This sound contained Ning Beichen's indomitable sword intent, and the murderous aura that came from slaying a sword!

   Gaby Leslie's throat was cut open instantly, purple blood poured out frantically, he covered his throat, eyes full of disbelief, making a roar.

   "Who...Who are you? I can ignore Valoran's barrier and hurt me very few people. Are you the King of the Night? The Queen? Or who?"

   "You just need to remember, what I said, you don't need to know who I am!" Begging.

Chapter 272:

   Gaby Leslie was holding his throat with horror in his eyes. His level in the void is also very powerful. He can suppress a handful of him, but he has never seen the power of the person in front of him!

   Ning Beichen's voice still lingered in the air. He He was stunned in the same place, and most of the fear in his body had been eliminated. The moment Ning Beichen made a sound, he had already recovered his mobility, but he still had lingering fears.

   Gaby Leslie stared at He He, or at Ning Beichen, was silent for a while, waved his hand, and signaled He He to leave.

   He Heru received an amnesty, and quickly turned around and ran. The group leader's hardiness is the group leader's business. It does not mean that he can do whatever he wants in front of this monster, or it is the best policy to run.

   I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional. Gabby Leslie used that faint voice behind He He and said, “The real queen is coming, and the ascenders will return. You have to hurry.”

   He He was taken aback, when he was at a loss, Ning Beichen's voice sounded: "Don't worry about him!"

"Oh, alright."

   He He quickly walked out of the camp, walked into the forest and stopped again. His house in Noxus had been destroyed, and he couldn't even find a place to go.

   He asked cautiously: "Um, the leader of the group, where am I going next?"

   "Just go to a place and stay, the situation now seems not as optimistic as we thought, don't go out hunting monsters."


  In the chat group.

   Lin Jiu: "Hey, the strength of the group leader is still so strong, every time I see it, it is fascinating."

   Nan Xiaoniao: "Humph, I said that the group owner is the best!"

  Highly important: "The emperor's posture is invincible!"

   Saitama: "By the way, that purple monster is really terrifying. I have never seen that kind of power. It seems that it is not in the same system as us."

   Zhang Sanfeng: "Their level seems to be much stronger than ours. If this kind of monster invades Valoran, then we really need to be more careful."

   Mascot Kang Na: "What are you afraid of, isn't there a group leader? Didn't you scare the purple monster enough without seeing the group leader's words so far apart?"

   Group leader Ning Beichen: "Don't be too optimistic...The reason why the monster flinched should be that I recognized me as one of their high-ranking existences."

   Group leader Ning Beichen: "If he really discovered my identity, I am afraid he would not be so constrained, and his last sentence clearly meant something."

  A heroic administrator: "Queen? Speaking of which, there is a Void Escape Beast in the group file, and it is said that it is also a Queen."

  A heroic administrator: "Could it be that the Void Dungeons have invaded Valoran? This is not good, can Valoran last a week?"

   Group leader Ning Beichen: "Don't worry, Varoran is not that easy to bully. There are still many powerful ascenders, and it shouldn't be easy for Void to succeed."

   Talking time, He He has already arrived in a tavern in a nearby small city. Since the group owner said he wanted him to find a random place, he just opened a room and survived the night.

The experience of this day made his nerves very keen, and everyone seemed to be invaded by the void, because the weird eyes were almost beaten. Noxus always respects the strong, and there is no ordinary fight. Go ahead.

   Knowing that Ning Beichen would not close the live broadcast, He He only relaxed a little after staring at the situation on his side. He fell back in the room and said that after several life and death battles, he was already exhausted.

   It's just him, Ning Beichen, what all the chat group members don't know is that a purple light burst into the sky out of He He's sight.


   At this time, Shurima is also on the verge of night, and the faint moonlight is sprinkled on the vast yellow sand, which is particularly peaceful and peaceful. From time to time, only the breeze blows the yellow sand and makes a sound.

  Incompatible with this scenery are the residents living here. Apart from the yellow sand, it is still yellow sand.

   Most nomadic residents living in Shurima must find basic survival supplies in this ruthless land. Some stayed in small outposts around a few oases.

  The rest depend on the wealth buried under the ruins of the poaching empire or accepting mercenary contracts. In order to survive the dog Gou Fei camp, he was finally buried in the yellow sand.

   However, recently, various tribes have begun to move around, because a whisper came from the center of the desert: The city of Shurima has risen again...

   Some people used countless treasures to buy people's hearts and horses, and built cities on the edge of the desert. Many tribes who couldn't survive have taken refuge, and they soon formed a large force.


A thick gasp broke the silence. A man covered in blood slowly walked over and fell on top of the yellow sand. His body was scarred, with a white turban commonly seen in deserts on his head, and a white turban on his waist. Fine iron scimitar with handle.

   Anyone who has lived in the desert can recognize him at a glance.

   Horse Thief!

   The horse thief stared at the full moon in the sky, clasped his hands together, praying in an obscure voice, and after a while, he put down his hands, sat up straight on the sand, and spit out blood.

   "Well, these heretics are getting less and less rules. It's damn! I almost died there! Fortunately I have a good horse!"

There was anger and resentment in his eyes. The Xinxingdi tribe used to revive Shurima's name and eliminated dissidents. In a short time, he killed countless rebellious tribes and horse thieves. He almost died at the hands of those infidels. .

   "But, it's all worth it...hehehe."

   The horse thief muttered to himself, and took out a purple stone from his arms. The stone was crystal clear and exuded a dazzling light. It was very valuable at first glance.

   "The pagan leader valued this stone so much, it must be a treasure! Selling him, I won't have to wait for death in this ghost desert anymore!"

   The horse thief stared at the stone in his hand, his eyes full of greed, as if he had already thought of his happy life after harvesting wealth, but what he didn't notice was that he did not know when the stone was stained with blood.

   The red blood is entangled with the purple light, and it looks very strange. The stone is slowly absorbing the blood!

   At this time, the horse thief still didn't know it. He was dreaming of Spring and Autumn. Suddenly, the stone grew spikes and plunged into the horse thief's hands.


   The horse thief screamed in agony and waved his hand to throw the stone out, but it was too late, the spikes on the stone gushed out frantically, and the horse thief became a hedgehog in an instant! .

Chapter 273:

   The original dazzling gem instantly turned into a fierce creature that was chosen and devoured. The stone was pressed on the horse thief, greedily absorbing the horse thief's blood.


  At the beginning, the horse thief could still struggle and groan, and after a while, the slightest breath disappeared.

   At the same time, the purple stone broke away from the horse thief, fell on the yellow sand, and began to swell strangely!

   The stone is attached to the yellow sand, and it keeps expanding, and finally it expands to a width of ten meters before stopping. Observing its shape, it looks like a tunnel!

   A voice full of rage and murderous intent rang from behind the tunnel, and at the same time, a purple light shot into the sky!

   "Damn fellows, dare to lose the emperor's token...When I come out, I must break these stupid horse thieves into pieces!"

   said, the tunnel was trembling constantly, as if something was impacting, but a yellow light appeared in the distance of the desert, covering the tunnel, preventing the impact of that thing.

26  …………


   He He stretched his waist and let out a sigh of relief. After a night of rest, he finally adjusted his state and truly remembered the gains from yesterday's battle.

   It can be said that He He today and He He yesterday have undergone a qualitative change!

   "Are you awake?"

   A slightly naive voice sounded, He He was taken aback, isn't this Dao Zhang Sanfeng?

   He quickly got up and asked: "Zhang...Zhang Daochang? Why are you? The group leader?"

   "Cultivation is gone... he didn't watch you sleep. It happened that I was fine, so I just looked at you, don't worry, we will not let you have any trouble."


He He nodded, his face still a little scared. He has only seen the group leader take action and knows nothing about the combat effectiveness of other group members. Although the eighth rank in front of Zhang Sanfeng's name seems scary, in case it is not as powerful as that monster Woolen cloth? Then he is gone?

  What kind of person Zhang Sanfeng is, he can see He He's careful thinking at a glance, and he quickly spit out a few words in the group.

   Zhang Sanfeng: " do I feel that this kid looks down on me."

   Bo Feng Shui Men: "Yes, he just looks down on you."

   Saitama: "To be honest, I look down on you when you have no epiphany."

  South bird: "Look down at plus one."

   Zhang Sanfeng: "What kind of attitude do you have! Be careful I beat you with Tai Chi Chuan! What happened to the epiphany? I just have this ability!"

   Zhang Sanfeng: "This kid hasn't seen me show his power two days ago, hum, there is a chance, I must go to the duel to teach him!"

   He He: "...I'm sorry, Senior Zhang Sanfeng, I didn't mean to look down on you..."

   Zhang Sanfeng was still holding his fist on the top of the mountain. He was taken aback when he saw He He speak. He scratched his head in embarrassment. He made a bad cry and forgot that this kid was also in the group.

   He hurriedly restored his image among the newcomers, and said: "Hehe...I was just joking, don't worry, little friend He He."

  Zhang Sanfeng: "If you use the name of a duel to fix your meal, this kind of thing will never happen at all."

   He He: "……"

   He He sat on the bed, looked at the ceiling, and said that it was strange that I believed you.

   But he can only talk about this in his heart, Zhang Sanfeng's eighth rank is right in front of him, and he may not be able to beat the monster, but he can definitely beat him all over the floor.

   He slandered a few words, yawned, and went downstairs to find something to eat. When he came downstairs, he was stunned.

   In the lobby of the tavern, a purple figure was standing in the middle of the tavern, arms outstretched, as if doing some mysterious ritual.

   The people around didn't know it, and there was no reaction in the same place. The purple figure seemed to feel He He's gaze, and turned to look at He He, facing He He's eyes.

"not good!"

   At the moment he stared at each other, He He felt cold and hurriedly turned his gaze to other places, but it was too late!

   The purple figure monster laughed and said: "Can you see me?"

   He He forced his composure. Regardless of the question of the purple figure, he walked to the front desk and ordered a glass of wine.

At this moment, the purple figure suddenly came to He He's side, with his arm clinging to He He's body, his voice was as harsh as a burr, and he sneered: "Boy, don't pretend, you have an aura of emptiness... you should be able to see me. ."

   "Let's talk! You belong to that great king? You also came to Noxus to develop believers. Don't you know that this is the site of our King of the Night?"

   "The King of Dark Night?"

   He He was taken aback. He heard the name of this second-degree aura from Gaby Leslie yesterday. Could it be that Noxus has been infiltrated by more than one void creature?

   He He had countless thoughts in his mind at this time, but there was no reply that he could say. He was silent, not knowing how to answer.

"……why do not you answer me?"

   The purple figure became more impatient, his hands approached He He's throat, as if he was about to crush He He's throat in the next moment!

   Just when He He couldn't bear it and wanted to make a move, the purple figure seemed to have thought of something. He withdrew his hand and said to himself: "Could it be that you are the one who has a seed attached?"

   He He turned around, a few drops of cold sweat fell on his face, leaving the neurotic figure alone, he hurriedly asked for help in the chat group.

   Cannon Cart He He: "Everyone, what should I do now? I was accosted by the void creature, how can I reply? Wait online."

   Zhang Sanfeng: "I was hit up? If I hadn't been staring at you, I would have believed your nonsense!"

   Saitama: "Avoiding war with relatives is also a classic art!"

   Bo Feng Shuimen: "Oh, oh? Speaking of our history, there have been such precedents. If Little Friend He He is really favored by the Queen, it is okay to dedicate himself to the whole world."

   Lin Jiu: "Dedicated to the whole world! Not bad! Newcomer, I am optimistic about you!"

  Highly important: "For the country and the people, look like an emperor!"

   Cannon Cart He He: "..."

   A heroic administrator: "Don't talk about it, this person seems to be not much worse than the monster yesterday, so hurry up and think of a solution!"

  Nan Xiaoniao: "Didn't he have guesses by himself? You just let him guess by himself. This kind of person with strong brain replenishment ability is as terrible as Dihua's person, so there is no need to answer him."

   He He retracted his gaze, and blacklisted the names of several chat group members in his heart. These seniors were less serious than the other, it was better for Nan Xiaoniao, and gave him a suggestion.

   He He ignored the purple figure and began to drink. The illusory figure did not know what was thinking, and walked out of the tavern.

   After a while, a middle-aged man with a hat and a crazy smile on his mouth pushed the door into the tavern and sat beside He He.

   "I still haven't figured out who you are.".

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