I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

33: League Of Legends Box And Handheld League Of Legends

"not yet."

But this time, Lu Li didn't get the answer he wanted. But think about it, the idea of ​​making a voice chat software exclusive to League of Legends was something Lu Li only came up with after the press conference. As time goes by, no matter how powerful the programmers are, they should not be that fast.

"It's okay, just give them a few more days... but you let them synchronize and work on a new thing."

After Lu Li thought briefly, he said to Miss again.

"You ask them to start making a League of Legends box software and voice chat thing, and let them build it directly into the League of Legends box, and it can even slow down." Lu Li said.

"League of Legends box? What does this mean?"

But when Miss heard this thing, she had a cute look on her face.

Seeing Miss's appearance, Lu Li understood that people in this parallel world should have never been exposed to software such as "record query".

At the same time, for Lu Li, instead of letting some people in this world seize the opportunity to make similar software for League of Legends, it would be better for Lu Li to take the lead and directly launch the official League of Legends box!

"You and I go to the programmer's office, and I will explain it to them directly."

Lu Li thought about it and decided not to let Miss convey his thoughts. After all, although Miss is capable, as a girl, Miss may not be able to understand some of the content.

The programmer's office is not very far from Riot Games' headquarters, just one building away. Ten minutes later, Lu Li arrived at Riot Games' development department.

When Lu Li came to the development department, there were about twenty programmers here, all wearing slippers and plaid shirts, typing some code on the keyboard in a nondescript manner.

It doesn't look pretty, but Lu Li knows very well that this is the daily life of programmers.

"Mr. Lu, you're here?!" Seeing Lu Li come to the development department in person, the director of the development department was so surprised that all the programmers immediately stopped what they were doing to welcome Mr. Lu's arrival.

"You come with me for a while, and the others can continue working." Lu Li smiled at everyone, then pulled the development director into the office, and then told all his thoughts about the League of Legends box Development Director.

In Lu Li's conception, the League of Legends box is not the same as TGP, the official plug-in of League of Legends in the previous life, but similar to the box that was officially banned by Riot Games earlier.

But the League of Legends box Lu Li wants to make is of course official!

After the summoners log in to the League of Legends box using their mobile phone numbers, the summoners can check their recent results and the results of their opponents. Among them, the most memorable point for Lu Li is naturally "combat effectiveness" "this thing.

“The League of Legends box, there’s a lot of content that could be done, but I’m asking you to release the first version of the League of Legends box as soon as possible.”

"The first version must include the following three contents. The first is the record query, which allows summoners to see their own record, ranking match winning rate, rank, winning points, matching match winning rate, and human-machine winning rate. These... these are relatively easy to do, as long as the data is connected between the box and the client."

"The second content is the summoner's combat power, which is divided into overall combat power and hero combat power... You can also not do the hero combat power first, and only the overall combat power... For this, I need you to make a detailed combat power algorithm. , allowing summoners to judge the strength of teammates and opponents through combat effectiveness."

"The third content, and the most important one, is the voice chat function. You can embed it directly into the League of Legends box... Our goal is to allow summoners to log in to the box as soon as they turn on the computer. Then log in to the game through the box and turn on voice!"

Lu Li Qiyu said to the director of the development department proudly, after all, as long as a game can form a closed loop in all aspects, then as everyone's interpersonal network expands, League of Legends will also directly enter their lives. , can’t be separated!

Except for the combat effectiveness algorithm, which may be a little troublesome, these three contents are all pretty good. It also takes 2 to 3 days to complete.

However, Lu Li did not let the development director leave, but continued to explain to him some of the next development ideas for the League of Legends box.

For example, it is necessary to enable the function of querying talent runes, enable the function of querying nearby people, develop forums, etc., so that summoners can find some sense of home on the box after playing games.

Then, Lu Li called over the Android and ISO mobile development engineers and asked them to listen to the idea of ​​the PC version of the League of Legends box again, and then assigned new tasks to the two of them.

"You guys, synchronize to make something called League of Legends on the hand. The content is the same as the League of Legends box. Just transplant it all, including voice chat... Of course, the most important thing is that the League of Legends on the hand will be a chat system. I hope to summon When teachers think of League of Legends, they only use Box or Palm League instead of using QQ or Weixin to chat.”

Lu Li said to the three of them, and this is Lu Li's ambition!

Now that Lu Li has come to this parallel world, even though Painxun is still such a dominant player in this parallel world, Lu Li still wants to let himself and Riot Games become this parallel world through League of Legends. The new internet overlord!

"Understood!" After listening to Lu Li's detailed thoughts, the three of them expressed their understanding and began to make preparations.

"I hope everyone can make faster progress." Lu Li thought to himself on the way back to the company.

But he had already spent almost all 500 million for that game conference. If Lu Li still had money, he would definitely recruit more programmers and artists to speed up the process of League of Legends. !

"For now... I hope League of Legends skins can sell better."

Lu Li thought to himself, and suddenly regretted that he had set the price of 5 yuan for the skin, which was too low... But after thinking about it, Lu Li decided to keep the price of 5-99 yuan unchanged. After all, Lu Li really doesn't want him, the founder of the League of Legends, to become like the bitter boss Ma Huateng in a few years, and be despised by everyone!

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