“Deidara, do your best to help me stabilize the structure of iron sand.” The scorpion’s expression has completely become solemn, and his flesh only has a regenerative core, but what this brings is a terrifying Chakra perception ability.

This is the moment.

It felt like a real crisis had descended, as if falling into an ice cave, and a great terror enveloped the entire Iron Mountain.

Deidara was very decisive and began to inject Chakra directly into the iron mountain of the scorpion.


The peaks formed by iron sand are constantly solidifying, and the structure is constantly compressing like winter ice.

The black poof is solid.

The entire peak has shrunk by nearly half.

Even the surrounding area seemed to condense a layer of gravity, and the ground seemed to be overwhelmed, and began to sink violently for about two meters.

But the entire Iron Mountain seemed to be completely solidified.

It’s as if a hill made of pig iron is nestled in the desert.

Like superalloy metal.

And at this moment, the changes in this iron mountain also fell directly in the eyes of many ninjas outside.

“That… What kind of technique did the two guys condense, it felt like facing a real mountain of steel…” Kankuro had a drop of cold sweat on his face, and he couldn’t even care about the oil paint on his face.

“It’s as if even gravity has changed, the ground is starting to sink, and my bugs can’t enter the interior of the Iron Mountain.”

Shino the oil girl with a high collar covering half of her face also said in a sullen voice.

“Abominable… In this way, what they do to the seven-tailed human pillar force, we can’t stop it. ”

Sakura gritted her teeth and said angrily.

“Teacher Kai, do you still have a way?”

Xiao Li was also open at this moment, covered in green steam, and shouted towards Matkai in the sky.

Only at this moment did everyone pay attention to the Metkay floating in the air again.

His eyeballs were completely red and white, his face was red, and the blue steam condensed into balls around his body, and the scattered qi waves rushed straight into the sky, and even the clouds and storms in the sky were split by the qi waves on his body.


An originally inconspicuous physical ninja.

Standing quietly in the sky.

Floating there out of thin air.

Elbows, fists!

Simple movements are full of tyrannical power!

“Everyone get out of the way!”

A low and faintly thunderous voice sounded.

Everyone was slightly stunned.

What does that mean?

Does this thick-eyed teacher in front of him really have a stronger move?

Remembering the explosive flames that fell from the sky like a peacock opening the screen just now, everyone was trembling slightly until now.

The originally inconspicuous physical endurance showed a destructive power comparable to the shadow level.

Even the terrifying 100-chance maneuver of the Sand Ninja Village S-class Rebel Red Sand Scorpion was easily destroyed in the hands of the other party.

And now the other party is obviously going to use more terrifying tricks again, and the other party can now float for a long time with physical skills alone, that kind of terrifying steam even splits the clouds in the sky, are the ninjas of Konoha so terrifying?

The many ninjas who came to the aid on the side of the Sand Ninja Village grew up and watched this scene in shock.

If not seen with your own eyes.

Who dares to believe that an ordinary upper ninja of Konoha can burst out with a power that almost surpasses the five shadows!

“Get out of the way!”

I Iroh manipulated the sand to constantly wrap the iron mountain made of scorpions.

While throwing everyone quickly behind Kai with sand.

A slight drop of cold sweat fell, and he could even feel the slight trembling of the crane in his body.

This is a situation that has never been the case before.

The tailed beast senses crises far more than ninjas.

He couldn’t imagine how powerful the crisis that even Shouhe had to avoid was!

This couldn’t help but remind him of when he was in the wood industry’s Zhongnin exam,

One palm split the person who had his coffin.

It gradually coincided with the green figure in front of him.

If at that time, this guy really wanted to punch, he would definitely not be able to resist it.

Thinking in my heart, the wild sand that covered the sky also rose rapidly under the control of my Ai Luo, throwing everyone away while also covering the Iron Mountain in a huge sand cover.

Shrouded in a wave of blue qi, Metkay saw that I Ai Luo was well prepared.

Directly started the next action,

Wrapped in blue steam, he punched.

Hoo hoo!

A series of huge sounds of breaking the sky, the speed of the fist has long exceeded the limit of human eyes, just like the vibration of bee wings.

This is faster than the Chao Tian Sparrow just now.

“How could it be… Mr. Kai’s fist shadow was no longer clear even to my white eyes. ”

Hinata Ninji’s eyes were bruised, and his face was incredulous.

“Drink !!!”

In the sky, it was as if Kai was frozen there, and a fierce straight fist was fired, hitting the air.

“Day Tiger!!”

As a boom fell, the storm rolled up.

It was an endless storm convoluting wind and sand, and it seemed to carry endless waves of qi, one after another, and the air that had just been compressed by him with countless fists spread out at this moment.

It was an air cannon condensed to the extreme by Kai.

At the moment of launch.

Everyone felt that the space seemed to begin to distort around the air cannon.


Everything seemed to fall silent!

It is clear that the earth seems to be shaking.

But I couldn’t hear any sound.

It is clear that they are not attacking,

But one by one, goosebumps rose from everyone present.

Their brains seem to have lost control of their bodies, and their bodies are frozen in place.

That kind of power has exceeded the limits of people, as if the gods are releasing moves.

The air cannon constantly turned into the shape of a huge white tiger’s head in the air.

The greatly grown mouth seemed to swear its appearance.



This incomparably huge white tiger head slammed into the iron mountain built by the scorpion.

Air cannons powerful enough to warn space and scorpions build iron mountains that are incomparably strong collide,

This is a spear and shield showdown.

The shock wave of the collision spread out continuously.

All the people are in a mess.

Everyone fell into a deathly silence.

Quickly shooting a flame like a peacock opening the screen just made everyone marvel, and at this moment, this blow exceeded everyone’s vision, as if a natural storm swept through disaster-level ninjutsu, which was the reason why everyone was truly silent.

If I love Luo’s sand blockade, as well as the scorpion’s hundred machine exercises, and the Iron Mountain defense make everyone see it.

The strength shown by Metkay is completely a shock!!

On weekdays, the strength that can match the shadow is the ultimate that many ninjas pursue.

But at this moment, compared with Matt Kai, I feel that his strength is too terrible, making people feel a burst of jealousy!

This is a natural disaster-level attack caused by manpower!

And after the white tiger gnawed.

It also spread into white qi waves that continued to spread, the earth was shaking, the clouds and mist were blown away, and the boundless shock spread fiercely.

The booming sound was deafening!!!

Temari, who barely fixed his figure with a fan, covered his eyes and said in horror.

“This is just a diffused shock wave, which is even more terrifying than the wind escape I exerted with all my strength.”

This is just a little edge spread after receding for thousands of meters!

Temari felt like she was being hit by a big head wave, and the whole person was confused, she couldn’t imagine the power of this catastrophe-level physical technique at this moment!

Just one punch!

Don’t exaggerate so much!

The weak Markey was even directly shot by this shockwave onto the sand cage built by my Ailuo.

Directly embedded in it, it is generally immobile for a long time.

“It’s a terrifying power.”

“I didn’t expect that this is a stronger move for Konoha Shinobu.”

All the Shinobi were wide-eyed.

While everyone seemed to have no thunder in their hearts, they also used their own ninjutsu to stabilize their figures.

Otherwise, they might all be like Markey.

It was directly shot out by this diffused shock wave.

A few drops of cold sweat appeared on the top of my Airo’s head, and the chakra on his body was also being consumed violently.

“This move is really terrifying!”

Just by stabilizing the Sand Cage from disintegrating under the aftermath of the Daytiger’s impact, I Iroh consumed a large amount of Chakra.

“If I face such an attack…”

At this time, I Ai Luo actually felt a little lucky.

It’s good that we and Konoha are allies,

Otherwise, I really don’t know how to face such a powerful attack.

Everyone in Konoha has grown their mouths.

Sakura, who was trying to keep herself from being blown away, muttered into her mouth.

“It turns out that the thick-eyed teacher is so powerful, I’m afraid even Tsunade-sensei will be difficult to get on him.”

Xiao Li was even more excited.

“Is this the strength of the eight doors of Dun Jia to open the seven doors?”

His incomparable vision,

“How long will it take for me to be like Kai-sensei!”


And at this moment, within the Iron Mountain, time went back two minutes.

“The form of this iron mountain, with our current Chakra, I am afraid it can only last half a day, but it should be enough to defend.”

The scorpion said weakly,

Turning his head to look at the seven-tailed man Zhuli who fainted on the side.

“Seal the Seven Tails first, and then ask Payne what they can do to support us.”

The two immediately contacted Payne with the ring.

“Nanao has finished capturing!”

After speaking, the rings of the two of them flashed with a shimmer, and Payne’s voice was low.

“Psychic Outer Path Golem!”

The two pressed their hands to the ground.


In the white smoke,

A huge monster with a body and color like dead wood appeared in the Iron Mountain,

Only the small half of the body was exposed, both pairs of hands were held up, and the remaining half of the body was buried in the sand.

In the completely enclosed Iron Mountain,

In absolute darkness,

Suddenly, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared.

Looking back, the scorpion and Deidara suddenly sweated up, and goosebumps appeared on their skin.

The twitching corner of his eye, how can I not believe it.

In front of them was a beautiful ball of virtual light.

On the mirror-like surface, a colorful light emanated.

Inside, it was like a virtual world, with mountains and rivers, and an illusory figure lay there, eyes closed, extremely peaceful, floating quietly on the exposed head of the outer golem.

“This is…”

Deidara also swallowed a mouthful of spit,

“This is the phantom orb that Hinata Yuhisa turned into! Why is this thing here. ”

The scorpion felt extremely unbelievable, and the horror in his heart surged in bursts.

Being able to see Hinata Yuhisa on the Outer Path Golem of the Psychic Channel, if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed it.

But even if I saw it with my own eyes, I also felt very unreal, extremely surprised, and stunned.

How could he come with the Golem of the Outer Path?!!!

“So, what the hell is this guy doing? What kind of state is he in? ”

Scorpion and Deidara looked at each other and both felt a little incredulous.

Between scorpion talks.

Shadows appeared above the fingers of the outer path golem.

At the same time as it appears,

They all looked sharply at the only light in the darkness.

No way, it’s too conspicuous, the small bubble with a diameter of about two meters is really unreal, and the small shadow world created by Hinata Yuhisa inside is too beautiful.

“That was…!”

Everyone in the Xiao Organization suddenly showed a confused expression.

I feel that waves are not even and rising, and the horror in my heart is like layers of waves.

Hinata Yujiu’s out-of-control orb actually followed.

Xiao Nan was stunned, his mouth was wide open, and he was dumbfounded.

“This is that virtual ball of light from Hinata Yuhisa!”

“How could he be here!”

Xiao Nan has to check the situation of this virtual light ball every day,

She clearly remembered that the virtual ball of light remained in place without moving.

“yes, this… Isn’t the virtual ball of light that the guy turned into in Yu Ninja Village? ”

Dried persimmon ghost mackerel stunned bubbles suspended in mid-air.

If it weren’t for the ball of light floating in front of him, everyone wouldn’t have dared to believe it.

Stunned for a second, slowly, everyone came up with a strange intelligence…

“Could it be… Hinata Yuhisa this guy is not dead yet? Is he still conscious? ”

It’s just that he is now in the magic of illusion, and it is not that the body cannot detect it well at all.

“It’s unlikely, Hinata Yuku has not eaten or drunk in that round ball for so many days.”

Kakuto was surprised.

People who have not eaten or drunk for so many days should have died a long time ago.

“He is not Fei Duan and Jue, one is an immortal body, the other is a vegetative person, and he can go without eating or drinking for a long time.”

Some people retorted, thinking that this kind of thing is too bizarre for ordinary people to achieve.

At this time, Xiao Nan woke up from his surprise and said speculatively:

“Or maybe Hinata Tamaki still has consciousness?”

“What a mysterious link with the Golem of the Outer Way.”

Just finished speaking.

Xiao Nan was also slightly shocked in his heart, and his rosy vermilion lips opened slightly,

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible.

Hinata Yuhisa first joined the Xiao Organization to study the Golem of the Outer Way.

Could it be that Hinata Yuhisa has researched something from the outer path golem in the past few months?

But Nagato has been getting the Outer Path Golem for so many years, and they have not tried to study the Outer Path Golem, but they have not researched anything.

But this transformation may even be related to the outer path golem, and maybe one day this guy may come to the world.

Even now he may be alive in that virtual world!

Just as surprised as Konan, Nagato who was manipulating Payne.

His shock was no less than that of the current crowd, and at this moment, his eyebrows were locked, and his heart was tumbling non-stop.

In this short period of time, Hinata Yujiu had a mysterious connection with the Golem of the Outer Path?

How is this possible.

After so many years of research, he could only control the Golem of the Outer Path a little.

The ability to channel to other places with the Golem of the Outer Path like Hinata Yuhisa, which he simply does not have.

Do you say… Does this guy really have this ability?

Anyway, this guy is now trapped in the cage of the forbidden technique he has studied, and it is simply impossible to escape in a short period of time.

Even if he is resurrected in the future, it is impossible to defeat the Outer Path Golem that has absorbed the nine-tailed beast, not to mention, whether he can be resurrected is not certain.

Maybe all that’s left at the moment is some residual consciousness!

Thinking of this, Payne said indifferently.

“It may be because Hinata Yujiu originally knew the Time and Space Ninjutsu Flying Thunder God, so he unconsciously followed the outer path golem.”

Psychic and Flying Thunder God are essentially space-time psychic arts.

Hinata Yujiu has always been next to the Outer Path Golem, and it is difficult to ensure that there are no time-space coordinates left on the Outer Path Golem.

But whether it was Hyuga Yujiu consciously having a mysterious connection with the Outer Path Golem, or Hinata Yujiu unconsciously using the Flying Thunder God Technique, it was extremely surprising.

“Hurry up and seal the Seven Tails, we don’t have much time!” At this moment, the scorpion suddenly spoke, and the sense of crisis in his heart intensified again.

Although shocked by Hinata Yuhisa’s ability to turn into reality, it is like a shadow.

But this is not the time to study this.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Scorpion and Deidara, who were neglected in the dark.

“Scorpion and Deidara, you are really embarrassed!”

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel showed its fangs.

“Dry persimmon ghost mackerel, your intelligence is really lagging!!”

The scorpion’s gaze stared coldly at the dried persimmon ghost mackerel.


The dried persimmon ghost mackerel was obviously stunned.

“Scorpion, I don’t seem to have any conflict with you, do I?”

“Forget it, now is not this time, anyway, next time with Matkai you be careful yourself, otherwise it will be the time of your death!”

The scorpion coldly spat out some intelligence.

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel was obviously stunned when he heard this name.


“That physical ninja from Konoha?”

“With his strength, it shouldn’t be enough to cause you any trouble, right?”

He still remembers that time, the fight with Matkay.

As long as he uses his full strength, Matkay is definitely not his opponent.


The scorpion snorted coldly first.

“Put away your slightest eye, he almost killed me and Deidara, and we both almost died under his fist.”

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel felt extremely surprised at this time.

“How is this possible?”

“Ghost mackerel, Matkai is the son of the blue beast that the seven people of the Ninja Sword fought back then.”

Uchiha Itachi, who was Konoha with Matkai, spoke.

His expression was still as indifferent as before,

But I was also very surprised in my heart,

Matkai was actually so powerful that even Scorpion and Deidara couldn’t resist his punches.

“He, he… It was actually the son of that person? ”


The ghost mackerel swallowed its spit.

A huge wave surged in his heart.

Four of the seven people of the Ninja Dao that he had longed for were killed by that person, and the remaining three only barely escaped.

“No wonder, you guys are so embarrassed, it turns out to be the same skill as that one, after all, four of the seven people of the Ninja Dao died at the hands of his father.”

After sighing, the dried persimmon ghost mackerel looked at Deidara and the scorpion with sympathy.

“Don’t talk more nonsense, hurry up and finish sealing the seven-tailed human pillar force.”

“I’m using the Iron Mountain to block the Konoha ninjas and sand ninjas outside, but my chakra won’t last long, maybe half a day at most.”

“Wait until we seal the burden of the seven tails first.”

“We can safely retreat.”

“And Payne, can you support in the direction of the Land of Wind.”

“There are too many people on the other side, and there are many sentient ninjas on the other side, I’m afraid it won’t be easy for us to get rid of.”

The scorpion said all their current situation in one breath.

“Let’s seal the Seven Tails first!”

After Payne nodded lightly, with an order, everyone stood on the fingers of the outer golem.

Nine blue dragons emerged from the mouth of the Golem of the Outer Path.

Drilled into the body of the seven-tailed human pillar force.

And right at this moment!


As if the sound of the sky cracking sounded, the earth was cracking, the mountains were shaking, the loud sound of destroying the sky and the earth spread throughout the entire Iron Mountain space, and the huge collapse suddenly began!

And in the midst of the Iron Mountains.

The magic of the Illusion shook for a while.


The dry persimmon ghost mackerel is not finished talking.

The phantom standing above the entire outer path golem was violently impacted, and the joint broke and disappeared into the iron mountain.

Only the bare Golem of the Outer Path remained.

And the seven-tailed human pillar force that has not yet been completely sealed is directly from mid-air,


After a sound, it fell directly to the ground.


There seems to be some crack above the iron mountain.

The body of the scorpion puppet was even under the shock wave, and ice cracks appeared one after another, and they continued to spread.

Deidara was a little unsteady on his feet.

The head was also buzzed by the shockwave, and the two of them couldn’t care about the seven tails, and quickly began to hide behind the outer path golem, and continued to shrink the iron mountain.

And the surface of the skin of the comatose seven-tailed human pillar force began to ooze some fine blood beads.

Some of her capillaries ruptured under the shock wave.

“This is…”


How is this possible?

Shocked and inexplicable, the scorpion looked incredulous, he never thought that his strongest defensive technique would be cracked so simply, this technique could not even be broken by himself.

“He can’t…”

He didn’t go on because the facts were right in front of him.

One after another cracks on the Iron Mountain surged wildly, and then from the cracks began to be continuously annihilated and thinned.

“Abominable… We don’t seem to be able to escape…”

The scorpion has faintly sensed the cage of sand outside,


Storm spread! Dust gone!

All destruction is calm.

Many Shinobi and Konoha’s ninjas stormed up.

The scene inside gradually revealed…

But they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

It was a huge dark brown head with some hysteria in the weirdness, behind which was hiding Deidara, who had a small half of his body broken, and a scorpion with only a floating heart, everything seemed to have been violently destroyed.

And what shocked everyone the most.

An illusory bubble floating on this skull.

What kind of stuff?

The illusory bubble seems to reflect the vast world of yellow sand, and there is a person lying strangely inside, as if occupying the entire world in the virtual orb.

Everyone was stimulated by this strange scene, moved their lips, and their brains buzzed.

So…… This is the backhand summoned by these two guys of the Xiao Organization?!

What the hell is this for?

The crowd was at a loss.

But after a few seconds, Yamanaka Ino and Hinata Ninji’s pupils dilated sharply, and their breathing suddenly became rapid…

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