I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

161: Summoning Heroes Is About To Start A Closed Beta Without Deleting Files! 【2】

As for Shu Lai Bao Tucci's Q skill Ambush, it is a stealth skill.

The normal version of Mouse's invisibility means that his figure slowly fades until he disappears, but Mouse Patch will make a burrowing motion while moving, directly drilling into the Summoner's Rift. underground without leaving any traces!

However, if the invisible Tuki is hit by the enemy using various control skills, he will still get out of the ground directly.

W skill, the original skill is to throw a smoke bomb, but on the side of Tucci, it is to spit out all kinds of snacks stored in his stomach on the ground to interfere with the enemy's movement speed, such as peanuts , pistachios, etc., but passively, it is still a sign of melon seeds.

The E skill, a passive skill, is the melon seed mark. After the summoner presses the E skill, the melon seed will explode and cause damage to the enemy at the same time.

As for the full firepower of the ultimate move, it makes the melon seeds penetrating. If the summoners look carefully, they can find that the average mouse's melon seeds are relatively large, but after turning on the ultimate move The melon has 13 seeds, but it is small and sharp!

Just like that, Lu Li spent nearly a week to finally make the first New Year skin Tuki, which is limited to the Year of the Rat!

Lu Li originally wanted to make a few more New Year skins, but when he thought about the fact that in his previous life, in the Year of the Sheep in 2015, League of Legends officially only launched one Shenlong Flame Jinx, he decided not to. No more wasting time, just launch a limited version of the mouse in the Year of the Rat.

But while making the skin, one issue Lu Li was also considering was that Tuki, the source of the plague, was launched as the 22nd hero in this parallel world.

But at that time, because they were too anxious, the three heroes Widow, Mouse and Death Song did not carry out any publicity.

So, taking this opportunity limited to the New Year, Lu Li also decided to give Tucci a New Year's gift!

That is, the exclusive song and anime MV dedicated to Rattook!

This matter is still quite difficult for Lu Li, because in the previous life of the League of Legends, the League of Legends has never given any favor to the rat, so that when the Year of the Rat is approaching, Lu Li has no way to take out ready-made things from the LOL system.

However, fortunately there are subsidiaries of Riot Entertainment.

On the Riot Music side, Xu Mengyuan finally produced the theme song "A-Small-Dream" for Twitch for Twitch after spending a month.

As for Riot Animation, based on the theme of this "little dream", an animation MV was specially produced for Tucci, the mouse. The content is roughly that Tucci, as an insignificant mouse in the continent of Valoran, went from sleeping in the open to Sewer, to the story of slowly becoming brave after meeting his good friend Zach.

That's right, even though it was Tucci's exclusive anime MV, Lu Li also added a small easter egg like Zac, the bio-demon, as a small prelude to the introduction of Zac as a backup.

During this month, Lu Li originally wanted to set up some New Year activities, but after thinking about it, he gave up after confirming all the content about "Mouse Raiders".

After all, a month ago, the summoners worked hard for a month to get free Ice and Snow Festival skins. If they wait for a long time again during the New Year, I am afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among the summoners. of.

Therefore, the Spring Festival event of the League of Legends PC game only has one content about the "Rat Raiders".

However, in other aspects, Lu Li decided to give the summoners an even bigger surprise!

That is, after half a year of development, the companion game of Lualu chat software, Summon Heroes, can finally start a round of closed beta testing without deletion during the Spring Festival!

And when this news was released on the official Riot Games blog, all the summoners were about to get excited about it!

Because just in December, Summoning Heroes launched a week-long closed beta test of Summoning Heroes. Although it was only a week, the content leaked by players during the closed beta test made all Summoners They are all extremely greedy!

Because summoners can capture all the heroes released by the League of Legends at various locations in the real world, and the videos of hero battles between summoners are even more exciting for other summoners who have not been able to qualify for the closed beta. Incomparable!

And when the official blog of Summoning Heroes finally released the news about the closed beta without deleting files, countless people couldn't wait to qualify for the closed beta!

In this news about the closed beta without deleting files, the following information was mainly announced.

The first piece of information is that the closed beta of Summoning Heroes without deletion will start at ten o'clock in the morning on January 27, which is the third day of the Lunar New Year.

The second piece of information is that the qualifications for the uncensored closed beta test of Summoning Heroes this time are ten times more than the 10,000 qualifications for the first round of deleted closed test, totaling 100,000!

This time, there is no need for Summoners to compete for the qualifications for the closed beta. As long as they are among the first 100,000 summoners to log in and summon heroes at 10 a.m. on January 27th and successfully register, they will automatically obtain the qualifications for the closed beta. .

Summoners who have not qualified for the closed beta should not worry, because the duration of this non-deleted closed beta is only one week, and after one week, the summoned heroes will be stopped for one day for sorting, and then on the next day, The open beta phase of summoning heroes has officially begun!

In other words, at the latest, summoners will be able to summon heroes on February 3433!

And when Lu Li completed all the preparations, time slowly came to January 23.

After getting off work on the 23rd, Riot Games staff bid farewell to Lu Li one after another, preparing to meet again in seven days... because tomorrow, January 24, is New Year's Eve, and they are going home to celebrate the New Year. .....

"Be careful on the road. When you come next year, I will give you a big red envelope for starting work!"

Lu Li and Miss stood together and smiled while the workers waved.

And when all the employees left the company, only Lu Li and Miss were left in the huge company.

"Mr. Lu, where will we go during the Chinese New Year this year?"

Miss asked Lu Li.

Seeing Miss's pitiful appearance, Lu Li smiled and said, "Of course I'm going home!"

"I have actually bought a house on the Bund, and we will live there tomorrow. In this case, at midnight, we can see the fireworks on the Oriental Pearl Tower!"

Lu Li said to Miss with a smile.

But Miss could clearly feel Lu Li's bitterness from Lu Li's words.

Because this year, it was probably the first time Lu Li, or in other words, the first time since Lu Xi Cong Zhang was so big, he did not go home. .

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