This blow is the chance to divide the victory and defeat!!

Reg blatantly shot, seized the opportunity, and punched Broly in the stomach!

"If you keep it for a long time, Broly!"

"Poof!" Broly directly spat out a mouthful of acid!


Reg kicked Broly directly in the head and kicked him out fiercely!!

"You lose!" Reg smiled proudly!

That's great!

I showed my strength in front of Lord Su Feng!

He must be happy with me, right?

Broly, on the other hand, lay dizzy on the ground, a little unable to stand up.

Even though the super bloodline is very resistant to fighting, but!

After all, there is a limit, beyond this limit, he will not be able to.

"Good, good." Su Feng came over and signaled that the two were playing well.

"Your fights are very good, I am satisfied."

Weiss also walked over and took out the scepter gently!


In an instant, both Reg and Broly were back intact.

"Broly, just listen to me and focus on improving normalcy." Su Feng said to Broly.

"Have you been studying this super three in recent years?"

"Huh?! Lord Su Feng, how do you know? Broly was stunned and looked at Su Feng in surprise.

"You must have seen Reg Super Three and wanted to change yourself." Su Feng shook his head.

"Put the cart before the horse, if you have been practicing normalcy all the time, with your strength..."

"Maybe it's just a transfiguration super order, and you can defeat Reg."

"Huh? Is my transformation so strong?! Broly's eyes widened.

"Well, because your transformation is very special, as long as you successfully transform, your strength is limitless!" Su Feng nodded.

"Therefore, as long as you are strong enough and resistant enough to fight, your strength will increase rapidly!"

"That's why, I'm going to let you exercise normalcy!"

"It seems to make sense." Broly thought for a moment.

If he is normal enough to resist Reg's final attack, he will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory!

After all, he gets stronger when he is beaten!

"Damn it! I already knew to study the norm with all my might! Lost to death! "

"There is no need, since you have already comprehended the super three, there is no need to give up the transformation of the super three." Su Feng shook his head.

"After all, no matter what, Super Three is still stronger than Super One."

"By the way, you should be able to transform into Super Four."

"Huh?! Can I become more than four?! Broly's eyes widened!

Are you sure?!

"You say that? Reg? Su Feng smiled and turned to look at Reg.

"Hey, yes." Reg scratched his head.

"Actually, as long as you can transform into super two, and then borrow the moon, you can become super four."

Broly: ...

All right!

You didn't even tell me!

Eating alone alone!!

This is abominable!

"No, no." Reg waved his hand again and again.

"I was thinking, as long as you can become super two, I will tell you."

"But who knows, you kid hides so deeply!"

"It's all over three, don't tell me."


I hide my feelings too deeply, but it's not good!?


It's so sad, I already knew not to hide my strength!

"Well, these are small things." Su Feng waved his hand, and then looked at Reg.

"What guidance do you want?"

"I..." Reg scratched his head, and then looked at Su Feng embarrassedly.

"I don't know, can I talk to Lord Su Feng?"

"I want to feel the strength of Lord Su Feng positively!"

"Oh? Let's talk. Su Feng thought about it.


Broly and Reg are both eye-catching!

Weiss is also a little moved!

Finally, can you see the strength of Lord Su Feng more than ten years later?

More than ten years ago, he was almost as powerful as an angel.

In more than ten years, what will it reach?


After some preparation, both Ves and Broly stood in the distance.

Reg and Su Feng stood facing each other.

"Come on, Reg, use your greatest power to attack me." Su Feng said lightly.

"Good!" Reg is not pretentious either!

Because he knew that Lord Su Feng was very strong! Very strong!


In an instant, Reg transformed into a super four!

Then gather all your power on your right hand!

"Here it comes!!


Reg disappeared in place!

"So fast!" Broly, who was watching the battle, exclaimed!

Reg's full speed shot, so fast that he can't see clearly!

"Ah!!" In the next second, Reg appeared in front of Su Feng!

A loud roar!

One punch, riveted twelve points of strength, and hit Su Feng fiercely!


"What!?" Reg's eyes widened!

A look of disbelief!

Because, this punch was actually connected to Su Feng and failed to do it!

It was blocked by Su Feng's protective body breath!!

"So strong!" Broly's eyes widened!

With protective body airflow, hard resist Reg's fist!

That's awesome, isn't it!?

Is this what Master Ves often says, the power of destroying God?!

It's terrible!

Weiss raised his forehead slightly.


I can't see it!

Reg is too weak, and with this level of attack, it is impossible to see what changes Lord Su Feng has changed from before.

I thought that Reg could test Su Feng's latest combat strength, but now it seems that he is too naïve!



Reg roared, wanting to exert some more force!

"It was a good performance, more powerful than I thought." Su Feng smiled, and then pushed a little.


The powerful air flow instantly blew Reg out!

Reg lay embarrassed on the ground after breaking a few trees.

"The gap... Too big! "

Reg felt deeply powerless, the gap between him and the God of Destruction was so big!

"It's worthy of Lord Destruction God!" Reg sighed weakly.

At this time, Su Feng flew in front of him.

And then there was Weiss and Broly.

"Heal!" Ves wields his scepter.


Reg returned to full blood again.

"Ah, Lord Su Feng, you are so strong!" Reg looked at Su Feng with adoration.

Although he has always admired Su Feng.

"Nothing." Su Feng shook his head slightly.

"I'm a super five state, and it's not fair to you."

"What?! Super five?! Reg was stunned!

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