
   The old cow was in pain and roared. Several black spots appeared on his body, and a burning smell appeared. Although he could not penetrate his skin, he had actually hurt him.


   Before Lingfeng ridiculed, Lao Niu rushed up with red eyes.

   is another hoof!

   The boundless power of this hoof carrier, the hurricane suddenly appeared in the sky, and gathered behind the hoof, which is more than the old bull's move to explode the phantom of the devil!

   Lingfeng chuckles when he sees this, and makes a virtual squeeze with his right fist. An eyeball behind him explodes strangely!


   The smell of blood spread all over the sky, Lingfeng's eyes sparkled, and he flew forward directly, the rest of the eyeballs behind him glowed and greeted the old cow.

   Boom! !

   There was a crackling sound, but it was not Lingfeng that was injured, but the old cow!

   I saw that every beam of Lingfeng’s light just now shot towards the door of the old cow's force. After the shot, the old cow's strength has been removed by most! The power of this trick is out of ten!

   And Lingfeng cleverly dodges this overwhelming hoof, dodges from the weakest place, and directly hit the old cow's head with a heavy punch!

   "Damn it!"

   The old cow was completely angry, and he couldn't think of it, a ninth-order big demon, actually being suppressed by the people of the eighth-level peak. This is something that it cannot bear!

   I saw the old cow raising his head and roaring, lightning raged between his horns, and a terrifying electric ball formed. The old cow mooed and shook his head directly, and the electric ball quickly rushed towards Lingfeng!

   This trick, the old cow uses his own secret technique, through the soul lock, to ensure that it can hit!

   Lingfeng's figure stagnated, and he clearly felt the discomfort of his own soul, knowing that he was locked, but he did not panic, instead laughed strangely, stood there, not evasive.


   The electric ball blasted on Lingfeng's body without any hindrance, and at the same time it swelled, it directly swallowed Lingfeng's whole person!

   Zi Zi Zi!

   A terrifying electromagnetic sound resounded through the sky, and the old cow bitterly said: "Why, it hurts the old cow, now I think you will die!"


   Lingfeng’s slightly frivolous voice sounded, and after a moment of blast, the electric ball disappeared, revealing Lingfeng’s figure, and he did not suffer any injuries, even his clothes were not torn!

   "I thought... how powerful a ninth-order demon can be, but is that so."

   Lingfeng stretched out lazily, full of provocation, and then yawned. At this time, the dozen or so eyeballs slowly turning behind him exploded one strangely. .

Chapter 259:

   "So strong!"

   The rest of the reincarnations were shocked, and they didn't expect Lingfeng to have such strength!

   They originally wanted to let Lingfeng take the lead and observe the strength of the big demon and the mysterious man, but now Lingfeng's performance has greatly exceeded their imagination.

   "Three eyes...could it be?"

   Someone who thought of something, exclaimed.

   "The young master of the Sky Eye tribe?"

  As soon as this remark came out, there was a loud noise in the samsara.

   "Unexpectedly he was here!"

   "I have heard that he has killed five ninth orders head-on!"

   "It seems that this mission is stable, hahahahaha!"

   Skyeyes, like demons, are also famous races in every world!

  The Sky Eyes are few in number, extremely talented, and extremely cruel temperament. The most terrifying thing is that the third vertical eye at the center of their eyebrows can break all kinds of magic!

   The old cow's tricks were seen through by Lingfeng, and all the weaknesses were found. After that, the electric ball was evaded by Lingfeng's use of unknown secret techniques.

   In the live broadcast room.

   Lin Jiu: "Tianyan Clan? What, why haven't I heard of it?"

   Thor: "I have never heard of it, but looking at their reaction, it should be a very powerful race!"

  Feng Mizumon: "Is it a pupil technique like Uchiha... It's really interesting."

   Dagu: "I've heard of this race... It's an extremely tyrannical race. There will be nothing wrong with the group leader, right?"

   Nan Xiaoniao: "What are you talking about! The owner is invincible!"

   In mid-air.

   Lingfeng listened to the comments of the people around him, with a hint of arrogance on his face. The arrogance and arrogance of the Tianyan clan had long been carved into his bones.

   He looked at the blue cow, and slowly said: "You have good strength, I don't know what you want to be my mount? I promise, you can use all your potential!"


   When the old cow heard this, his nose was crooked, and two thick milky breaths sprayed out from his nostrils, and said: "Your grandfather cow, when I traversed the world, why are you still eating milk~々!"

   "What about the Sky Eyes? Labor and management have never killed them!"

   Lingfeng's face suddenly became cold, and in front of him, the young master of the Sky-Eyed Clan, claiming that he had killed the Sky-Eyed Clan was tantamount to slapping him in the face. This was simply intolerable to the arrogant Sky-Eyed Clan members!

   "I gave you a chance... but you chose to give up..."

   "Then get ready to die!"

   Lingfeng's eyes flashed a hideous light, and he shook both hands fiercely, and the two eyeballs behind him instantly exploded. The flying blood mixed together and shot at the green cow with a blast!


   The old cow looked at the galloping blood, still waving his hoof slowly, and greeted him.

   Seeing this familiar trick of Lao Niu, many Samsaras shook their heads.

   "Unexpectedly, this cow is so stupid. It is obvious that his moves have been seen through, so he still uses this trick!"

   "Looking at that Lingfeng is extremely confident in his moves, I guess he can kill this stupid monster in one fell swoop!"

   "Hehe, it's really blind to its ninth-tier strength, we just need to wait for Lingfeng to make a move."

  As he spoke, the three blood-colored rays of Lingfeng had already been brutally killed!

   Lao Niu's hooves, which are not fast or slow, have also attacked, and the latter will come first, and the three **** rays of light will soon be greeted!

   Seeing this scene, Lingfeng's eyes showed a hint of joy, and the eyes behind him were shining brightly, and dozens of rays of light hit the old cow's door just like before!

   "The victory is divided!"

   Seeing that the old cow did not change his tricks, many reincarnations shook their heads. They were all eighth-tier veteran reincarnations, with venomous eyes.

   More than a dozen rays of light accurately shot to the side of the old cow, but it was like a mud cow into the sea, without a wave of it.

   The hooves of the old cow are like a mountain, slowly but firmly rushing to the three blood-colored rays, and slammed the blood-colored rays flying away with a bang.


   Lingfeng was startled, but before he could react, the iron hoof had already been killed!


   The world in front of Lingfeng seemed to be compressed by this hoof. The sky and clouds all disappeared. In his vision, only the terrifying hoof was left, which filled his eyeballs!

   "What's the matter, why is there no weakness?"

   Lingfeng was anxious, and the vertical eyes between his brows opened a little, and the eyeballs inside were bloodshot and red. He was constantly looking for the weakness of the old cow's trick.

   is just in vain, no matter how many times he tries, there is only one result!

   There is no weakness!


   Lingfeng roared frantically, his brows glowed, and a barrier appeared in front of him to protect himself.

   At this time, the iron hoof finally hit his head!


   The barrier was actually shattered at the moment of contact!

   The sound of the barrier breaking is as if the silver bottle was suddenly broken, and the barrier condensed with the strength of the eighth level of the spirit wind did not even support it for half a second!

   The power of the iron hoof did not diminish at all, and it patted Lingfeng's face directly!

   His head was like a clay figure poked by a naughty child, and it sank directly.

   The body is like a broken ceramic, full of cracks, countless blood oozing out!

   Lingfeng's mouth made a hissing sound, and his eyes were full of fear.

"what's the situation!"

   "This hoof! It's terrifying!"

  The reincarnations who watched the battle around were shocked, and they didn't expect the situation to reverse so quickly!

   Just now they thought that Lingfeng could easily break this trick and crush the old cow, but the facts slapped them severely!

"what happened?"

   "How can this trick be so terrible, it looks ordinary, but it actually contains a big way!"

  Rao is basically the eighth-order reincarnation present, and he didn't understand how Lao Niu's move was activated.

   They can only vaguely feel that this blow of the old cow seems to have surpassed the limit of Tier Nine!

   This move is like an antelope hanging horns, it is completely natural, there is not a trace of (Li's Zhao) flaws, even the Sky Eyes cannot resist it!

Every member of the    Skyeye team had a distorted face and a pale face. They were obviously shocked by the blow of the old bull!

   They didn't expect that the invincible Lingfeng that had been used in the past was actually killed here with a single move!

   They looked at each other a few times. Someone kept swaying and seemed to run away, but then they thought of something and stopped at the same level.

   This move seems to have touched the edge of the tenth order, with the aura of the avenue, directly attacked the spirit wind from the source, crushing all his spirits!

   Qing Niu looked at Lingfeng’s sunken head, disdainfully said: "Why, I dare to look down on labor and capital!"

   "When I fought, you were not born yet!"

   As he said, he looked at the samsaras, shook his hoof very arrogantly, and said, "Who else will come?"

   "Don't talk about you, Grandpa Niu, I'm bullying people, you can fight in groups or fight alone!".

Chapter 260:

   Lao Niu is at the forefront, his expression is arrogant, and he is constantly provoking. Many reincarnations look at each other, and no one wants to be the first bird.

   If the strength of this old bull is only the ninth-order big monster, it is nothing more than the unpredictable trick it just made, I am afraid it is not a simple ninth-order.

   Ordinary Tier 9 is really difficult to take advantage of so many Tier 8 reincarnations, but Lao Niu is obviously not an ordinary Tier 9.

   Just as the reincarnations were speechless and no one was speaking, a strange voice suddenly came.

   crunch... crunch...

   The sound of skin cracking and fleshy flesh sounded, and the old cow was startled and turned around to look.

   I saw Lingfeng's sunken head slowly recovering, and the bodies of the members of the Sky Eye team behind him began to swell strangely!

   Everyone’s body is like an inflated balloon, and the skin cannot withstand the terrible pressure and begins to crack.

   Blood splashed, bones broke apart every inch, and then half of the team members exploded directly with a bang, and the sky full of flesh and blood flew in front of Lingfeng.


   The flesh and blood adhered to Lingfeng's face, and after a while it was completely absorbed by that vertical eye. When I looked again, Lingfeng's head had actually returned to its original shape!

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