Looking at Saitama, who was still absorbing the pure energy, Solden became envy and hatred, and asked with some doubts.

What is the big advantage of   ?

   Even a Tier 7 boss has not absorbed it for a long time! ! .

Chapter 251:

   "Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

   It was about tea time before Saitama had absorbed the power that Ning Beichen gave freely. The feeling that the powerful power filled his body made him scream, and the whole person was shrouded in light, and a bald head was particularly dazzling.

"I want to hit ten!"

   Saitama's legs slammed into the sky, and his laughter echoed in ~space.

   "So strong!"

   Zhang Sanfeng looked at Saitama in the air, and couldn't help being speechless. At this time, the strength of the Saitama boss had changed qualitatively. The benefits he received were no less than Zhang Sanfeng, who had experienced a rejuvenation of spiritual energy, and even more!

   The chatting crowd who came along also looked at Saitama with envy.

   You must know that the stronger the strength, the more difficult it is to improve.

   A seventh-tier powerhouse in the Samsara team looked at Saitama with an uncertain expression. The coercion of the bald head in front of him is no less inferior to him. The most important thing is...

   This person cast his gaze on Ning Beichen, who was standing holding his hands in the air, his eyes full of jealousy.

   "You just created a seventh-tier peak powerhouse, what kind of strength should he be?"

   Thinking, he hooked his chin, nodded a black-robed man behind him, and said, "Li Yuan, you go."

   After all, this person is also a reincarnation who has been able to escape from countless moments of life and death. How could he be frightened by Ning Beichen's hand? He firmly believed that the Lord God would not let him die.


Hearing this, Li Yuan grinned, invisible power gushing out, and he squeezed the black robe on his body, holding his right hand in the void, a long knife appeared in his hand instantly, and rushed towards Saitama fiercely. .

   Countless red flames ignited on Li Yuandao, and the dazzling flames pulled into a stream of light in the air, tearing the space apart.

  In a flash, Saitama's eyes flashed, and Li Yuan's murderous knife had already been cut in front of him.

   This knife contains the power of Li Yuan's whole body, you know, he is a powerhouse with a seventh-order starburst!

"not good!"

   Zhang Sanfeng's expression changed. Now he is different from the past. He is no longer the most powerful salted fish in the group. Naturally, he can see the fierceness of this knife.

   However, Saitama did not evade, looked at the scorching sword light in front of him, and smiled abruptly.

   "Is this the power that the group leader bestows on me?"

  If it was changed to before, he still needs to deal with it cautiously, but now...

   Saitama looked relaxed, and punched casually.

   "Normal punch!"

   Boom! ! !

Saitama’s right fist collided with Li Yuan’s blade and exploded with a terrifying sound. The space around the two faintly shattered. The flame attached to Li Yuan’s knife broke inch by inch, and the whole person flew backwards. .

   And Saitama stood in the air, touched his bald head, and said, "That's it? But that's it! You don't need the leader of the group to take action, I'll be enough!"

   As he said, he rushed towards Li Yuan who was flying backwards thousands of feet away, and with his momentum, he slammed his right fist on Li Yuan's face.

   "Normal punch!"


   The screams came out, and Li Yuan didn't stop the tendency of flying backwards, he was bombed on the ground again, unable to get up for a long time.


   Saitama snorted coldly, provoked a hand to the reincarnation team in the air, and looked at the people above provocatively.

   The captain who signaled Li Yuan to take a shot laughed, stretched out a white finger, nodded behind Saitama, and said, "It's not over yet."


  As the man stretched out his fingers, Saitama's back fell cold, his hairs stood up, and his premonition of danger continued to magnify in his heart.


   Behind him, Li Yuan struggled to stand up, his body was burning with flames, and his head was raised up to the sky and roared frantically, with two blood-colored double horns growing out of his head.

   Li Yuan's eyes completely turned blood red, full of crazy killing intent, his face was covered with magma-like patterns, and an aura of destruction surrounded him.


   In each small world, there is a plane of demons. Their legends are spread among the worlds, which shows the horror of demons.

   And Li Yuan is a demon man who has exchanged his demon blood!

   One of the characteristics of demons is that they are more courageous in battle. After being injured, their combat power will increase exponentially. Demons are born warriors and nightmares of countless people!

   The moment when Saitama felt the killing intent, he turned around to make a defense, but Li Yuan's speed was too fast. As soon as he turned around, Saitama's eyes were flooded with red.

   "Burning flames!"

   Countless hot flames flowed down from Li Yuan's body in a liquid state. He opened his mouth wide and expelled a thick pillar of fire, blasting straight towards Saitama's face.

········ Ask for flowers·······

   The pillar of fire was like a shooting star, and it hit Saitama in the face the moment he turned his head.


A huge explosion sounded, and a bottomless pit was blasted out of the ground in an instant. A burst of smoke rose and enveloped the place where Saitama was, and everyone present couldn't help but look at the terrifying power of Li Yuan's trick. A change.

"not good!"

   Zhang Sanfeng exclaimed, looking at the dense smoke with a worried expression on his face, but he almost flew over. Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Ning Beichen and found that Ning Beichen's face was relaxed at this time, and his heart was instantly settled.

   In the live broadcast room.

   Thor: "The power of this trick is so powerful... I'm afraid it has already exceeded the range of Tier 7."

   Lin Jiu: "I'm going, Saitama will be fine, right? He has only been promoted soon!"


   Kotori Minami: "Don't be crow's mouth, Saitama must be fine, he is already thick and thick."

   Even Yakumo Zi, who has always been black, can't help but frown at this moment, worrying about Saitama.

After all,    is a group of friends in a chat group. What makes everyone feel at ease is that the group leader is still standing in the air, with no response at all, his complexion is relaxed, and he is still that kind of fairy demeanor.

  The strongest group leader didn't worry, everyone didn't worry too much, sure enough, but for a moment, Saitama's weak voice came from the thick smoke.

   "Ahem... choke... choke me to death."

   As the voice spread, a hurricane rose from under the pit, blowing away all the thick smoke. Saitama slowly flew up from under the pit and stood in the air. Looking at the outside, he didn't suffer any injuries.

   He bent down, patted the dust on his body casually, and said, "It's pretty amazing..."


What surprised me now was the reincarnation squad on the sidelines. They thought that even if Li Yuan’s terrible blow could not directly kill the bald man, it would be able to seriously wound him, but now, even people’s clothes didn’t hit him. break!

   "Could it be that his clothes are some treasures?"

   Just when the group of people was shaking and guessing, Li Yuan moved.

   How could the demon of the natural warrior watch the enemy recover? When he was sure that Saitama still had the power to fight, Li Yuan raised his head and roared again.

   The whole person turned into a dazzling fireball, cut through the air with a sizzle, and rushed towards Saitama. begging.

Chapter 252:

   Looking at the fireball rushing at high speed, the corners of Saitama's mouth moved slightly, and he smiled: "Now, I won't be hit by you again..."

   As he said, his eyes suddenly became sharp, bent over and knees, using the waist as the axis, drove the power of the whole body, from bottom to top, burst out the power of the whole body from his right fist, and blasted Li Yuan fiercely.

   "Seriously punch!"

   A punch blasted out, and the world changed color. At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Saitama's seemingly ordinary punch, and the sound of the wind breaking sharply echoed in everyone's ears.

   This punch, carrying the power of heaven and earth, is unstoppable! !

   "A terrible punch..."

  In the distance, among the reincarnation squad watching the battle, someone couldn't help muttering.

   is that Li Yuan’s previous blow did not move him, but a simple straight punch from Saitama made him frown and began to reconsider Saitama’s strength.

  The so-called Dao is simple, everything is one, this punch, although it seems to have no skill, it contains incomparable power!

   Said it was too late and then fast. When everyone was shocked by the power of this punch, Saitama's fist had collided with the fireball of Li Yuan's incarnation!

   Boom! ! !

   A deafening sound came from the place where the two met, and a small mushroom cloud slowly rose up.

   The scarred ground shattered again, and countless sea-like cracks spread from the center to the surroundings.

   The smoke dissipated, and Saitama kept his punching position, Li Yuan's hands were covering his head, both of them kept their original positions, motionless.

"Who's winning?"

   The eyes of everyone present were focused on these two people, and even the people in the live broadcast room couldn't help but hold their breath, as if they were right there.

  There is no other reason. The oppressive feeling of Saitama's punch is too terrifying, and if Li Yuan can take this move, it will be even more astounding.

   Just when everyone was hanging on their hearts, Ning Beichen suddenly smiled, nodded, and said, "Yes."

   The voice just fell, the victory or defeat has been divided.

   Saitama slowly retracted his right fist, and Li Yuan knelt down on the ground like snowflakes from the Buddha avalanche.

   With his hands hanging down weakly, the devil's horns on his head shattered inch by inch, his mouth still let out low roars, rolled his eyes, and stared at Saitama firmly.

  Although Li Yuan hasn't died yet, and it seems that he still has the power to fight again, everyone present knows that Li Yuan has already lost.

   This punch not only smashed his horns, which symbolized the status of a demon, but also smashed his fearless warrior heart!

   Lee Won was scared when Saitama threw a terrifying punch! Covered the head with both hands.

   The most terrifying thing about the devil is not in his affinity with the fire element that day, or in his flesh that surpasses other races, but in his heart that never knows the pain, never knows the fear!

   And when Li Yuan faced Saitama's punch, he chose defense instead of attack, which proved that he was afraid! It is difficult to reconcile a broken mirror. After today, he will no longer be a demon, at best he can only be regarded as a slightly stronger person.

   This is scarier than killing him!

   On Wudang Mountain, the exterminator was too blue, and his legs started to tremble. If it weren't for the sharp eyes of the people around, he gave her a hand.

   I am afraid that she will be unable to control it at this time, and sat down on the ground.

   At this time, the extinction master too has regretted his intestines, and originally wanted to take advantage of his spiritual energy to recover, to test Wudang.

   If you can take advantage, you can take advantage, if you can’t, forget it. Who would have thought that the development of things would become more uncontrollable.

   First, people in black robes with terrifying strength came one after another, and then a group of strangely dressed people came, and the two fought without any explanation. Everyone was a terrifying power that could pinch her to death.

   Now she has let Saitama's shocking punch smash Daoxin to pieces. Even if she luckily survives today, it is estimated that it will be difficult to save her strength in the days to come.

  The Exterminator looked around too much, and found that the disciples around him were all shocked, and he knew that they were all just like him, with a damaged Dao heart.

   Seeing these, she sighed and regretted her decision again.

   Suddenly, the voice of a gentle young man appeared on the silent Wudang Mountain, as if a ray of dawn broke through the darkness.

   "Disciples of Wudang Mountain, look up!"

   "Don't be afraid of being strong, but worship being strong!"

   "Maybe you were frightened by this punch, you began to doubt what you had learned before, and you began to feel that you were not worth mentioning, then you were wrong!"

   "Before the rejuvenation of the aura, if anyone said that you could improve by leaps and bounds, would you believe it?"

   "You won't! But it really happened! Then I am here to say that you will be as strong as this puncher, even stronger than him, do you believe it?"

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