I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

163: Tristana Of Golden Quality! 【4】

Because the account for summoning heroes is the same as the Lualu account, when summoners log in to the game, they do not need to perform any operations. Opening the summoned hero is regarded as login.

Therefore, when Lu Li clicked to summon the hero, he also felt that his phone was obviously lagging for a while!

"Here, isn't it? I have a Huawei Mate30, but it's still so stuck?" Lu Li said in surprise.

"Maybe there are too many people... My iPhone 9 also got stuck until it exploded..." Miss curled her lips. As the two latest models in 2019, it is obviously impossible for the two mobile phones to be damaged due to problems with the mobile phones. The owner is stuck.

There is only one reason for the current situation, and that is, there are too many people logging into the game at the same time!

Although they were stuck, Lu Li and Miss did not dare to perform any launch operations for fear that they would be stuck. Lu Li waited for about ten seconds before finally entering the page on his mobile phone. That familiar summoning hero startup page!

"Haha, I got it, I got it!" In an instant, Lu Li was as excited as a child and became ecstatic!

What 740 Lu Li didn't expect was that at this moment, several loud roars could be heard in the corridor outside the hotel room.

"Hahaha, dad has obtained the qualification to summon the hero in the closed beta!"

"Damn, why are you so lucky, you bitch? I didn't even get it!"

Hearing the conversation outside, Miss and Lu Li both smiled knowingly. It seems that the popularity of summoning heroes is still quite high!

"Mr. Lu, I grabbed it too." At the same time, Miss also said to Lu Li.

"Okay, okay, let's set the name now! My name is also Uncle Naughty and Love Loli."

"Then my name will be... Cute Lolita, Uncle Love, hehe.

After the two created their accounts, they truly entered the world of summoning heroes. Then, the game automatically entered the novice tutorial.

The new version of Summoned Heroes is very different from the Summoned Heroes introduced by Lu Li at the celebration ceremony in November.

This page is empty at this time, because Lu Li doesn't have a single hero.

Under the guidance of the summoned hero, Lu Li also clicked on the camera and began to capture his first hero.

In the hotel where Lu Li is staying, there are only two heroes at this time, one is the Merlin gunner Tristana who is sleeping on the sofa, and the other is the wandering mage Ryze who is standing on the table and walking back and forth.

There were exactly two heroes, one each, so Lu Li went to capture his own hero, Xiao Pao!

"Congratulations, Summoner, you have successfully obtained a gold-quality Merlin Gunner. Should you release it or summon it?"


Lu Li will naturally choose to summon, after all, this is a golden-quality gun girl!

In the subsequent development of Summoned Heroes, Thumb Studio has added some new functions to the heroes, dividing all heroes into six qualities: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and King!

The quality of heroes determines the attribute points that each hero can obtain when upgrading. For example, a bronze-quality hero can only obtain one attribute point for each level up, but a king-quality hero can only obtain one attribute point for each level up. At level one, you can get 6 attribute points.

In addition to quality, heroes also have levels. Initially, any hero with any attribute is a first-level hero who needs a low-level hero to synthesize ten high-level heroes.

And here, Thumb Studio also canceled the previous setting of no cap on the level, and instead changed it to the upper limit of nine levels.

And under such circumstances, if a summoner wants to obtain a ninth-level hero of king quality, it will be a very time-consuming and labor-intensive matter!

But if someone really gets such a powerful hero, then he can also dominate the world in the hero summoning game!

After Lu Li chose to summon Xiao Pao, a little Pao Niang appeared on his mobile phone page. After Lu Li named Pao Niang "Little Loli", various initials of Pao Niang appeared. Quality is shown.

Of course, there are other "fusion", "upgrade" and other functions that Lu Li cannot use for the time being.

On Miss's side, she caught a silver-quality Ryze, and after the two set up the settings, they couldn't wait to add each other as friends and have a discussion!

However, because Xiaopao and Ryze are both at level one and have no skills, their attack methods can only be normal attacks.

Xiaopao gave Ruiz a bullet, and Ruiz gave Xiaopao an electrotherapy.

The winner is naturally Xiaopao. After all, he is of gold quality and his initial attributes are higher than Ryze.

"It should be popular!" After playing briefly, Lu Li said to Miss with certainty.

Because in addition to the fact that this game is really good, outside their room, many players who summoned heroes also moved around to capture the heroes scattered everywhere.

At the same time, Thumb Studio also directly released the global hero rankings!

At this time, the hero ranked first is an Akali named "My Wife", and at this time, this platinum-quality Akali has actually been upgraded to the second level!

In an instant, this situation aroused heated discussion among everyone!

"Let me go, how do these people do it, mouth?"

"What kind of luck is it to find three platinum-quality Akalis at the same time?!"

"I think Akali is okay... If someone can catch Teemo now, I'd admire it! Look, there isn't even a Teemo on the rankings!"

"No, is it possible that Teemo in Summoned Heroes will also be invisible? If he is invisible, how can he catch him?!"

Suddenly, the popularity of the Summon Heroes game soared into the sky!

Although there are only 100,000 people qualified for this internal beta test, the number of people talking about summoning heroes exceeds one million! Because most of the summoners can only stare at it on Weibo, but they don’t have any Qualify!

Seeing this situation, Lu Li was naturally very happy.

But soon, Miss told Lu Li some bad news...

Due to the popularity of Summoned Heroes, the number of 40 million people online in the League of Legends PC game has been stable in the past two days, and has now grown to 39.9 million.

In other words, all the 100,000 summoners who have qualified for the internal beta test of Summon Heroes are here to play Summon Heroes!

"Mr. Lu, if this continues, isn't it a bit like... shooting yourself in the foot?" Miss curled her lips and looked at Lu Li and asked.

But regarding this problem, Lu Li is not worried at all!

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