“Well, we can talk about preaching for my god later, and we can also think in the long run, but there is an urgent matter right now, you have also seen the divine power of my god, and you should know that the old man is not lying to you.”

“Therefore, in the matter of sacrificing the gods after a month, there must not be any mistakes, otherwise my god will have both divine grace like the sea, and there will be divine power like hell, and if it is not good, my god will be angry, and then the whole world will not be able to eat.”

Listen to the words of the hero.

Nie Feng and Bu Jiaoyun are both a stirring spirit, if they hadn’t taken Xiongba’s words to heart before, but now that they have seen the divine power of the gods, they dare not be as casual as before, and Nie Feng does not dare to mention any three animals and three animals, for fear of bringing disaster to the people of the world at that time.

“Master means, do you want us to go to Lingyun Cave to catch that fire unicorn?”

Nie Feng asked.

Xiongba nodded slowly: “Yes, it is so, how can there be no decent sacrifice for such a large-scale sacrifice?” The old man wants to think about it, and only the fire unicorn of the Lingyun Cave is suitable, but the old man is not suitable for the time being, now the news of my world’s great sacrifice is out, the martial arts is in the storm, if there is no old man sitting in the town, there may be some trouble, so this matter can only be left to you. ”

“In addition, the old man said before that although this matter is a little dangerous for you, it is not a great opportunity.”

Xiongba said, looking at everyone’s doubtful and expectant eyes, smiled slightly, and said.

“The old man said that my God is the most just, and if he gives something, he will be rewarded, and the same is true for offering sacrifices to my God, the better the sacrifice, the more gifts my God will give, and whoever contributes more in the process of sacrifice, My God will naturally give more gifts.”

“The grace of my god is like the abyss of the sea.”

“After the sacrifice, you can make a wish to my god, if you want power, the old man guarantees that the one who has contributed the most in the process of capturing the fire unicorn can at least get more than five hundred years of skill.”

Xiongba’s words suddenly made the scene quiet.

Even Stephen held his breath instantly.

Five hundred years of skill, what is that concept?

I’m afraid that killing a bully is also a slap in the face, right?

However, without waiting for them to continue thinking, Xiongba once again threw an even heavier bomb.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t want power, my god’s divine power is infinite, and you can also give Shouyuan, with the rarity of the fire unicorn, the old man also guarantees that the one who contributes the most can at least get Shouyuan for more than three hundred years.”


This time the majestic voice fell.

The True Qi in several human bodies erupted uncontrollably.

The stone slabs under the feet of several people shattered and flew one after another, and the broken waves and Wen Ugly were even more short of breathing, and their eyes were faintly red.

“Gang master, can you take it seriously at this time?”

Wen Ugly’s ugly voice trembled.

What is the concept of lifespan, the great gods can give them life, or three hundred years, that is to say, who receives such a gift, they can live for hundreds of years, I can’t imagine it.

At this moment, Wen Ugly wants to follow the fire unicorn together.

Desperately not afraid!

“Of course, seriously, not only that, this time the old man will also take out his share of divine grace and do an earth-shattering thing!”

Xiongba said, his gaze swept over Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng and the others.

Word by word, he said, “The old man will go to my god and ask my god to resurrect a dead man.” ”


Deathly quiet.

A few people only felt that their brains exploded.

Some even couldn’t believe their ears.

The hero said to resurrect a dead man.

Gods, how can they resurrect the dead?


Originally, he was only slightly moved, and the god of death who did not cry raised his head in shock, staring at the male bully with dead eyes, and his expression seemed to be about to eat people.

Nie Feng’s also turned his head sharply to look at Xiongba, and even his eyes were faintly red, it turned out that the crazy blood in his body was a little out of control, and he was about to attack.

Broken Wave also widened his eyes all of a sudden, and his body trembled and looked at Xiongba.

Qin Shuang’s eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets.

Wen Ugly even sat directly on the ground.

“Master, do you mean what you said?”

Bu Jiaoyun was almost word-for-word, and even after saying this sentence, his teeth were bleeding.

Eighteen years ago, his righteous father’s family was bloodied by the tyrants, and he even dreamed that the righteous father who treated him better than his biological father could be resurrected, but in the past he knew that it was impossible, but now.

“Master, the gods can really resurrect the dead, this time are you willing to use your divine grace to ask the gods to resurrect the dead?”

Nie Feng was also completely unable to calm down.

His father, Bei Drink Mad Dao, was dragged into the Lingyun Cave by the Fire Qilin in front of his eyes and killed, he couldn’t forget that scene in his dreams, and if he could resurrect his father, he was willing to pay any price.

Broken waves are also unable to calm down, he has been guarding near Lingyun Grotto all year round since he was very young, waiting for what his father said ‘flood the knees of the Buddha and burn the Lingyun Grotto’, in order to enter the Lingyun Grotto to find his father.

When he was a child, he thought that his father had disappeared in Lingyun Cave, but later he understood that his father’s Nanlin Sword Head was killed by the fire Qilin in Lingyun Cave like the Beiyun Mad Dao.

Broken Wave’s biggest dream in this life is to glorify the ancestor and restore the status of Nanlin Sword Leader, and all this is to comfort his father’s spirit in the sky, and if he can resurrect his father, he will also do whatever it takes.


It will be on the shelves in the early hours of tonight, please ask for the support of capable readers, and there are three free chapters before the shelves, and they will all be sent out before ten o’clock.

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