I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

151: The Prototype Of National E-Sports! 【6】

"Ahhh, this League of Legends matching system is fake, right? I can't even win a game by lying down?"

"League of Legends, I'm your father, can't you let me order a silver one? What the hell are you giving me a bronze three!"

In Lu Li's office, his wails kept ringing, making the employees outside hear it and wanted to laugh but did not dare to.

After all, as the founder of League of Legends, he is very bad at playing League of Legends. If the majority of summoners knew about it, they would definitely laugh out loud!

"It's okay, Mr. Lu, didn't you only get bronze five last season? This season's bronze three is already a big improvement." Just when Miss came in to comfort Lu Li, her words made Lu Li just I want to vomit blood!

But Lu Li definitely can't be angry with Miss. After all, it's all because he is too good...

"Tell me about today's situation." Lu Li calmed down and asked Miss.

On the first day of the S2 season, the reason why Lu Li played the game for a whole day was because he had a very important task, which was to "privately interview" the summoners' attitude towards the S2 season.

After playing the game for a day, except for Lu Li's teammates who felt that the game was too difficult and could not win the game, the other content was quite good, whether it was the jungle area, equipment, or some adjustments to hero skills. Quite in place.

At the same time, in the report given to Lu Li by Miss, Lu Li also learned that on the first day of the S2 season, among the entire League of Legends games, the ranking start proficiency was the highest, accounting for 100% of all games. The Seven Kings.

"It seems that everyone wants to know their rank in the new season as soon as possible." Lu Li murmured, but in fact, this rank is actually just a rank in the S2 pre-season. It will not be officially announced until next year's S2 season. At the beginning, it will be reset again, but it will probably be similar to this time.

In addition to the popularity of the qualifying matches, the number of games in the legion system is also quite large, accounting for 20%!

And when Lu Li clicked on the new ranking system for the S2 preseason, he suddenly discovered that among the 32 regions in the legion system, the number of legions in each region was as high as two hundred teams!

In other words, on the first day of the S2 season, there were at least more than 6,000 teams participating in the preliminary online competition of the City Heroes Contest!

"I'm afraid this year's LSPL will be interesting." Lu Li said in amazement.

At the end of S1, Lu Li really wanted to build League of Legends into a national e-sports game, but Lu Li did not expect that this national e-sports game would come so fast!

However, it is unknown how many of these more than 6,000 teams can persist until the end.

After all, gaming is a very happy thing, but e-sports is more of a torture, because professional players need to train for a long time every day!

As for the final remaining 5% of the number of games, it was divided between matching matches and Super Smash Bros.

The total of the two modes was only 5%, which made Lu Li very strange. However, on the first day of the new season, there were still people playing Super Smash Bros., which made Lu Li even more strange.

After understanding all the data on the first day of the new season, Lu Li had an understanding in his mind, and then a new plan came into his mind.

From today until the official start of the S2 season, it will take about a little more than two months. And when the S1 season is fully completed, which is only 8 months, these two months will be a good time for all summoners. For us, it will be a very long process.

Therefore, during this period, Lu Li must also do something to keep summoners enthusiastic about League of Legends.

Naturally, these things cannot refer to the two things of "lu, ah, lulu" and "summoning heroes". After all, they actually have not much connection with the League of Legends PC game.

What's more, whether these two products can continue to be popular is also based on whether the League of Legends PC game can be ten-fold popular.

Therefore, Lu Li thought of several ways.

The first method is the online competition of the legion system, but this is only for those summoners who want to play professionally.

The second method is to continue to launch some new heroes and new skins. After all, the heroes in the second expansion pack have not been released yet.

The third one is to launch several new entertainment modes to help everyone spend this two months that may be somewhat "boring".

As for the fourth activity, it is also the activity that Lu Li wants to do the most, which is to launch an activity about the $2 pre-season!

When thinking of this, Lu Li had to thank the planners of League of Legends in his previous life. Whenever League of Legends was about to become "cold", they would launch some new activities to attract summoners to return.

Although the current Lu Li does not need to consider the matter of "return", the methods they have used can be used by Lu Li for reference!

The first event Lu Li is about to hold is also easy to imagine.

December 25th next month will be Christmas, a traditional Western holiday, and Lu Li can plan a new event based on Christmas.

But before that, the first thing Lu Li893 has to do is to think of one or two new Jianle modes!

At the conference for the second expansion pack of League of Legends, Lu Li already announced two entertainment modes, one is unlimited firepower and the other is fate showdown.

These two modes have all received very good responses, and Lu Li has been repeatedly requested by summoners to make the two modes appear again!

But Lu Li didn't think so at all.

One reason is that if you play this entertainment mode too much, the summoners will definitely get tired of it, and the other most important reason is that if the summoners don’t get tired of it, but keep playing...then With so many entertainment models in Lu Li’s mind, wouldn’t there be no chance for them to appear in this world?

Immediately afterwards, Lu Li decided to launch his own entertainment model.

Every time he launches an entertainment model, Lu Li will launch two in one go. One is the entertainment model that existed in the previous life, and the other is a new entertainment model conceived by Lu Li himself. In this way, the popularity of the entertainment model will be greatly reduced. , and Lu Li’s own desire to create, can achieve the goal of scoring!

But this time, the entertainment mode that Lu Li wanted to choose from his previous life was quickly determined!


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