His body, the upper body turned with his head until it turned one hundred and eighty degrees, but the lower body did not move at all.

   With one knife, a sharp cut, directly chopped him into two sections.

   "I recognize this knife! You! You are not a picket! You are a reincarnation! You should be dead!".

Chapter 360:


   The words of the hedgehog head shocked the lizardman.

   He doesn't understand why his teammates are so sure, but this is the price he paid for with his life, so he can't help but believe it.

   But why, the once reincarnation, the dead reincarnation, has now become a picket! ?

   "What's the situation? Why did they fight on their own?"

   Limru said in a puzzled way.

  Isn't this picketer the foreign aid called by those reincarnations? How come now that not only did he fight himself, don't tell me, the black armored man also directly attacked the reincarnation, killing a reincarnation with a single blow.

   "I don't know, but the opponent must be an enemy and not a friend."

Verudra shook his head, Limru didn’t know, and he didn’t know much, but the only thing he was sure about was that these sudden presences were definitely enemies and non-friends, and those people were full of The smell of destruction.

That was the scent that made him feel trembling. These few people have absolutely destroyed one or even more than one world with their own hands. The real world, the souls and the will of the world that died under their hands are imprinted on them, the kind of despair and dying. Veldela could feel the breath no matter how far away it was.

   These people exist to destroy the world!

   "No! Don't kill us! Leave these people to you, don't kill us!"

   his teammate died tragically in front of him, which did not arouse the lizardman's anger, but completely frightened him. He threw the unconscious Yan Chixia to the black man, kneeling down and begging for mercy.

   However, he is still a bit conscientious. It is not just about bypassing him, but about them, he and his teammates. It's just that the three people are already unconscious at this time and don't know what happened.

   "The world collapses without leaving a living."

   The black armored man with the scarlet sword walked slowly towards the lizardman, and the cold sound like a machine sounded, which completely plunged the lizardman into despair.

   The picket appeared, and never left alive!

   That legend. . . . . . it is true. . . .

Despair, there is only endless despair. The strength of the pickets is not something their gang of reincarnations can resist. They differ by a full two levels. The higher the level, the greater the difference in strength between each level. Their strength and the strength of the pickets are Just like the difference between cloud and mud, there is no way to resist.

"Do not!"

   In despair, knowing that he would die, the lizardman simply stopped begging for mercy, yelled in despair, and directly transformed into a giant dragon. In front of the huge body, the figure of the picket was as small as an ant.


   The green dragon roared desperately at the black armored man, and a green flame spurted out of his mouth.

   This flame possesses the power to corrode everything. It is the ultimate combination of poison and fire, extremely terrifying dragon's breath.

   The black armored man has no resistance, allowing the dragon's breath to engulf himself, and the tiny figure is instantly enveloped by the terrifying dragon's breath.

   "What a terrible power! Is that person dead?"

Away from this distance, Limru could also feel the power of the dragon's breath. The ground and soil were corroded by the green flame visible to the naked eye. In less than a moment, a big pit appeared silently. It's really scary.

Even Verudra had to admire, the green dragon's breath was even stronger than the dragon breath he released, but he didn't rely on his breath to eat, and the dragon's breath was not as good as the opponent's breath. normal.

   "No, that black man is very strong, far from what this forgiving dragon can compare."

   Verudra shook his head. He also hoped that the existence that had brought him tremendous pressure would die under this dragon's breath, but this was simply impossible.

   The difference in strength is too great, there is no hope at all.


   As expected, it seemed to be enough, a red light flashed suddenly, as conspicuous as a green light, like a thin red line, stagnating in the air.

   At the same time, the green dragon's breath stopped abruptly, and his body stood there motionless, as if frozen.


   A breeze blows (cged).

   I saw a blood line appearing on the green dragon's neck, fresh dragon blood burst out suddenly, and the dragon head incision fell smoothly.


   Limru couldn't help swallowing when she saw this scene.

   Cut off the head of the giant dragon with just one knife. Looking back at the black armored man, he was unharmed, and there was no mark on his body, as if the dragon's breath hadn't hit him at all.

   The black-clad man with the knife stood there blankly, with a red light on the dark face mask, and suddenly looked in the direction of Limru and others.


   The terrifying murderous aura shocked Limru, who had been observing the other party. The chubby body fell on Verudra's head and almost rolled down.

   "0ДQ is terrible!"

   Limru was almost crying, this man looked like a demon, and the glance almost scared him to pee if he wasn't a slime. . . . .

   "Rimuru, ready to run."

   Verudra lowered his voice and said that he was ready to die. Once the opponent came over, he would do his best to stop the opponent and give Limru time to escape.

   "No, I will never leave my companions!"

   Limru shook her body and said firmly.

   Dagu is the same, Yan Chixia and the others are still in each other's hands, and he will never escape by himself.

   "It's your turn, come with us, or die."

   The black armored man raised a knife and pointed at Veldra threateningly. The cold voice did not contain the slightest emotion, but the murderousness contained in it was trembling.

   "Think beautifully! We won't succumb to you! ヽ(#`Д

   Limlu's immature voice yelled, jumping on Veldela's head, boosting the momentum.

   There is no nonsense. Just as Limru's voice fell, the figure of the black armor suddenly disappeared in place.


   The black armored man appeared on Verudera's head instantly, and the blood-red long knife quickly slashed down. The storm dragon, which had been straining its nerves, quickly raised its claws to resist.

   With a loud noise, the blade directly cut off Verudra's claws, but fortunately it blocked his blade, but Verudra's body was also blown out.

   One blow, just one blow, defeated the strongest Verudera here.


   Verudera spouted a mouthful of blood, and slammed his body heavily on the ground, dragging his body to the ground and sliding out a huge gully.

   Limru stuck tightly on Verudra's head, almost not being thrown out.

   "Verudela! How are you!?"

   Until Veldela's body stopped, Limru asked with concern for the first time. .

Mime private 361

   "Go ahead."

   Verudra said weakly, and his body was severely wounded by the shock of just one blow. Right now, Limru can only let Limlu run away in the chaos, and there may be a glimmer of life.


   Lim yelled with tears, a scene like a drama of bitterness~continuously unfolding.

   "The dragon can be killed-no need to keep your hands."

One of the two pickets who hadn't taken action, said the woman with an ethereal and beautiful voice, but the voice was the same as the picket with a knife, cold like a machine, without the slightest emotion, a person who listened to the voice. My heart is chilling.

   Listening to what she meant, the picket who had just held the knife didn't use his full strength to say nothing, but even closed his hand! ?


   Although he knew he was not the opponent of the opponent, Dagu chose to fight and pulled out the spark prism.

   The rays of light lit up instantly, Dagu did not become the normal state of fifty meters high, but maintained his body shape at the height of a normal human.


   Without any hesitation, Tiga, who was transformed, turned directly towards the black armored man with a sword.

   "Da Gu Sang! Don't go!"

   Seeing Tiga rushing towards the opponent, Limru yelled to stop him, but it was a pity that Tiga had already used a flying kick and attacked the opponent.

   I saw that the black armored man just waved the long knife in his hand casually, and everyone only heard the sound of wind, and Diga's **** shape flew out.


   With just a casual blow, Diga flew out for dozens of miles with a cry of pain.

   "Da Gu Sang!"

   Limru shouted worriedly.


  The black armored man is like death descending, and the horrible sense of oppression makes people breathless, step by step approaching Limru and Verudra.

   "Limuru, hurry up!"

   Verudra cried out with difficulty. In fact, he also knew that he should have been let go in the beginning, but now it is too late to leave.

   Limru also knew this very well. The opponent's aura made him feel trembling all over his body. The chubby body trembled and transformed into the liquid, which was almost equivalent to the "scared urine" of human beings.

   "Zai Pelliao Ray!"

   A white light hit the black armored man walking towards Limru, and suddenly a violent explosion was set off.


   The dust raised by the explosion flame instantly wrapped everything around it.

"It's now!"

   Limru and Verudela are very clear that this time is the best time to escape.


   For some reason, as soon as the wind blows, the flames and dust are blown away. Verudra and Limru, who are just about to escape, remain motionless at the moment, how embarrassing and embarrassing they are.

   The black armored man seems to have worn off his patience. It may also be to avoid another extraneous branch, not to waste the world, but to directly slash at Veldela.

   The blood-red blade left a red light in the air. Whether it was Veldra or Limru at such a fast speed, they couldn't even see it clearly. To them, the other party just trembled slightly.

   The whole world seemed to fall into silence suddenly. Although I didn't understand why the other party's body moved, he intuitively told him that the other party must have done something.


  Verudra beside Limlu suddenly coughed, and a large pool of blood fell on Limlu's head, pouring its blue body into red.


   Limru looked at Veldra in disbelief and shouted.

   I saw that Verudra's whole body was divided on her belly, and her body was divided into two.

   "Sorry, Limru."

   Verudera said apologetically, her voice extremely weak.

   Originally, Limru risked his life to force him to unblock him out to help, but he didn't expect that he could not save him in the end.

  He is a dragon, and he thinks that even if he drags the opponent forcibly and gives Limru a chance to escape, he will be able to resurrect in a few hundred years.

   But when the opponent's blade slashed through his body, he understood that he was really "dead" this time.

   I don’t know how the other party did it, but he was able to cut through the rules of this world, so that he, as a dragon breed, could not be resurrected with immortality.


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