I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

166: A Movie Costs 1.5 Billion! 【7】

It is now February 6, the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. Five weeks have passed in 2020 and the sixth week is passing. And 48 weeks later, it will happen to be the end of 2020 or the beginning of 2021.

This is the first time Lu Li has made such a long-term plan!

Just now, Lu Li thought that she would make a big movie immediately, but now, that plan is indeed a long-term plan.

"Miss, Rita, what do you two think?" Lu Li asked the two of them.

"I think this is feasible." Miss immediately gave Lu Li a positive reply, "Although the investment in big movies is huge, in fact, the total is only 1.5 billion. According to our current marketing speed, It’s the selling price of a skin, so even if we lose money, we can still afford it.”

Miss said this, with a rich and arrogant tone!

Rita also nodded in agreement: "Mr. Lu, I agree, but I think about it from the perspective of a movie."

In the past, whenever League of Legends launched some new CG animations, it would cause shock from all walks of life on Weibo. They all said that although League of Legends is a game company, they are actually a Chinese company. The savior of anime!

"Mr. Lu, if we really follow this investment and put a major League of Legends movie into theaters, as long as the plot and quality are not bad, then even if we lose money, we will still be able to compete for Oscars! "

When she said this, Miss's eyes also lit up.

"Yes, Mr. Lu, if you think about the Oscar-winning animations in recent years, what about The Amazing Spider-Man? What about Super Marines? Although their production is indeed good, compared with the quality of our CG animation, it pales into insignificance. !”

"If our film were put in front of the Oscar judges, the quality alone would scare them to death!"

Miss and Rita talked to Lu Li one by one, which also made Lu Li a little excited... What if, while playing the game, he won an Academy Award? .........that kind of feeling will definitely be so exciting that it will explode!

So, in an instant, Lu Li also forgot all the things he had hesitated before, such as the investment was too big, the production cycle was too long, and the possibility of losing money... However, as long as this League of Legends movie is released, then it will be After losing money, what Lu Li can gain will exceed what this part of the money can bring!

"Okay, then let's make a big League of Legends movie!"

Lu Li made a final decision!

After Lu Li confirmed the matter, he immediately came to Riot Animation Company with Rita.

Because the New Year has just passed and there are no new tasks for the time being, the employees of Riot Animation are still relatively leisurely.

With the arrival of Lu Li and the announcement of the plan for the League of Legends movie, all Riot Animation employees were excited!

"Mr. Lu, do we really have a chance to make a big movie?!"

"A full 120-minute movie, which means that we will have nothing to worry about and nothing to do for a whole year!"

"And there will definitely be no unemployment..."

The employees talked excitedly.

What made the employees even more excited was that after Lu Li announced the matter to the employees, he also announced on the spot that each employee's salary would increase by 10% on the original basis.

However, in the next year, there will be no salary increase until the League of Legends movie is released and achieves quite good results!

Although after this salary increase, the next salary increase is not known to be in the same year, but the employees are still very excited, and therefore have more motivation to work!

"Mr. Lu, let's start quickly. I feel like I can start construction today!" Some active employees said excitedly to Lu Li.

But Lu Li smiled and shook his head. Now they have no script, no characters, no characters, so naturally it is impossible for them to start immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Li, Rita and some art designers from Riot Animation walked into the conference room and began to discuss some of the most basic things for this League of Legends movie.

First of all, what Riot Animation needs to model is the geographical model of the entire Shurima.

This model actually already exists, just follow the official map of Valoran.

There is a huge island in the south of the Valoran continent. Most of the center is Shurima. On the left side of the island is Mount Targon, where various gods live.

In the southeastern part of the island is the legendary country, Ikasia!

Every place requires a different style of modeling.

For example, Shurima is now a desert, but it was once a place with mountains and water. Targon needs to reflect the temperament of the abode of gods, while Icathia needs to be darker. After all, this is the void. A place where creatures are about to appear.

Within Riot Animation, Lu Li only wanted the art designers to convey this little content, and just modeling the world environment might take Riot Animation one to two weeks.

However, sharpening the sword does not waste time. After the 747 is modeled, Riot Animation will do other things faster.

After informing the art designer of Riot Animation about these things, Lu Li immediately returned to Riot Games and his office, preparing to start designing the heroes who need to appear in this big movie.

After all, Riot Animation needs to wait until Lu Li designs the heroes before they can put them into CG animation!

But just when Lu Li was about to take action, he suddenly thought of a question...

If the third expansion pack of League of Legends cannot be released until a year later, then no new heroes will be released in the intervening year?!

Thinking of this, Lu Li quickly shook his head.

"No, no, no, for the immediate task, we have to get the third expansion pack of League of Legends out first..."

As a result, Lu Li had to temporarily cut off the connection between himself and the big movie and prepare to reimagine the content of the third expansion pack of League of Legends!

The heroes of Shurima and Targon, as well as the heroes of void creatures, would definitely not be able to appear in advance, so after Lu Li reviewed the map of the entire Valoran continent, he compiled the contents of the third expansion pack of League of Legends and finally Locked in a small place!

Shadow Island!.

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