Soon, Karin brought Son Goku and the others back to the Realm of Destruction.

Just like last time, they took away many delicacies from Earth when they left.

However, one difference this time is that the amount of delicacies they took away is several times more than last time.

After all, last time, there was only Son Gohan, the Saiyan glutton.

The delicacies he brought were enough for him and Karin to eat for several months.

But this time, there are three more Saiyan gluttons, so they have to bring more delicacies.

And there is a saying that goes, only when you are full can you have the energy to practice.

So there must be a lot of delicacies, and they should be fed every meal.

"Lord Karin, you said on Earth that you have already thought of a direction for the three of us to cultivate."

"Can you tell us now?"

Vegeta couldn't help but ask.

In order to become stronger, in order to return to being the second in command, no! In order to become the first in command.

In order to become the strongest Saiyan.

He just wanted to quickly devote himself to training, and didn't want to waste even a minute!


"Let's start with you, Vegeta"

"Gohan, you go and practice by yourself first, Goku and Trunks will wait here for a while."

After that, Karin tapped Vegeta's body with the angel staff.

With the appearance of brilliant flames, they enveloped the two of them.

The next second, they disappeared.

In a turn, they were in a different dimension created by Karin with the power of angels.

This is where he arranged for Vegeta to practice.

The flow of time here is much slower than outside, similar to the spiritual time chamber.

It is convenient for him to improve his strength faster in two months.

Of course, Vegeta is not the only one who has such a good treatment.

Son Goku and Trunks will also have an exclusive different dimension for practice later.

Everyone has one, no one will be missing.

After all, the three of them have been in the underworld for too long, even if they practiced every day in the underworld.

But because they have no physical body, only soul.

The speed of their practice is not very fast, and they are restricted everywhere.

So Now, they need to adapt their bodies and improve their strength quickly in the next two months.

Arrived in the different dimension.

As soon as he came in, Vegeta clearly felt the difference between inside and outside.

First of all, the gravity here should be more than ten times that outside.

The temperature is also much hotter than outside, just like being in a big furnace.

Just when Vegeta looked around.

His body trembled violently, and an extremely strong sense of death and suffocation came from behind.

Vegeta turned around quickly and saw the energy that had condensed in Karin's hand at some point.

It was a purple-red energy ball, and the energy ball was surrounded by black flames of destruction.

Vegeta could not feel the breath of that energy.

However, he was sure that the energy ball was the culprit for the sense of death and suffocation he had just felt.

Once it touched him, he would die, absolutely die!!

""What is this, Lord Karin?"

Vegeta asked after calming himself down.

However, he already had a guess in his mind.

Was that energy the path that Karin pointed out to him?

"Vegeta, this is the power I want to teach you."

Sure enough!

Karin's words confirmed Vegeta's thoughts.

This energy is really the power Karin wants to teach him.

"Destructive Force"

"The power of the God of Destruction"

"God of Destruction?"

Vegeta frowned slightly,"Is it the God of Destruction in the sixth universe that Gohan mentioned?"

Son Gohan had told Son Goku and the others about the God of the sixth universe.

So Vegeta has always remembered the God of Destruction, the God in charge of destruction.


Karin nodded and smiled,"Mastering this power means that you will become the God of Destruction of our Seventh Universe."

"I ask you, are you willing?"


Vegeta agreed without any hesitation.

The destructive energy in Karin's hand was beyond his cognition.

Therefore, Vegeta wanted to master this power.

He believed that after he completely mastered this power, he would become the strongest Saiyan!

"Then I'll tell you one more thing."

Karin smiled, raised a finger, and added,"After listening to this, you can make the final decision."

"Do you agree to learn the power of destruction and become the God of Destruction of our seventh universe?"

""What's the matter?"

Looking at the smile on Karin's face, Vegeta suddenly had a bad feeling.

It must not be a good thing!

Otherwise, he wouldn't ask him like this.

However, no matter what bad thing it is, in order to become stronger, Vegeta will accept it all.

All this is just to surpass Kakarot, surpass Son Gohan, and become the strongest Saiyan in the seventh universe!!

"The life of the God of Destruction needs to be connected to a Kaioshin"

"In other words, if you die, the Kaioshin will die with you."

"Similarly, if the King of Kings dies, you will die too."

Yes, this is the rule.

The life of the King of Kings must be bound to the God of Destruction.

In the time and space where Karin is, Beerus died because of this rule.

The King of Kings was killed, causing Beerus, who was still sleeping and knew nothing, to die.

Otherwise, how could the strongest God of Destruction be killed?

Unless the enemy has the strength of an angel.

"So that's it...."

"That is, to give his life to the care of the King of the Kai."

Vegeta thought about this seriously.

To be honest, he was unwilling to give his life to others.

Of course, no matter who it was, it was impossible for him to be willing to bind his life to others.

But this was the only way to become stronger at the moment.

By accepting the power of destruction, he, Vegeta, would become the God of Destruction of the Seventh Universe.

""Okay, I accept!"

In order to become stronger, Vegeta is willing to bind his life to someone else's.

"May I ask you something, Lord Karin?"

"Who is the King of the Seventh Universe?"

Vegeta wanted to know who the King of the Kai was as soon as possible.

If the opponent's strength was not strong, he would make sure that the opponent would quickly devote himself to training and improve his strength!

Only in this way could Vegeta feel at ease.

After all, if the King of the Kai was too weak and was killed by someone, then he, as the God of Destruction, would also be doomed!

He would not allow such a thing to happen!

"The previous King of the Kai is dead."

Karin looked at Vegeta and said,"So, the current King of the Kai I have decided is...."

"Sun Wukong, the Kakarot in your mouth."

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