I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

153:2019 Ice And Snow Festival! 【2】

After Lu Li determined the overall concept of the Peak Battle mode, Lu Li entered the LOL system again and began to create the Peak Battle mode.

Because the Peak Battle is purely original by Lu Li, most of the content needs to be completed by Lu Li himself.

First, Lu Li opened the Summoner's Rift, cut out two circles with a diameter of one tower in the middle, and put them aside. Then, he placed a wall in the center, with a length of about three-thirds of the diameter. One, and then, on both sides of the wall, a total of four patches of grass were added.

Later, Lu Li removed the two defense towers, set up a resurrection point at the position of the defense tower, and added a three-second invincibility setting after resurrection.

At this point, the map for the peak battle mode is ready.

The next thing is the system of randomly selecting heroes.

Lu Li didn't have any entanglements here, and directly called the function of randomly selecting heroes in the Super Smash Bros.

However, unlike the mode in Super Smash Bros. where you can change heroes, in Super Smash Bros., summoners can only randomly choose one hero. If they don’t like 967’s hero, they can swap it with their teammates.

But in the peak battle mode, heroes cannot be exchanged!

Of course Lu Li knows that if this happens, someone will definitely retreat instantly, so Lu Li's remedy is to give the summoners five random heroes at once!

But at the same time a condition was added.

That is, each hero can only be used once!

In other words, if a summoner wants to win the championship in the Peak Battle mode, then he will need to consider many issues.

Five heroes, which one should I choose first?

If you choose weaker heroes in the first few games, and use heroes with higher proficiency in the finals, you are very likely to win the championship. But here you encounter a problem. If you use a weak hero in the first game, and your opponent uses a strong hero, in the second game What should I do if I get eliminated in one round?

It is naturally impossible for Lu Li to give any suggestions here. The summoners can only consider it themselves after the Peak Battle mode is launched.

The random hero system is set up, and then comes the matching system.

The matching system for the five-man team is very simple, just use the matching system that League of Legends has always had, but then (bdei), Lu Li needs to add a matching system for thirty-two teams.

In this matching system, Lu Li will naturally not do any balancing. He will combine the thirty-two recently formed teams in chronological order.

Then, Lu Li created a group chat room.

It's not a place like a group chat in the traditional sense, but one that takes up the entire client screen.

This chat room will be divided into two. The upper part is a team's promotion details, and the lower part is a group chat place where you can make complaints before and after the game starts.

However, here, Lu Li does not intend to set up a spectator system for the eliminated teams, because this spectator system is a function that Lu Li plans to add to the League of Legends client when the S2 season officially starts.

As for winning the championship in the pinnacle battle, what rewards will there be?

There is no reward, because you can win, which is the best reward for summoners!

But Lu Li is also thinking about whether to link the peak battle mode with the upcoming Christmas event?

After thinking of this, Lu Li decided to just go ahead and start planning this year's Christmas activities.

In the previous life, every Christmas, the League of Legends would launch a fixed event, but the name was not called the Christmas event, but called the "Ice and Snow Festival Event".

In this life, Lu Li decided to use this title.

For the Ice and Snow Festival event, the first thing Lu Li has to do is to launch the first set of Ice and Snow Festival limited skins!

As for this set of skins, the design department actually had them ready as early as August.

League of Legends’ first set of Ice and Snow Festival limited skins has a total of five types, namely:

Christmas Elf, Tristana!

Christmas bash, Kieran!

Christmas Carnival, Nunu and Willump!

Merry Christmas ghost, mention it!

Christmas Candy Canes, Miss Fortune!

The first four are among the first 20 heroes in League of Legends, and they will also become the first batch of heroes in League of Legends to receive the third skin.

As for Miss Fortune, although she came to Summoner's Rift with the "Monkey King" expansion pack, it didn't last long, but she was lucky enough to get her second skin before other heroes in the same period.

Because Lu Li has decided that in this parallel world, the price of all hero skins must be limited to the range of 10-99 yuan, so the price of the first batch of League of Legends Ice and Snow Festival limited skins, Lu Li Also set them all at 49 yuan.

During the Ice and Snow Festival event, in addition to launching this batch of Ice and Snow Festival limited skins, Lu Li also directly used the two entertainment modes of clone mode and peak battle as the Ice and Snow Festival event version.

This time, Lu Li also decided to set the time for the Ice and Snow Festival to start at 10 a.m. on November 26 and end at 0 p.m. on December 25.

In addition to the month-long Ice and Snow Festival activities, Lu Li also decided to launch two major entertainment modes simultaneously throughout the entire Ice and Snow Festival activities.

Different from the previous opening of unlimited firepower for one week, and then the destiny showdown for another week, this time, Lu Li directly decided to open the two modes at the same time for a month!

In order to balance the number of games in these two modes, Lu Li also added a task system to collect ice and snow coins!

If the summoner wins a round of Clone Mode, then the summoner can get an ice and snow coin. If the summoner wins a round of Peak Battle, he can get a rescue ice and snow coin!

Therefore, whether summoners should play ten games of clone mode to earn ten ice and snow coins, or play one game of five rounds of peak battle mode to earn ten ice and snow coins, is another thing that summoners need to consider.

Of course, Lu Li is not forcing summoners to play entertainment mode. After all, the ranking competition is Lu Li's heart, so when these tasks are released, they will be written with an "or" effect.

For example, if you publish a task worth ten ice and snow coins, announce it in the form of "Complete five rounds of matching mode" or "Win a pinnacle battle mode".

As for what the ice and snow coins are used for? Of course they can be exchanged for rewards!

Because there is no cap on the acquisition of ice and snow coins, Lu Li also set a high exchange price for each prize when setting up the exchange for ice and snow coins.

One of the most expensive prizes is the Ice and Snow Festival Orb, which requires 5,000 Ice and Snow Coins. After opening this Ice and Snow Festival Orb, the summoner will 100% receive an Ice and Snow Festival skin that has not yet been purchased!

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