Hinata Yuhisa flew into the conference room organized by Xiao.

Everyone had already sat down at a round table, and next to them was the huge Outer Path Golem.

In an instant, everyone in the Xiao Organization looked at Hinata Yujiu coldly.

Is this what is called the deputy chief?

Actually flew in?

Hinata Yujiu rolled her eyes and looked around, ignoring everyone for the time being, and indifferently flew in front of the huge body of the outer path golem, gently stroking the other party.

Suddenly, the line of entry in the transcendent space under [Quenching #True Meaning] changed.

“Hey, I found that the host was close to the outer path golem, and the super sensory space began to advance by 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3…”

The cold mechanical sound of the system sounded in my head.

After studying it a little, Hinata Tamagyu turned his head to look at the scrutinizing gaze of everyone in the Xiao Organization.

“Payne, Xiaonan.”

Hinata Yuhisa was not embarrassed to face everyone’s gaze, and said hello to Payne and Konan.

And when Hinata Yuhisa left the outer path golem shell, the super sensory space that was originally advancing came to a standstill.

Frowning slightly, what a trouble.

It seems that you have to think of other ways to get up close to the outer golem.

At a glance, the chair was basically full, except for an empty seat on Payne’s left.

“This is Hinata Yuhisa, and he will be the deputy leader of our organization in the future.”

By the time Payne spoke, Hinata was already seated.

“We are all in groups of two, which are Deidara and Itachi, Dry Persimmon Oni and Uchiha Itachi, Kakuto and Hida, and your partner Xiaonan, who is temporarily alone.”

Payne first introduced the basic situation to Hinata Yuhisa.

Hinata Yuhisa nodded to everyone, which was regarded as a hello.

After scanning the circle of people with his reincarnation eyes, Payne spoke again.

“Now the Xiao Organization has entered the third stage – capture the tailed beast, create powerful weapons and achieve final peace!”

Payne glanced at Hinata Tamaghisa specifically, and his face did not show any surprise and puzzlement.

“Ichio, Two, Three, and Seven Tails are led by Hinata Yuhisa and the two groups of Deidara, Hida and Kakuto are responsible for capture, and I will be responsible for the rest.”

A voice suddenly interrupted Payne.

“Didn’t you say that I’m only in charge of the Land of Rain? Why do you still have to catch the tailed beast! ”

A pair of white eyes looked directly at Payne.

It’s completely different from saying yes.

In the face of Hinata Yujiu’s questioning, Payne was naturally ready to answer.

“Capture a tailed beast, give you three months to study the outer path golem, and you can study it for as long as you want after all the tailed beasts are captured.”

Rixiang Yujiu was slightly silent and nodded in agreement.

It’s not worth fighting Payne now, his purpose is the Golem of the Outer Path and the Infinite Moon Reading in the future.

If you want to get the most freedom, you have to have the strongest strength.

And at this stage, borrowing the Xiao Organization to catch a few tailed beasts is much easier than winning Payne.

After listening to Payne’s assignment.

Deidara and Fei Duan frowned.

Both the scorpion and the horn had expressions of indifference.

“Scorpion and Deidara are responsible for the capture of one tail and three tails, and Kakuto and Fei Duan are responsible for the capture of two tails and seven tails.”

Concise, Hinata Yuhisa directly assigned on the spot.

I remember that these were the tailed beasts they were dealing with.

I just need to wait for them to catch the tailed beast, and I don’t have to shoot at all.”

Hinata thought so.

“Then you are responsible for the capture of that tailed beast?”

Upon hearing this, Deidara directly patted the table and stood up from her seat.

This guy assigned all the work to them, so what did he do himself?

When they finish catching the tailed beast, he will sit back and enjoy the success?

“I’ll arrest you only after you fail.”

With a look of course, Hinata Yujiu said lightly.

Deidara’s question is very unqualified.

Only when you fail to capture me will I go out.”

Since you can all deal with it, what else am I going to do?

It’s quite troublesome!

“Then do you think your strength is above us? We can’t deal with it, you will deal with it? ”

Deidara’s face was scowling, and there were already bruises on his head, and his chest began to rise and fall slightly because of anger.

“Isn’t that something to be taken for granted?”

Hinata Tamaki glanced at Deidara with his white eyes.

“Okay then! I’ll test the strength of your deputy leader. ”

In between speaking, Deidara, who could not suppress his anger, had already struck, and several detonating clay birds flew out of his hand and went straight to Hinata Yujiu.


A dragon groan came from Hinata Yuhisa’s body

An invisible dragon shadow that was much larger than just now came out of Hinata Yuhisa’s body and blocked in front of him.

After getting close to the outer path golem, the invisible dragon shadow imitated by Senluo Illusion condensed a lot.

I don’t know if the outer path golem after absorbing the tailed beast can make his invisible dragon shadow stronger.

Or rather, to become more.

You must know that there are nine dragons in the nine seals of the phantom dragon.

He is only one now, and his size and ability are far from it.

When Deidara’s detonating clay bird is about to touch Hinata Tamaki.

It was as if an invisible barrier had intercepted it.

It was after the Invisible Dragon Shadow absorbed the Chakra that detonated the clay.


The clay bird fell from mid-air due to the loss of Chakra and re-transformed into clay.

The sound of “snapping” was particularly harsh in Deidara’s ears.

What’s going on!

Why would my detonating clay bird inexplicably turn back into clay in front of this guy!

And at this moment, everyone who instantly felt a strong sense of oppression stood up from their seats in surprise!

What is that sense of oppression?

Is there something in front of Hinata Yuhisa?

Could it be Payne’s kind of ninjutsu that is beyond control and repulsion.

But the clay bird that detonated was more like losing Chakra and turning into its original clay form.

Payne was even more surprised.

Others can’t see it, but his reincarnation eyes can clearly see the dragon shadow wrapped around Hinata Yuhisa’s side.

This is somewhat similar to the Dragon Nine Seals.

Clay falls from mid-air.

Is this absorbing all its chakra?

But it’s not like that.

Payne sensed Hinata with his reincarnation eyes.

But at this moment, Payne’s pupils shrank sharply.

In the terrifying visual perception of the eye of reincarnation.

Hinata Tamaki was like being in a fog, transitioning between the unreal and the real.

The illusory dragon shadow, which was about seven or eight meters long, coiled around him for two meters.

And Deidara’s clay bird touched this thing and was sucked out of Chakra.

While Payne was still surprised, Deidara, seeing that his detonation of the clay bird did not work, prepared to attack again.

Lifting Xiao’s uniform high, his hands reached into the clay-filled pockets next to his waist, and he swallowed frantically in the palms of his two hands.

Just as Deidara was preparing for ninjutsu, a red scythe struck Hinata Tamaki.

“You rude fellow, I will sacrifice you to Lord Evil God.”

Fei Duan also began to shout loudly.


Hinata Yuhisa was slightly upset.

I saw him fly up, and after easily avoiding the attack of the Bloody March Scythe, he went straight to Deidara and Feidan.

Boom! Boom!

In an instant, the two tail flicks of the invisible dragon shadow directly fanned Deidara and Fei Duan out.

Two large holes were opened in the wall of the conference room

The sunlight outside shone on everyone’s slightly startled faces.

Jiaodu’s green eyes narrowed slightly.

What just happened?

What knocked the flying segment and Deidara away?

I saw that the situation had become more and more serious.

Payne said to Hinata Tamaki suspended in midair.

“Since you want to fight, then go out and fight! The conference room can’t stand your toss. ”

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