I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

Chapter 139 Riot Game, Celebration Ceremony! 【2】

Riot Games Development Department.

In March, there were only about 20 programmers here, and half a year later, as of November, the number of programmers in the development department has exceeded 100. Therefore, Lu Li also The development department has been replaced with a larger office, but the equipment is still the latest model half a year ago and can still be used for the time being.

Among the entire development department, at this time, it is mainly operating four products: League of Legends PC game, League of Legends mobile game, League of Legends box, and handheld League of Legends. At the same time, there is also a brand new product being produced. Lu chat software.

After three months of development, the Lualu chat software was actually ready to launch before IG won the championship. However, Lu Li hid his secret and did not release it immediately~.

When Lu Li was trying out the Lualu chat software, although he felt a little awkward when he first started using it, after all, even Lu Li himself was used to WeChat's operation.

However, because the interface of Lualu is simpler and the operation is simpler, Lu Li firmly believes that as long as users use Lualu, users will definitely not be able to put it down!

"Miss, let all our Riot Games employees start using the Lualu chat software. All communication within the company will be done using this. Do not reveal this news to your family members for the time being."

Lu Li said to Miss, announcing the instruction and asking Miss to pay attention to the employees' feedback.

After all, users have the final say on whether a social software is good or not, not Lu Li. As for whether a software can be liked by more users, at least it must first satisfy its own employees. like.

So, in just half a day, nearly a thousand employees from Riot Games and Riot Entertainment all used the Lualu chat software, and because of some functions in the software, all employees were instantly love!

At the same time, Lu Li also issued an announcement in the entire Riot Games group, prohibiting anyone from distributing any information about Lua Lu in any form. If found, he will be expelled directly. If not found, his location will be removed. All the owners of the subsidiaries were fired. If we didn’t find out which subsidiary made the announcement, everyone in the company would be “bloody!”

Therefore, under such a ban, no one dares to have any idea of ​​sharing joy, and can only endure it until the day when the Lualu chat software is officially released.

After inspecting the Riot Games development department, Lu Li went to Thumb Studio.

Thumb Studio is full of programmers, in fact there are only fifteen, but the studio is overcrowded because in addition to Thumb Studio’s own people, there are also some temporary employees from the development department, as well as Riot Employees from the holographic side.

After all, although the game "Summon Heroes" is on the surface a development card game, it uses many other technologies, such as AR and VR, a virtual reality technology, and an augmented reality technology.

The strengths of these two technologies are naturally on the fist holographic side.

After nearly two months of research and development, "Summoning Heroes" finally had a basic prototype. When Lu Li held her mobile phone and watched Annie dancing in front of her eyes, she was extremely happy.

However, if "Summon Heroes" wants to be released, it will still take a long time. It may be during the next "celebration ceremony" that there is no way to release it directly.

"It's okay. When the time comes, I will just announce the concept of "Summon Heroes". You can develop it with peace of mind. I believe that all summoners will be waiting for your game!"

Lu Li gave great encouragement to the entire Thumb Studio, although in terms of efficiency, it is indeed a little slower. It is not like Lu Li who could develop the League of Legends mobile game in just one or two days before. Come out like that.

But in fact, this is the normal development process of a game.

Although players have been laughing at NetOne’s advertising slogan of “five years of research and development, costing one billion”, this is actually the normal development process of a game!

However, the release time of "Summon Heroes" does not take as long as five years. The person in charge of Thumb Studio promised Lu Li that "Summon Heroes" can be released by the end of the year, or at the latest during the Spring Festival of 2020. Officially released!

After inspecting the progress of Thumb Studio, Lu Li returned to the company. As for Riot Entertainment, everything was under normal operation and Lu Li did not need to take care of it.

After Lu Li confirmed that all his previous plans were in progress, he approached Miss again and wanted to determine the time of the "celebration ceremony" with her.

"This time, it is a celebration ceremony. It is actually a small press conference. But this time, because there is no new expansion pack, I don't really want to make this conference so big, so I will hold a small one. That’s it for the ceremony.”

Lu Li said to Miss and put forward his own idea.

Miss also nodded. In fact, every time a large-scale press conference is held, it is a waste of money and money. And since Riot Games already has such a huge influence, they actually don’t need to invest anymore. So much money.


"In this case, wouldn't it be great if we held a press conference directly at the Riot Center? At that time, we can announce everything at the press conference in one go

For example, next season's league roster, which two teams have been relegated, etc. "

Miss said to Lu Li, making Lu Li's eyes light up. This is indeed a good idea.

In the League of Legends game, the celebration of the Night of Champions will last until November 6th, so holding a press conference before then is obviously an irrational thing. So, after looking at the calendar, Lu Li then set the launch date for Saturday, November 9th.

After Lu Li has determined the time, in the next week, Lu Li will prepare the specific content of this small press conference!

Although this is only a small press conference, in fact, the content Lu Li will release at the press conference may be the most in history!

The top priority is naturally the Lualu chat software and the "Summon Heroes" game. As for other content, in addition to the matters related to the LPL and LSPL leagues, it also involves the announcement of season reward skins and the start time of the new season. Wait, it can be said that there is a lot of content!

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