"Tier Seven!? Shining Tiga form!? He can take the initiative to change into this form!?"

   The silver-robed youth looked at Tiga, whose body was shining with golden light, and said in surprise, he understood what the other party was doing!

   Those golden light clusters should be similar to the existence of the children in the special photo turning into light and entering Diga's body. They can all enhance Diga's strength and become the form of shining Diga.

   He didn't even expect that the opponent's strength could jump to the seventh rank!

   "Lily-chan, I'm afraid I will rely on you."

   Yinpao youth said with a solemn expression.

   "Hey, look at me!"

   The girl chuckled, as if she didn't care about Tiga's soaring strength, she said very confidently.

   "Brother Niu! Don't pretend to be forced! Change back quickly!"

   The silver-robed youth raised his head and shouted at the bull demon.

   The opponent's strength has reached the seventh rank. If the bull demon still maintains this form, the goal is so much as waiting for the opponent to fight.

   And this form of the horned youth is not necessary, but this kind of oppression is stronger.


   Cow Demon spouted two black qi from his nose, nodded, his figure shrank quickly, all the black qi was condensed into his body, and he returned to his human form within a moment.


   Lim looked at the bull demon who had transformed back into a human form with a dazed face, and the other party returned to its original form, how could this swallow the other party! ?

   "It's okay, leave it to me."

   became the Shining Tiga form, and Dagu's heart also swelled. So far, he had not encountered an enemy that he could not defeat in his Shining form, and he comforted Limru with telepathy with confidence.

"I see."

   Although Limlu still has some concerns in his heart, he still chooses to believe in Dagu's ability.

   "Zai Pai Liao Ray!"

   Without any nonsense, Da Gu, who was full of self-confidence, directly resorted to his big move.

   "Hurry up and defend!"

   Seeing Diga performing his classic moves, the silver-robed youth shouted immediately. .

Chapter 351:

   Diga’s biggest weakness is that every time he zooms in, he needs to do a set of broadcast gymnastics, which always leaves a considerable amount of time for the enemy to prepare.

   The silver-robed youth waved both hands, and a blue light mask instantly enveloped the three of them.


   The pure white light hit the mask in an instant, and a violent explosion ~ immediately sounded.

   Although the mask is temporarily resisting, no, it is more appropriate to describe it as a hindrance. It only blocked Zapalio's light for a moment, and it was shattered in an instant.


   The silver-robed youth watched with a look of astonishment as the defense he had laid down was defeated. Although he didn't expect to be able to resist the trick of Shining Tiga, but how long would it last for a few seconds? But the truth slapped him in the face.


   The white light instantly engulfed the figures of several people, the terrifying energy was vented on the surface, and a huge explosion set off a mushroom cloud in the air.


   Looking at the three reincarnations engulfed by Tiga's light, Limru exclaimed in surprise. In his opinion, maybe this one can wipe them out.

   However, things are not as simple as Rimuru thought.

   The mushroom cloud has not yet dissipated, and a little bit of light is revealed in the smoke and dust.


  In an instant, a ray of light rose from the mushroom cloud to the sky, connecting the sky and the earth.


   The sound of the explosion suddenly remembered, a shock wave emanating from the beam of light, instantly dispelling all the mushroom clouds, and setting off a violent gust of wind.


Limru desperately grabbed Tiga’s shoulders to resist the violent wind, and yelled in fear. Although this violent wind had no effect on Tiga, it would have been blown to Limru, who had run out of magic elements. The consequences of running that are disastrous!

   Falling from Tiga who had become 120 meters high, even if he couldn't die, he said with great pain.

   "Supernova burst!"

   A sweet voice of Loli resounded across the sky, and Tiga's whole body trembled when he heard the sound. Before he could react, a huge red energy ball larger than him was pressed down from the top of his head.

   The golden light on Dijia's body is blazing, completely enveloping Dijia. This is his defensive skill-Shining Circumferential Shield.


   Diga let out a stern shout, holding his hands high against the huge energy ball that was pressed down.


   The energy ball hit Tiga’s body and was forcibly stopped by Tiga, but the terrifying energy contained in it crazily eroded Tiga’s light.

   "Σ(っД;)っ Wow!"

Limru yelled in fear, and he could intuitively feel the terrifying power contained in that huge energy ball when he was on Tiga's shoulders. It is no exaggeration to say that if the energy ball is allowed to fall, it will be under his feet. This planet will instantly turn into dust, and hundreds of millions of creatures will completely turn into fly ash.

   "0ДQ Dagu Sang! Don't let him fall!"


   Diga responded with difficulty, and forced the energy ball to prevent it from falling further, and both feet had left two big pits on the ground.

   "Cut, it's nothing but that."

   The girl with the magic wand in her hand sipped disdainfully and said that the three reincarnations were unscathed by Tiga's tricks! ?

   "Hoo~Hoo~ Don't pretend to be forced! Who did you learn from?"

   Although he was unscathed, the silver-robed youth said with a collapsed expression on his thighs with both hands on his thighs and said, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead, as if he had just performed some violent exercise.

In order to protect his teammates and resist Tiga’s Dao Pailiao Ray, he almost exhausted all his magic power, but fortunately, it is not a loss, at least his teammates are not harmed, and the girl alone is enough. .

   "Huh╭(╯^╰)╮! I don't care, he dared to hit me! Fortunately, I have been a fan of Tiga for so long! Today I must punish him!"

   The girl snorted, with a willful look, and said with a smirk. The little tiger tooth at the corner of her mouth made her look cute and bad, but it made her not hate it at all.

   "The next thing is not suitable for children, it is recommended to watch it with parents."

   The young man in silver robe trembled after seeing the girl's appearance, and said seriously, not knowing where to face it.

   "The creator of the demon world! The root of darkness! Listen to my call and help me!"

   I saw the girl holding her magic wand high, singing in her mouth with her eyes closed, her whole body exuding purple light, she looked strange and seductive.

   rumbling rumbling.

   The earth began to tremble inexplicably for some reason. Not far in front of Diga, a dark tree came out from the ground, and countless vines burrowed out around it, enclosing the small tree.

········ Ask for flowers·······

   The blood-colored vines that resemble living creatures, and the thorns on them are like the sharp teeth of beasts, entwining the whole tree and making it grow bigger.

   Within a moment, the big tree grew almost as tall as Diga.

   I saw only one luxuriant branch, but a weird big tree with a few dancing blood-colored vines on the main trunk stood between the sky and the earth, and the billowing black air spread around the big tree, making people shudder.

   "Hee hee hee, feel the fan’s favorite lash!"

   The girl looked at Diga with a smirk and shouted, her pretty face full of excitement.


   The vines stretched towards Diga with the voice of the girl. Diga, who was struggling to support the energy ball, could not resist at all, and could only be entangled in the body by the disgusting vines.



   One of the vines with sharp thorns lashed Diga's body frantically like a whip, and a string of violent sparks would be splashed every time.

   The golden light of Diga's whole body also weakened a bit with each beat, visible to the naked eye.


   Diga desperately wanted to retreat the energy ball above his head. Only by pushing this energy ball back to the sky can he solve the current dilemma. He has the ability to clean up the bear boy who looks like an angel.

   However, no matter how hard Tiga tried, he couldn't shake the energy ball. Now he is like a great sage who is held down by Five Finger Mountain, unable to resist at all.

   "Da Gu Sang!"

   Limru cried worriedly, but he had nothing to do right now.

   [Detected that the energy contained in this huge energy body is enough to unblock Storm Dragon Turnpest]

   The voice of the Great Sage resounded in Rimuru's mind as if it were a natural sound.


   Limru exclaimed in surprise, this is the best news for him right now.

   [But after calculation, the probability that the Devourer will completely swallow this energy body is %, and this is not recommended]

   The next words of the Great Sage surprised Lim.

   "It doesn't matter! As long as there is hope, then I will never give up!" Begging.

Mime private 352

   "Be my nourishment!"

   Limru's voice sounded firmly in Daegu's ears, but Daegu, who didn't know, only saw a blue mass flashing in front of his eyes.

   Limuru, who was as small as a dust of energy compared to the energy ball, had no intention of retreating at all, and rushed straight on the existence that seemed like a huge monster to him.


   Dagu watched Limru and the energy ball collide with each other, and that tiny body was instantly swallowed by the energy ball, leaving only strands of smoke.


   Dagu yelled frantically, he couldn't believe that Limru died like this!

   It's a pity that Ultraman couldn't speak, no one could hear his voice, but anger also brought him stronger power.

   Diga’s arms were always pressed by the energy ball and couldn't move, but at this moment, because of the force of anger, he moved, and gradually supported it, and the layers of vines entwined on his body also broke a few at this moment.

"How can it be?"

   The silver-robed youth shouted in astonishment. He didn't understand why Tiga's power suddenly increased, and he was able to push the energy ball back!

   "Don't let him succeed! Fuck him!"

   The young horned horns hurriedly shouted, if Tiga was allowed to free his hands, then they would be really not good at fighting.

   "Niu Demon Powerful Punch!"

   The horned youth's body suddenly grew bigger and turned into a hundred-meter giant with horns, with a layer of black energy on his fist, and blasted towards Diga.

   "Destroy it!"

The magic wand in the girl's hand pointed at Digali and shouted, a circular opening appeared in the center of the weird tree, and a deep purple light wave sprayed out from the opening, which instantly hit Diga’s timer. .



  At the same time, Niu De Jia's fist also hammered Diga's head. If Diga hadn't been entangled by the vines of the strange tree at this moment, I'm afraid he would have been blown out.

   "The Devourer, activate!"

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