Weiss: ...

Is this the bear child that Lord Su Feng said?!

This is not an ordinary difficult education!!

It is difficult for a person with such a heavy killing heart to become a realm king god !!

"Master Su Feng, you really gave me a mess. Weiss shook his head helplessly.

"Master Su Feng, what is that?" Reg was stunned.

"Can I eat it?"

"I only know Lord Frieza. "

"Oh, let me tell you, Lord Frieza was killed by Lord Su Feng. Weiss smiled.

"What?!" Reg looked at Weiss in disbelief.

Cosmic overlord, Frieza is dead!?

Or was he killed by that Su Feng!?

You didn't lie to me ?!!

"Of course I didn't lie to you, moreover, I was also sent by Lord Su Feng. Weiss looked at Reg seriously.

"He asked me to train you to become a great king god !!."

"How? Heartbeat?"

Then after I become the Realm King God, can I take revenge?"

Weiss: ...

Why do you remember revenge every day?

Forget it, bring it back first, and then teach it slowly!

"Since you want revenge so much, the most basic thing about revenge is strength. "Wess flipped his hand and directly suppressed Reg!

"How's it going, boy, can you stand up?"

Regg: ...

You're so strong!

I didn't even have the strength to stand up!!

Reg seemed to have found some treasure and looked at Weiss with respectful eyes.

Teach me how to become stronger!!please!! please."

"Oh, of course!" Weiss nodded in satisfaction.

"I said before, I came to teach you on the order of Lord Su Feng. "

"Lord Su Feng...," Reg muttered.

Although they had never met, Reg had already felt a little grateful to Su Feng.

"I am grateful that you can teach me. Reg nodded, then said.

"As long as I can succeed in revenge, I am willing to do anything for you!!."

Weiss: ...

No, you're still worried about revenge

"Forget it, forget it, take your time, he's still young anyway. "Weiss took Reg and flew straight away.

Next, he's going to find Broly!


At the moment, Earth, capsule companies.

"Damn, how do you look, my mini laser gun lacks some energy. Bulma looked at the firearm in front of her.

"Where the hell, where to go, looking for some powerful energy sources?"

Su Feng saw Bulma, who studied science and technology, from a high altitude, and couldn't help but sigh a little.

Bulma is only 14 years old now, right?

However, in the Galaxy Patrol comics, five-year-old Bulma has already created a hand-held laser gun.

Now that nine years have passed, it is normal to become smarter.

"Let's get to know each other first, Sister Flower Project, and start here. Su Feng muttered.

Then, he landed.

"Hi, hello. Su Feng said hello directly.

"Who?!" Bulma was startled and hurriedly turned her head!

Who fell to the ground was able to bypass her layers of alarm protection!

Appeared directly behind her !!

Bulma, who was originally still vigilant, instantly saw peach blossoms in her eyes after seeing Su Feng.

"Ah, you're so handsome!"

Su Feng: ...

I almost forgot that Bulma in this time period couldn't walk when she saw a handsome guy.

Just a super nerd!

He remembers that Bulma was looking for Dragon Ball for two wishes.

One is endless strawberries, and the other is a Prince Charming.

On the road, Bulma often takes people by looks.

When you see a handsome guy, you can't walk in an instant!! even if the other party is a bad person.

"Harm! Su Feng sighed slightly.

At this time, Bulma had already taken the initiative to come over and hold Su Feng's arm.

"Handsome man, you fell from the sky, did God hear my wish and give me Prince Charming?"

Su Feng: ...

I'll go, it's too fancy.

It makes me feel like I'm being provoked by you.

"Ahem, it can be. Su Feng just coughed lightly.

Bulma took such an initiative that she couldn't give him a whole thing.

Just as Bulma grabbed Su Feng, Weiss connected with Su Feng.

"Hey, Lord Destroyer, are you okay? I've found the first target, Reg~"

"Ah, I'm fine. Su Feng looked up, he couldn't see Weiss, but he knew.

Weiss could see him through the scepter.


In space.

Weiss took out the scepter and looked at the picture on the scepter, and couldn't help but twitch slightly at the corners of his mouth!

See, in the picture, there is a blue-haired beauty grabbing Su Feng's arm, which looks extremely intimate.

Weiss: ...

You really leave the dirty work to me, and then you go to pick up the girl yourself?!

You're also going too far!!

Reg scratched his head in the back, is this the legendary Lord Su Feng?

It seems to be very popular with women!!

"Handsome man, who are you talking to?" In the picture, Bulma looked up at the sky suspiciously, seemingly not understanding what was going on.

"Ah, that's right. Su Feng explained to Bulma on the spot.

Angels, destroyers, these things.

"Wow, are you a god!?" Bulma looked at Su Feng in surprise, as if she had found some treasure.

"Yes. Su Feng nodded.

"Great, handsome man, I decided, you are my Bulma's husband!" Bulma jumped up directly and hugged Su Feng's neck.

Weiss: ...

No face to look at.

The abominable Lord Destruction God will really enjoy !!

This woman too, is too fancy!

"Lord Destroyer, I'm going to find Broly, bye!" After saying this, Weiss directly hung up the phone.

"Reg, you can't be obsessed with women in the future. Weiss instructed.

As the future king god of the realm, Weiss feels that these good qualities must be cultivated from an early age!!

"Why? I want a wife too. Reg scratched his head.

Weiss: ...

You Saiyans, no salvation!

"Less nonsense, let's go to Broly!" snorted Weis.

(Seven chapters a day! Look at the author's desperate situation, let's have some flower evaluation votes! The data is good, tomorrow is super explosive!!)

Mid-Autumn Festival reading Tiantianle!Charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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