Although with Ye Chen's temperament, taking the opportunity to take advantage of this is completely reasonable.

But.... It would be bizarre to target the Violent Mobile Squad

As the most powerful combat force under the NCPD against that group of cyber maniacs.

Almost every member of the Violent Mobile Squad wears a military-grade Sianwestan.

This matter is known to almost everyone in the entire Night City....

But, no matter how short of money.

During this period, no one had ever set the goal of seizing the prosthetic body on this group of players.

The reason is also quite simple....

Not enough strength.

Just imagine if you were going to make a move on the Sianwestan on them.

No doubt, you'll face dozens of trained combatants with Sianwestan prosthetics!

Normal people in this situation, don't say counterattack, even saving their lives is a luxury.

Even the highest level of cyber maniacs, like Lieutenant James, faced with the violent mobile team, they were not tied up and killed on the spot....

However, this matter was extremely easy in Ye Chen's opinion.

Gravity suppression or that terrifying ability called "Overlord Color Domineering".

Let Ye Chen have a large-scale attack skill that is shocking enough...

And the scariest part is.

Sianwestan, Ye Chen's body is also there!

Moreover, the slowing effect brought by time and stop is much higher than the most basic version of their kind of military!

The law of the Night City, want to survive here.

Strength, money, these two must account for at least one.

In terms of strength, Ye Chen undoubtedly occupies the qualifications...

And money is simply Ye Chen's goal.

Simple and crude....

Since he chose Ye Chen.

In addition, there are also some grievances between himself and Arasaka.

And at the moment, Lucy and Ye Chen are not cyber maniacs.

Just a most ordinary negotiation, a deal, with Tanaka.

Apparently inadvertently exposed Arasaka's purpose and ambitions.

It was a premeditated attack.

The members of the Violent Terrorist Mobile Squad who appeared here were more like private police officers and accepted remuneration from the top brass of Arasaka...

Because the place of negotiation is close to the crowd gathering place.

Coupled with the violent movement just now, the earth showed signs of cracking due to gravity crushing.

Therefore, naturally a lot of people began to gather towards this side, approaching...

There was also a faint sound of floating cars in the sky.

Tanaka's death unsurprisingly attracted the trauma team.

But alas....

It's late.

Even if you have the level of Hua Tuo Bian Que, it is impossible to resurrect the dead.

Unless you copy in advance to realize the divine opinion.

However, Tanaka is only a senior executive of Arasaka in the final analysis.

Does he have this qualification?

Under everyone's dull gaze, Ye Chen took Lucy's small hand and met all kinds of shocked gazes.

Until the two left completely, they couldn't help but gasp when they saw the tragic situation in front of them...

All kinds of fierce discussions continue to burst out from the mouths of the onlookers...

"What the hell is going on here?! Such a big pit .... What the hell caused it?! "

"Compared to kinetic weapons or powerful prosthetic bodies, I feel more like natural disasters such as earthquakes..."

"Earthquake? You have a brain watt, right?! If it is an earthquake, it will be reported. But just now it was clear that there was nothing! "

"Did you see the two guys who just left? A man and a woman.... Walk by this side like you're fine! I'm sure they caused everything here! "

"Those two imps?! No kidding! Unless this destructive force is a natural level disaster, even Adam's heavy hammer cannot cause such large-scale damage! "

"The power of Adam's Hammer lies in the single attack... Almost all of them were heavy weapons. For decades, I don't know how many legends of the Night City wanted to break into the Araka Tower and be killed by that humanoid machine.... In the end, all these legends left in the world was a glass of wine..."

"Indeed. As Arasaka Yori-sen's bodyguard, the combat effectiveness of Adam's heavy hammer is beyond doubt. "

"Is Tanaka dead? He's Arasaka's high-ranking figure! If this is really what the two people did just now, I'm afraid that a good show may be staged! "


(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation!! )

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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