of the LPL Finals. tie!

However, in addition to Riot Games staff who are concerned about these data, all summoners are paying attention to the results of the game!

On the first day of the game, the IG team defeated the SSG team 1-0! It defeated the XAN team 1-0! It won two consecutive victories and went directly to the second day of the game!

In the second day of the game, the IG team lived up to expectations, defeating the TSM team and the FNC team again, and advanced to the second round of the group stage with a complete victory!

In the second round of the group stage, although the FNC team suddenly emerged and won four consecutive victories while defeating the IG team, FNC team lost twice in the first round. , so when the two rounds of the group stage were all over, the FNC team still failed to surpass the IG team and win the group ranking -!

First place, IG team, final score, 7-1!

Second place, FNC team, final score 6-2!

Third place, TSM team, final score, 4-4!

Fourth place, SSG team, final score, 2-6!

Fifth place, Team XAN, final score, 1-7!

Therefore, after the two rounds of the group stage, the XAN team from the wild card division unfortunately became the first championship team to be eliminated after only winning one victory!

One week later, the semi-finals of the first League of Legends Global Finals were moved to Gwangju!

In two days of competition, on the first day, the FNC team defeated the TSM team with a difficult score of 3-2!

The next day, the IG team directly took away the SSG team with a clean 3-0, representing the LPL division and reaching the finals!

In Yu Shuang's post-game interview, she asked PDD what supported him to perform such excellent operations in the game, and PDD also smiled and said to thousands of LPL summoners.

"So many people are looking at our IG team, so we not only want to make it to the finals, but we also want to win the LPL and China's first world championship in the Bird's Nest!"

And when PDD said these words, all the LPL summoners became excited!

Although the LPL is just a league and the IG team is just a club, on the stage of the League of Legends World Championship Finals, everyone understands that this is no longer an LPL game, but a game that belongs to China. !.

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