I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

16: League Of Legends’ First Cg Animation!

What kind of company is Riot Games? Of course it’s a game company, after all it’s called “Rist Games”!

However, Lu Li will definitely be involved in music and movies in the future. After all, in his previous life, Lu Li had been thinking about the League of Legends movie for a long time, but he had never seen it.

But now Lu Li does not have the time or financial resources to make a big League of Legends movie. At this time, his most important thing is still the League of Legends game conference!

As a Coser, most of them have been deeply attracted by this CG animation even though they don’t know much about League of Legends. Lu Li is quite relieved. It seems that this CG animation will definitely Quite a success!

That night, Pang Xinxin, who was supposed to return to Magic City three days ago, finally returned to the company. As soon as she returned to the company, Pang Xinxin handed a ten-TB mobile hard drive into Lu Li's hands.

"The final version of the CG animation is inside. There are 5 T's in total... Mr. Lu, don't be afraid. Xuanji Technology has already helped with the videos that can be played on the Internet. As long as we find time to post them directly on Weibo Just upload it.”

Pang Xinxin said this to Lu Li, which made Lu Li couldn't help but roll his eyes, but he was still in a good mood. After all, Xuanji Technology was very thoughtful.

"Guan Bo Niang, this CG animation will be released at eight o'clock tonight. It will be posted on Weibo at eight o'clock." Lu Li said to Guan Bo Niang, because he could not wait to let netizens see League of Legends. The first promotional CG!

"I understand, Mr. Lu!" Guan Bo Niang said excitedly. After two days of idleness, she finally had a new mission!

Open Weibo, edit the video, enter the title... At eight o'clock that night, the official Weibo of League of Legends finally released a new video update!

Heroes, let’s go beyond together!

"You finally posted something new!"

"Is the game finally going online?!"

"It's another video. Are you going to tell us some new content about the game?"

League of Legends followers who had been waiting for two days didn’t even click on the video after seeing the new news, but instead rushed to the sofa to comment.

But other netizens couldn't wait to click the play button and turned their phones sideways.

Riot Games.

The first scene of this video showed the Riot Games logo, and then, as soon as the camera went dark, a whistling wind sounded in the video.

Behind the ruins of a broken wall, Annie was sobbing softly, holding a little bear doll with one eye blind in her arms, and around her, the houses in the entire village were destroyed, and flames shot into the sky!

But at this moment, a huge "boom" of footsteps was heard, which made Annie hold back her tears. Then, her face was filled with incomparable panic.

Outside the window of the broken wall, a huge black figure approached with heavy footsteps, and then, an extremely ugly head appeared outside the window!

And that fierce face is none other than the undead warrior Thain!

Thain looked into the room and seemed to find nothing. He was about to leave...but the next moment, there was a loud "boom" and a thick black foot kicked Annie's hiding place directly. The wall appeared in front of Annie!

Fear instantly enveloped Annie. Looking at the undead warrior's ax that was about to fall, Annie nervously closed her eyes...


Is this the end? ? ?

When Annie's eyes closed and the camera went dark, the video ended directly? !

"No, it's only a 20-second video?"

"What happened to Annie? Was she eaten by Thane?"

"I think it was eaten by Riot Games!"

"Oh, I'm so angry. If Thane dares to beat Annie to death, I will wait until the game starts and use Annie to kill Thain!"

"Brother, please stop doing hunger marketing and let us finish watching this video properly, can't we?!"

"But having said that, this video seems to be great!"

"Yes, yes, it feels like a real person...Have you seen Cameron's previous movie Alita? It feels like Annie is more refined than that Alita!"

"No matter how delicate you are, it's useless. If you dare to kill my Annie, I will kill you!"

The first video ends here. Originally Lu Li just wanted to divide the entire CG video into two parts. The first part is about the heroes being suppressed by the evil forces, and then the second part is about the heroes' resistance at the game conference. Then release it.

However, Guanbo Niang firmly disagreed with Lu Li's idea. Instead, she decided to separate the first half of the video before the game conference and post one video every day to keep the popularity of League of Legends until the press conference officially begins!

Although Lu Li felt that this was too appealing to the audience, after thinking about it, he still agreed with the official blogger's approach and allowed netizens to discuss Annie's life experience and what was about to happen next.

The next day, the second video of the League of Legends CG animation was released.

In another part of the Valoran continent, the card master Drizzt was leaning under a thick tree, playing with the cards in his hand. The village in the distance was already ablaze.

But the card master Drizzt's face was filled with a sneer. The next moment, a card shot out into the air on the left!

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream of "squeak", and another "poof", and a crow, with its skin and flesh torn apart, fell from the sky to the ground!

And then, in the direction of the crow's flight, in the dark forest in the distance, a pair of eyes like will-o'-the-wisps suddenly lit up, and when those eyes faintly walked into the moonlight, the angry figure of Fiddlesticks, the messenger of doom, appeared , also appeared in Drizzt's field of vision!

The next moment, thousands of crows flew out of the forest, but Drizzt did not retreat but advanced, shooting the cards in his hand at the crows one after another!

But the number of crows was still too many after all. When countless crows rushed towards Drizzt, Drizzt was knocked to the ground like a kite with its string broken!

This is the end of the second video!

"Oh my God, the Card Master is so handsome! If I want a boyfriend, I want to find someone like the Card Master!"

"I feel that the hero Card is very powerful, but the Bringer of Doom is equally powerful. I can't wait to play with these two heroes!"

"Did you see it? Even the feathers of those crows in the CG are clearly visible. How much investment is this?"

"I heard that this CG was jointly made by Riot Games and Xuanji Technology. It costs 10 million per minute! Every second is burning money!"

"Wow, if all movies were invested like this CG, wouldn't it be just around the corner for our Chinese movies to win Oscars?!"

"Guo Xiaosi, the great director of Aite here, when you make movies in the future, don't hire Fan Bingbing who costs 60 million in four days, but use more special effects, okay?"

However, the four great directors Guo Xiao did not give any response!

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