大古; ̄д ̄)..."

   Li Mochou: "What? What happened to your mission this time?"

Dagu: "Don't mention it, that group of reincarnations have already crushed us with all their strengths. I don't know what happened later. Three extremely strong guys appeared, two of which are Tier 8 strengths, and the remaining one. There are nine orders!"

   Hexi: "Would you like to be so exaggerated? Are you sure you are not wrong?"

   Cute King Slime: "Big Gusang is not exaggerated at all, those three... The picket guys are indeed terrifying, and they killed the reincarnation as soon as they appeared."

   Li Mochou: "Uh(;_)...(⊙_⊙)What?"

   Gu Kaoru: "I heard that right? They killed the reincarnation as soon as they appeared? What the hell?"

Dagu: "I don't know, they first killed the reincarnation when they came up, saying that they were not alive, and then they caught us. If the group leader showed up in time, we were almost abducted. NS!"

   Yakumo Zi: ーー;) Ah la ah la, Kang Na-chan and Chitong-chan will be abducted, I believe, you two middle-aged uncles...are there any value in being abducted?"

   Dagu: 〃>Sa<)You are the middle-aged uncle! I am obviously still very young!"

Group owner Ning Beichen: "Dagu what they said is true. I have studied those three people. They are not normal living people. In a sense, they are more like zombies in the world of Uncle Nine, without self-awareness. , But the strength is very strong. It is preliminarily determined that these three people were created by the Lord God through the dead reincarnation."

   Thor: "Wang Defa! It turned out to be true!?"

   Moon worship: "What is their purpose for abducting Dagu and them? In this way, they should be instigated by the Lord God. This shows that the Lord God wants to capture Dagu and them. What is the purpose of the Lord God?"

   Group owner Ning Beichen: "It's still unclear, but I think it is related to the chat group."

The group suddenly fell into silence. Everyone had too many doubts about this matter. If there are tasks in the future, it is very likely that this kind of thing will happen again. However, the strength of the rest of the group except Zhang Sanfeng has reached the eighth rank. Once you encounter this so-called picket, there is no power to fight back at all, even if you add Zhang Sanfeng, if there are more than two people above the eighth rank of the opponent, basically gg directly.

   Group leader Ning Beichen: "Well, let these things go for a while, this time I have gifts for everyone."

   Everyone: "∑(O_O;)!?"

   Heroic management: "The host has a gift!? What gift!?"

  Zhang Sanfeng: "A gift for the lord of the group, or for everyone? It seems that the strength of all group members will be improved by leaps and bounds this time!"

   Gu Kaoru: "Come on! I can't wait!"

   [Ding, group owner Ning Beichen sent a red envelope]

  【Zhang Sanfeng has received a red envelope from the group owner Ning Beichen】

  【The management of Yingzi 570 Sashuang has received a red envelope from the group owner Ning Beichen】

  【Saitama has received a red envelope from the group owner Ning Beichen】

  . . . . . . .

  【Han Ling Ji has received a red envelope from the group owner Ning Beichen】

  【The red envelope of the group owner Ning Beichen has been received within seconds】

   Gu Xun'er: "Wow! 1999 points! Who has me! Who has me!?"

   Zhang Sanfeng: "Um... The old way has received more than 220,000 points."

   Heroic management: "I also have more than 200,000 yuan. Don't show off the little trash that hasn't even reached 200,000."

   Dagu: "I go, are there so many? I also have more than 200,000 yuan, this wave of take-off rhythm!"

   Thor: "How many points did the group leader send!?"

   Goblin Slayer: "I also have nearly 200,000, so can I turn on the enlightenment function?"

   Bone Aotian: "Uh! I just passed through and became a big boss, am I going to take off again now?"

   Dagu: "Bone Aotian crossed? When did it happen?"

   Goblin Slayer: "As soon as you went to perform the mission, he passed through and hugged him from left to right. Once he came up, he established a country and became a king, and his life was quite moist."

   Cute King Slime: ☆▽☆)I am so envious!".

Mime private 364

   Group leader Ning Beichen: "Everyone has received my gift package?"

   Cute King Slime: "I have received it! I am so happy! (*^▽^*

   Gu Xun'er: "Finally I don't have to paddle, I am finally becoming a big boss! Ahaha! (* ̄▽ ̄*)/"

Heroic management: "Are you thinking about fart? Everyone's points are basically enough to start enlightenment once. You can improve others as well. The old lady can even enlighten you twice at once, wanting to become a big brother? This There is no play in my life."

   Gu Xun'er: "Wooooooo(╥﹏╥)o, you are a bad guy, don't care about you anymore! w(Д)w"

  Baiyue: "You can't say that. What if a new person joins? If the new person is an ordinary person, won't she become a big boss."

   Yakumo Purple: "It makes sense o( ̄▽ ̄)d."

   Hexi: "Speaking is rough but not rough."

  Han Lingji: "Ahhhhh! No matter what, I want to realize, I want to become stronger! I want the brother of the group leader!"

   Heroic management: "Well!? When I don't exist? You become stronger and you can't afford it too! You will never be able to pass this level of my old lady!"

   Flame Ling Ji: "%#@%!@¥"

   [Ding, Yan Ling Ji was banned by the administrator for one hour]

   Heroic management: "Not satisfied? Not convinced that my old lady will give you a yearly package!"

   Thor: "The authority dog ​​can't afford it! I slipped away (;)=3=3=3"

  Moe King Slime: "Is there no one wondering why the group leader wants to give out red envelopes?"

   He He: "Don't care, as long as there is a red envelope to get it. [Punky nose (* ̄rǒ ̄)]"

   Saitama: "Does the group leader send tens of millions of red envelopes this time? It must be something important with such a big deal?"

  Highly important: "The last time the group leader sent a red envelope, it seems that it was when his realm broke through..."

   Heroic management: "∑(O_O;)!?"

   Kokura: "!!!∑(Дノ)ノ"

  Southern bird "Σ(っД;)~々っ"

   Thor: "Σ(дlll) can't, can't it, can't it!? Did the group leader break through again!?"

   Goblin Slayer: "Why are you so surprised? (_)?"

Li Mochou: "You don't understand. It took more than a month for the outlier to break through from Tier 10 to Tier 11. Will my next breakthrough be three days later?"

   Cute King Slime: ー△ー;) Uh... Is it possible that the higher the strength, the faster the improvement?"

Heroic management: "Are you thinking about eating peaches? How could it be possible? Every level is a big hurdle. Too many people are likely to be stuck at the same price forever. Joining a chat group is basically that for a lifetime."

  Bone Aotian: "Let’s go back and say, can you not get me the operation? Who am I provoking? (〒︿〒

   Bone Aotian: "Besides, my level 6 strength is also okay? There are so many little chickens who have not reached the sixth level..."

   Gu Xun'er: ╬◣д◢) What did you say!?"

  Nan Xiaoniao: ▼綠▼#) Who is talking about!?"

   Li Mochou: "Say it again! Try it again!? (╬ ̄絲 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄

   Bone Aotian: ((;;))) I was wrong, I was wrong! Sorry to the gods Sama!"

   Yakumo Zi: "ε=(ο`*))) Alas, the little bones are floating! Don’t you know that women are the worst offender?"

   Meng King Slime: "It's a miserable skeleton frame (* ̄rǒ ̄)."

   Group leader Ning Beichen: "That's it, you guys hurry up and improve your strength."

   Heroic management: "That's right, if you have time to be here in the water group, it is better to hurry up to improve your strength, and don't hold back the group leader when the time comes."

   Cute King Slime:  ̄ ̄)Good!"

   Thor: "Come on, come on, I can finally experience enlightenment, I really want to see what level of strength can be improved! [Hand rubbing]"

  Han Lingji: "I have enlightened and finished..."

   Gu Kaoru: "Uh!? So fast!?"

  Nan Xiaoniao: "I'm 屮艸芔茻! Really, Homura Homura's strength has actually reached the sixth rank!?"

   Bone Aotian: "Damn! Is it so awesome? Why did you equal me as soon as you came up!"

   Cute King Slime: "At least two hundred thousand points, I think it's normal."

   Goblin Slayer: "Well, even I have reached the seventh rank."

   Thor: "I'm going, you are too quick to start! No, I want to go too!"

   Lin Jiu: "It's gone."

  . . . . . .

   The underground tomb of Nazarick.


   Ainzurgong shouted, sitting in a chair in the hall.

   A woman suddenly appeared in the empty hall. As soon as she appeared, she fell to her knees respectfully. The little wings behind her waist moved and said, "Az Sama, what do you call me?"

   "Call all the guardians and temporarily close the tomb."

   Ainz sat down and said solemnly.

   Albedo was a little strange when he heard that, and asked quickly: "¨ Is someone going to invade here?"

   Ainz shook his head: "No, it's something else."

   Seeing that Ainz did not want to say more, Albedo, who was a subordinate, would not ask too much, and immediately summoned all the guardians.

   "See the Supreme Lord!"

   All the guardians arrived in the hall instantly, kneeling down in front of Ainz and shouting respectfully.

   "From now on, temporarily close the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick until after I come out of retreat."

   Ainz announced the news to all the guardians.

  . . . . .

   "Verudrassan, I will beg of you for a while."

   Limru sat at the main seat of the conference table and said to a thin blond boy sitting beside him.

   "Don't worry, ally."

   Verudera patted her chest and said.

   "Hey, there is still me! Don't worry, my dear friend!"

(Li Zhao’s)    The little Lolita with pink hair on the side, in fact, Milim, who is the demon king, said with a grinning little tiger teeth.

   ー△ー;) Verudela... The most important thing is to watch Milim and don't let her disrupt..."

   Limru glanced at Milim and asked Verudla expressionlessly.


   Verudera also glanced at Milim, nodded in agreement.


   Seeing this best friend distrusted herself so much, Milim's small face was bulging like a bun, and she stared at Limru with aggrieved expression.

   "Well, I rely on everyone during my retreat. Please remember to protect everyone."

   Limru said very solemnly, although with the current lineup, it is difficult to be dangerous, but the necessary instructions are still required.

   "Oh hiss!"

  The big ghosts, pig heads, and goblins responded in unison. .

365.Chapter 365

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