"No, I want to go too."

   Kangna bulged her face, staring at Dagu with big eyes and said.

   Although Chitong didn't make any expressions, the ruby-like eyes were staring at Dagu, and the meaning was self-evident.

"All right."

   Dagu nodded helplessly.

  . . . . . .

   "The Great Forest of Jura is ahead."

   The young man in silver robe looked at the large continuous forest in the distance and said.

   They crossed the swamp of the lizard people, with the help of the reincarnation, they almost wiped out the lizard people almost without much resistance.

   "Boss, I feel a few not weak breaths coming in our direction."

   The hedgehog-head boy frowned and looked in the direction of the forest and said.

   The other people followed his eyes. Although their perception is not as sharp as his, one of the other people has a strong aura, even they can feel it.

   "Very bright breath, I feel a little familiar, who would it be?"

   The horned young man frowned and said, the existence that exuded the strongest breath made him feel familiar, but he couldn't guess what it was for a while, and he didn't know why someone in this world made him feel familiar.

   "They are coming soon, maybe you will know if you see it with your own eyes."

   The hedgehog head boy curled his mouth and said, his face looked very confident...

  They are indeed confident, because they have confident capital.

   The opponent with the strongest aura is far from the weakest among them, so he doesn't panic at all.

   "Let the pig heads behind stop first."

   said the silver-robed youth, hundreds of thousands of people stopped here waiting for people to come.

   After a while, the master of those breaths gradually appeared in their sight.


  The young man in silver robe looked at the few people coming here, frowning and humming suspiciously.

   The dresses of those few people are different, but they are obviously different from the style of this world. The guy who looks like the ancients wears the same style of painting!

   It wasn't until the two groups were nearly one mile apart that they had the opportunity to truly look at each other intuitively.

   "Well? This person looks like..."

   The hedgehog head boy looked at the young man in the tights with the word "guys" and said in a daze.

   Dagu and Yan Chixia frowned and glanced at the few people standing in front of the pig head tribe army, their expressions a little dignified.

   They couldn't feel the strength of these people at all, that is to say, the strength of the opponent must surpass them by a lot.

   "After a while, if something goes wrong, you can take Conna and the others away first."

   Dagu lowered his voice and said.

   Before starting the fight, he already felt the tremendous pressure.


   Yan Chixia was not hypocritical, nodded gently, and agreed. If there is a problem, they can only be a burden.

   "Hey! Are you Tiga Ultraman?"

   The only **** the opposite side shouted.

   Dagu was stunned when he heard the other party's call, and did not answer.

   "They actually know Dagu Sang!"

   Limru said in surprise, he didn't know Dagu, and the other party knew each other, is he really a reincarnation?

   Seeing that the other party didn't pay attention to her, the girl pouted and said with a displeased face: "It's really rude, I must blow them up soon!"

   "The King Moe is here too, we don't need to bother to find it now."

   The horned youth said with a smile on the corner of his chest and mouth. The identity of the other party is no longer important to them. .

Mime private 348


   Without too much nonsense, Da Gu directly took out the magic light stick from his arms and placed it on his chest and shouted.

   A dazzling light shone from Dagu's body and instantly enveloped the entire battlefield.

   "I'll just say! He must be Ultraman Tiga! Dagu Dagu!!!"

   The girl closed her eyes tightly by the rays of light, and pointed her small hand indiscriminately, as if she had seen an idol fan, she exclaimed in excitement.

   "Kill grandma!!!"

The teammates beside    couldn't bear her yelling, they couldn't help shouting in unison.

   The light faded, and Ultraman's huge body did not appear as expected. Dagu's body shape was like a normal human being, Tiga's miniature form, but his strength was not weakened at all.

As the saying goes, what is concentrated is the essence. Tiga’s weight and strength still maintain the level of normal form. This also means that the current Tiga is like a human-shaped nuclear bomb. No, it should be said that the power of each strike is equal. It is like the explosion of a nuclear bomb of tens of thousands of tons.

   "Oh, since the other party has brightened his muscles, then I'll brighten up too!"

   The young man with horns sneered at the transformed Dagu, holding his chest.

   Heiqishun 26 times covered his whole body, just like the opposite version of Dagu's transformation, but the difference is that this time his transformation suddenly turned into a thousand-zhang monster with a bull's head.

   Like a reincarnation monster, that huge body obscures the sky and the sun, and the entire battlefield is enveloped by a terrifying evil spirit. The low-strength pigheads are all infected by this power, shouting and fleeing like a madman.

   There were even weaker ones, knocking his head on the ground, and the scene was terrible.

   "What a terrible power!"

   Limu looked at the huge bull demon with a pale face, he only felt that the gap between him and it was like a ditch, and the great sage gave him a warning to run away.

   Diga raised his fist, his figure continued to grow and became a normal size, but his body of several tens of meters was still just like an ant in front of the bull demon in front of him.

   "Color timer!"

   Diga clenched both fists, fists against the timer on his chest, and a colorful light burst from the timer, emanating toward Diga.

   The brilliant light instantly dissipated the cow demon's demon energy, but it did not cause any harm to the cow demon's body, but only eliminated the influence of its demon energy.

   "Hehe, bull devil trample!"

   The cow demon sounded like a muffled thunder, sneered twice, lifted the huge cow hoof and stamped it down on the ground.

   "The world is boundless, the universe borrows the law!!"

   Yan Chixia realized that when the huge hooves of the bull demon lifted up, she realized that it was not good, and quickly pulled out his Xuanyuan sword and shouted.

   The sword blade became bigger in an instant, and it flew into the air with a few people like a small boat.


The hooves of the bull demon fell instantly, like a meteorite falling, directly stepping out of a large pit several kilometers wide on the ground. The remaining pig heads were directly turned into a pile of minced meat, and the shock wave caused by the huge force swept everything. , Spanning thousands of miles without stopping, not far from the Jura Forest, countless trees and creatures were lifted off by this blow, and even beaten into a cloud of blood on the spot.

   Diga knew that he could not resist this, and flew into the air to avoid it.

   "Where to run?"

   Niu Demon's mouth opened with a cruel smile, looking at the flying knife in the air, Tiga stretched out his big hand and held it in the palm of his hand.


   Unexpectedly, the opponent's body is so huge, but the speed is still so fast, Tiga was caught without a chance to escape, desperately trying to escape from the opponent's palm.

   But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free of the opponent's palm, and the power gap was too great.


   Seeing that Di Jia was captured, Kang Na couldn't help but jumped off Yan Chixia's Xuanyuan sword and changed back to her original form.

   The huge silver-white dragon appeared in the air, flapping its wings and let out a dragon roar, and sprayed a lightning beam at the bull devil.

Although the dragon that Conna changes is also very large, it is only about the size of a mosquito in front of the bull demon. The lightning beam is not any threat. The bull demon does not even have to resist, so let the thunder beam fall. On myself.

   "Kang Na sauce? That old man is Yan Chixia, isn't that girl the red pupil!?"

   The rest of the reincarnations have been observing and watching the show, watching the cute girl who has transformed into a giant dragon, and instantly guessed her identity, and by the way, also saw the identity of Yan Chixia and others.

   "No, how did these people come here? How can the indigenous people travel through the world? And they know each other!"

   The hedgehog head boy felt that something was wrong. There were too many problems before their eyes, which simply broke their cognition.

   "Is there something that integrates them together? To rebel against the main god, I remember a novel that seems to be this kind of routine."

   The silver-robed youth frowned and said.

   He suddenly felt that the things behind this were not that simple.

   "Hey! Brother Niu! Catch all alive!"

   The silver-robed youth raised his head and shouted loudly at the bull demon.

   He has a hunch that the things here are by no means as simple as they thought, and we must catch these people and ask them clearly.

   "Will you just leave one? No need to grab them all, right?"

   Hedgehog-head boy asked suspiciously. He didn't understand why the captain made this decision. He raised his eyebrows and squatted him with his elbow: "Could it be because of the red eyes?"


   The silver-robed youth turned white, and he cursed with a sullen look.

   "One more person means one more piece of information. How do you know that the person left behind is telling the truth?"

   Yinpao youth explained, leaving only one person to ask, who can guarantee that what he said is true? Leaving one more person can at least make multiple comparisons. Leaving a verification is more useful than leaving just one person.

   "Well, you can take a long-term view! Otherwise, why are you the captain!"

   Hedgehog spread his head helplessly, paying no attention to the lessons of the silver-robed youth. He didn't like to use his brain, but in fact, there is no one in the team who likes to use his brain.

   If you don’t believe me, take a look at these people, which one seems to have a brain?

   can be mixed up to now can basically be said to be the credit of the silver-robed youth, which is why everyone elected him as the captain and absolutely obeyed his orders.

   "The Heavenly Demon Conferring the Heavens Dafa!"

   Niu Demon held Tiga in one hand and spread out the other. The huge palm covered the entire sky like a dark cloud cover, and fell towards Yan Chixia and the others.


   Dijia shouted to Yan Chixia in a way of soul communication.

   Without any hesitation, Yan Chixia pulled the red pupil and rode on Bailong's body and fled towards the distance without looking back. .

Chapter 349:


   Diga turned into a red form, and a raging fire ignited all over.

  Alto Bomb!

  Tero’s classic moves, the moves that Daegu learned after watching all the stories of Ultraman, and more than that, he has developed and mastered many of the skills of Ultraman in the Showa series.

   However, some moves can only be performed in specific forms, such as this alt bomb, which can only be performed with a powerful type.

  The hot temperature and suicidal attack, the bull devil only felt a sharp pain in his palm, and involuntarily released his hand, and at the same time the falling tendency of the other palm suddenly stopped.

   Dagu broke free from the **** of the bull demon with his own power, and bought time for Yan Chixia and others to escape.


   Dagu, who had just broken free, saw Limru spread out two bats and stayed in the air like wings, and did not leave.

   "Da Gu Sang! I want to stay and fight with you!"

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