At this time, the medical ninja who was treating Genshi suddenly spoke.

“Master Yuan’s spirit is seriously damaged, and he will only be awake for more than an hour every day in the future, and there is nothing we can do about Master Yuan’s injury.”

The medical ninja words were like a cold wind blowing into everyone’s heart.

An indescribable fear shrouded the hearts of everyone in the Mist Ninja Village.

How powerful that person really is!

Only then did Yuan Shi be seriously injured like this.


Somewhere in a cave in the Land of Water.

A huge humanoid monster, with five fingers stretched up, is located in the cave.

One after another illusory figures appeared above the monster’s five fingers, and only two figures were physical.

There were nine people in total, only on the little finger of the left hand, the mark of “heaven” had not yet lit up.

“Did you finish capturing the three tails so quickly?”

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel looked at the three tails who fainted in the arms of the outer path golem, and was a little surprised.

You know, neither he nor Itachi have started to act yet!

Scorpion and Deidara captured the three tails.

“Thanks to the deputy chief’s action this time, otherwise Deidara and I would be in danger.”

The scorpion said lightly.

Even when using the magic spell, you can see the obvious change in the expressions of everyone in the Xiao Organization.

What the? What is the situation that puts Deidara and Scorpion in danger?

And Hinata Tamaki solved this thing that made them all feel dangerous.

Payne and Xiaonan were even more puzzled.

Didn’t Hinata Tamaki stay in the Yunin Village all the time?

And isn’t Mio in the Land of Water?

The two countries are 108,000 miles apart.

How Hinata Tamahisa managed to help Deidara and Scorpion in the Land of Water in the Village of Yunin.

Deidara looked at the somewhat surprised people around him and shook his head.

“Deputy chief, this guy… It’s not as simple as it seems! ”

It’s not that simple?

How Scorpion and Deidara’s attitude towards Hinata Tamaki changed drastically.

Deidara had a conflict with Hinata Tamakisa!

The weasel, who had a conflict with Deidara, has always been remembered by Deidara, and has always wanted to defeat the weasel.

Looking at the current Deidara, when he talked about Hinata Yujiu, didn’t he grit his teeth, didn’t disdain, and didn’t even snort coldly.

It was flat with a bit of shock.

In the past, Deidara called Hinata Yujiu, where would he bring the three words deputy leader.

It’s good to call them by their first names.

Deidara is generally referred to as “that guy” and “that bastard” to refer to Hinata Tamaki.

What the hell is going on here.

Both Scorpion and Deidara developed some respectful feelings towards Hinata Tamaki.

The curiosity of the rest of the organization is like being pawned by a cat.

But when asked about Deidara and Scorpion, the two of them were secretive.

After everyone asked.

A faint spiritual fluctuation was transmitted to their brains.

“Don’t tell anyone about me!”

The two were shocked and felt incredible.

Lying groove, this guy really still has the means!

Seeing this, Deidara and the scorpion immediately kept silent and did not pay attention to everyone again.

It’s not that they don’t want to say it!

It is said that who knows how many means that Hyuga Yuhisa guy still hides in the future.

Until now, it is not possible to know who he is with Payne.

If they first joined, they must have scoffed at this issue.

But now thinking back to Hinata Yujiu’s strange methods, there was a faint chill in my heart.

Uchiha Itachi’s face was calm on the surface, but his heart was very uncalm.

What the hell is going on with this Hinata Yuhisa?

If he really has ninjutsu that can go from the Land of Rain to the Land of Water in an instant.

There was only one possibility, and that was that he had mastered space-time ninjutsu.

And most likely it is the signature stunt of the fourth generation of Hokage – the Flying Thunder God Technique!

This explains why Hinata Tamaki was able to go from the Land of Rain to the Land of Water in an instant.

But with such a long span, even the fourth generation of Hokage who was proficient in the art of the Flying Thunder God back then was difficult to do!

Such a genius actually defected to Konoha again.

What is the reason for this?

If Hinata Tamaki was still in Konoha, he could become Hokage or the one who guarded the village!

Although the attitude is not clear now, the position is on the opposite side of the village….

Just when everyone was guessing about Hinata Yuhisa in their minds.

The little finger of the left hand of the outer path golem, the mark of “Heaven” lit up.

A shadow with white eyes appeared on it.

The moment he appeared, a spiritual fluctuation was released.

Let everyone else’s slide shake.

Uchiha Itachi, the dry persimmon ghost mackerel saw those white eyes, and always felt that there were some subtle changes inside.

It felt like seeing Payne’s reincarnation eyes for the first time.

But in the blink of an eye, it feels not much different from ordinary white eyes.

Nagato looked through Payne’s line of sight and saw the raised eyes of this little nan.

His expression couldn’t help but become a little solemn.

He could sense that those eyes possessed some unusual power.

However, it is not to the extent that Xiao Nan said that he can be blinded to reincarnation.

That is, I feel slightly stronger than the average white eye.

The next second after Hinata Yujiu completed the Illusion Spell, he looked at Hida and Kakuto.

“How’s it going over there?”

For some reason, in the face of Hinata Yuhisa’s inquiry, Hida and Kaku both seemed to be facing Payne.

It felt as if Hinata Yuhisa was the leader of the Xiao Organization.

Of course, these feelings, flying segments and horns can only press them to the bottom of the heart.

“Deputy Chief, there is a little trouble in the Land of Thunder, but we can solve it.”

Kakuto reported to Hinata Tamaki slightly strangely.

Hinata Tadamahisa nodded, and then said to everyone.

“Let’s start sealing the three tails!”

He couldn’t wait.

And everyone who knew about the organization also unknowingly obeyed Hinata Tamahisa’s orders, but no one noticed that there was something wrong with it.


After a long time.

In the caves of the Land of Rain.

“Bang!” of a sound.

The Golem of the Outer Path has reappeared in this cave.

And Hinata Yuhisa, who closed her eyes tightly, also opened her eyes.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Deep inside him was an uncontrollable excitement and joy.

There was even more joy between the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

This Xiao Nan, who had just entered the cave, was dumbfounded.

A red cloud flew over her face.

It turns out that this guy laughs so good!

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