Such a few words almost revolved around his first five years. In these five years, it was very fast for him. Of course, it was not only that fast. He could be a general at a young age.

Status is naturally its energy, he has such ability, why not spend it well?

And because of this, he has now accumulated the status of a general.

"What's the matter? What are you thinking about?

He stood on the top and looked at the people below. This was his happiest time in the past five years. Even though he had suffered a lot of bad things in the past five years, but for the current

Of course it was the same for him.

He stood there looking at the people below.

Everyone below this is trembling, and seems to be entangled and hesitant about what is about to happen next.

Doesn't seem to know exactly what to do.

Chapter [-] Human Skin Mask

The war in the north began.

North Huns.

"Report!! The enemy is pressing down on the city!!

Zhao Gao sat on the tiger skin and looked at the people below. To him, it seemed like a group of ants, and usually he heard these five words right after.

I didn't expect that the speed of the enemy's pressure on the city was so fast.

It had only been a few days, and he had already reached such a point. He showed a confident smile and went straight up with the knife in his hand.

He picked up the sword.

Of course, this is what he said to the outside world. How could he say that this sword was bought by him? After all, it belongs to the exclusive accessories of Emperor Qin. Even if people like them feel that this sword is not taking advantage of him

, But you can also know that this sword is also available to the rich or noble.

And at the very beginning, he once owned this sword, and the moment he took it out, he felt the ups and downs of this group of people, and even felt the meaning of the sword.

Dragon air.

Although it is also because of this, in the past few days, the messages he received from Zhang Fan have been getting slower and slower.

There were even messages that she had not received for three days in a row. She tried to find them, but found that there was no trace at all.

Immediately after that, he received a message from Zhang Fan at 560. From Zhang Fan's message, he probably understood why he had not received it for the past few days.

The reason is also very simple, probably because Zhang Fan has been conquering the ghost king in recent days.

If he just wants to become the ghost king, then he needs to continue to work hard. If it is not the case, there is absolutely no way.

And only by continuing to persist in such a situation is it possible for Zhang Fan to attack and become a ghost king.

Becoming a ghost king is not an easy task, and even from a certain point of view, if you want to become a ghost king, then you need to have a certain degree, or even say that you are a ghost king.

a different meaning.

That is a kind of transformation that completely sublimates from the soul, so Zhang Fan also attaches great importance to this point.

There is no different idea, Zhang Fan's current reaction is precisely because of this, because of the way he is now, so he will become the way he is now.

These must be harvested quickly.

There is a certain degree of problem with the harvest of spiritual power. If it is not a good harvest, then there is no (bfa) way to gain spiritual power from it.

In addition, this place itself is not very good at how to create spiritual power.

This is a world where spiritual power is exhausted, and it is also an era where there is no way to make these things, so change can only be acquiesced.

And if you want to acquiesce, then you admit that you can never go on.

Therefore, Zhang Fan does not recognize it.

He walked a lot of places, and finally entered a brand new place through a soldier in the ghost city. This place is said to have been the place where humans and demons fought, although he did not admit it,

But he walked in, and when he walked in, he could feel that there were more than just this group of things around, but also a lot of Devil May Cry around her.


It just fits his identity.

At the same time, it can also transform him to a certain extent. As long as you have these ghosts, it is possible to bring about a certain degree of transformation.

He also explained to Zhao Gao in the middle, and Zhao Gao probably understood why he had not been able to receive these news for the past few days.

Maybe that's the reason.

"What about the adults?"

The soldiers below were a little frightened for a while, and it could even be said to be terrifying. They frowned and looked at the bottom. In fact, these few days were nothing to them at all.

Well, he was never afraid of these things.

He even said that he knew exactly what it meant. Every time he thought about it in his mind, they could understand that many things would not change.

Zhao Gao walked over to the dam in front of him and looked at the people below. All the people below were full of fear and anger.

They resented this group of Qin people, but there was nothing they could do.

"You guys are waiting for me here."

After Zhao Gao finished saying this, I went straight away. The people below didn't even react, and saw their generals rushing up.

Immediately after that, he rushed up all the way. On their way, Zhao Gao saw the classroom behind him who wanted to follow him. He turned around and took out a long whip in his hand and hit the yard directly.

On the head, the horse was stimulated and ran wildly forward. Zhao Gao walked in all the way until he entered the area of ​​the Xiongnu.

This time he is going to take a completely different path from before, and it is time for him to experience what it is like to be a king.

He likes that Huang Zuo very much, he must sit on it, he walked in while thinking so, and when he saw the enemy commander on the opposite side, the enemy commander seemed to be very concerned.


Like this time, the two armies come to fight and still do not kill them.

What's more, it's like this now.

The enemy commander didn't even have time to say it when he saw a sword stuck in his ear.

"Shut your mouth and listen to me."

The most interesting thing is that what Zhao Gao said was not ordinary at all. What he should have said, he said it according to the language of the enemy commander.

Hearing this, his eyes widened, and he didn't even think about it. This person who was called Qin's mighty general would have such a status.

His eyes suddenly widened, but Zhao Gao didn't look like someone from their side at all. He frowned and stared at Zhao Gao, and what Zhao Gao said made him even more shocked.


"Have you ever heard the saying, those who obey me live, and those who go against me die?"

"You have two options to continue fighting with us, then if you lose, all your relatives will be distributed, and women will be slaves and prostitutes forever, and men will never survive.

of slaves and handmaids. "

For this enemy leader, the nomads will always be different, and the nomads have a bloody nature that cannot be removed from their bones.

Such blood types are of course different for them, and because of this, death is not terrible for nomads and them, but the most terrible thing is to surrender to people

Under the body.

They can die, but they must never hide their identities on others. This is the most sad thing for them.

So when this person heard the news, his eyes widened, and then he frowned. Although he said he was a little reluctant, there was nothing he could do about it.


They are a nation of commitment.

Chapter four hundred and thirty fourth credit

"It's your acquaintance."

Said that if you want to conquer an area, then what you need is actually very straightforward. This time Zhao Gao thought of the method is also very direct, Zhao Gao changed his head and looked directly at the enemy commander in front of him.

"Give you a chance."

The enemy commander frowned, and before he knew what was going on, he saw Zhao Gao in front of him, and suddenly pulled the skin off his face, and then put it on something else.


It was the head of a man who had been dead for a long time.

"Take it and go."

It is true that the commander never thought it would be like this. Of course, he knows how terrible it is to seek skin with a tiger.

And if it wasn't for that, he wouldn't be like he is now. Naturally, they understand how terrifying it is to betray a tiger, so for such a thing, they would rather

But hope nothing happens.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Zhao Gao's ruthless face in front of her, which made him never imagine that what he had even seen so far was not Zhao Gao's real face, he frowned.

Staring at Zhao Gao is that you can find some familiar faces from Zhao Gao's face, but she finds that there is nothing at all.

There is nothing on Zhao Gao's face, the only thing he has is constant pain.

There is nothing under the pain, nothingness. Of course, they also understand this kind of thing, so it is precisely because of this that this group of people did not do anything too much.

Divide things to come.

Especially for the enemy commander.

"Why are you so courageous? You dare to do such a thing, aren't you afraid that your king will tell you?

Zhao Gao sneered when he heard this.

Woolen cloth. "Then you may not know who is holding the tiger talisman and who is the king at this time, and adding that up to now, our king has not even made a correct decision.

Zhao Gao appeared too early, and even said that it was much earlier than Qin Huang really had a certain degree of usefulness. The loss of the sword in his hand was also considered a disaster for him.

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