Ten minutes ago.


A huge thunder disturbed the true dragon who was concentrating on controlling the Loulan Advanced Immortal Land, and he was in a realm of divine seconds.

It seems that it is really separated from space and nature, and then merged, becoming a state that is neither human nor monster, as if it is stripped and fused with something of volitional origin.

At this moment, he seems to be really merging with nature, his body is growing, and his consciousness is condensing.

But this state of affairs was awakened by the turmoil.

Two white rays of light shot out, and Hinata Yuhisa opened her eyes.

“A bunch of bugs with ulterior motives!”

Fortunately, Loulan has completed the initial transformation.

Otherwise, this kind of ninjutsu that can make the dragon vein turbulent will definitely affect him.

“And… Sasuke? Weasel? How can the grudge between the two of them be resolved here! ”

The eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and Hinata Yuhisa’s tone slightly revealed a hint of unkindness.

He doesn’t want to care about brotherhood, love and hate, these things are too small for him, and Uchiha himself chooses to kill his father and mother to blame himself for his sins.

Then give glory to his brother, but the point is that his dragon’s nest is not used to settle hatred for them.

Especially at this critical moment of his transformation.

No one can disturb them.

I feel that I have just formed the rudiment of the immortal land and blessed the power on my body.

Hinata Yujiu showed a slight look of satisfaction.

His own true dragon body chose to transform into an immortal land, and this step was really not wrong.

“Now Loulan and all the natural chakras under the ground are under my control.”

The natural chakra in the air was slowly transformed into a purple dragon vein chakra by Hinata Yujiu.

In his perception, Loulan’s natural chakra was flushed with purple.

“Eternal and immortal life, a force above all living beings… Right away…… When my complete transformation is complete, it will be mine! ”

“And my body will undergo further transformation.”

Hinata Yujiu looked at the growing body, the qi and blood became more and more vast, the chakra rumbled and moved, the purple intention was violet, and it became more and more mysterious.

Looking at the space that was already faintly divided and self-contained around him, Hinata Tamaki muttered in the darkness.

“Is this the Immortal Land?”

I don’t know if it’s because of the dragon vein that Loulan formed the prototype of the immortal land, and the concentration of natural chakra has already exceeded the earth dragon cave.

“Under such blessings, I feel that in this Loulan I am like a god, and all power is from me.”

The purple mist is gradually getting thicker.

Those purple veins in the earth gradually merged with the earth of Loulan.

The fusiform heart was beating non-stop above his head.

“A world of its own!”

“Immortal and immortal!”

As long as the immortal land can be completely built, he can have some immortal characteristics like the White Snake Immortal.

Although it is not a true immortal body, at least his immortality may be stronger than the immortality of the White Snake Immortal…

Even if He can live for thousands of years now.

But the temptation of immortality is also fatal.

Under no circumstances will it die, nor will it perish due to other circumstances.

“As long as this heart is completely integrated into Loulan, and then the “star” is integrated into my body. ”

“Loulan Immortal Land and True Dragon Immortal are about to be achieved.”

“I don’t know how powerful I will become the moment the Immortal Land is formed, the moment I become a True Dragon Immortal.”

Hinata Yuhisa said as she fused her fusiform heart into Loulan.

“Now my control distance is a thousand meters away…”

The original range of the dragon vein expanded again, and five hundred meters became one thousand meters.

In this kilometer, he will have a powerful amplitude and extreme control.

“Then give it a try!”

Hinata Makihisa murmured.

The empty eyes were neither joyful nor angry, only the cold and indifferent overlook on his body seemed to reveal his nature, and he had locked on the culprit who disturbed him with his own eyes.

Above the figure of the true dragon, the purple thunder flickered.

“Thunder penalty !!!!”

He slowly raised his eyelids, and a will instantly condensed in the sky, and purple thunder flashed. A huge pupil opened from among the clouds in the sky.

That is the eye of his will, and he will inflict the cruelest punishment on the invaders.



Myoki Mountain.

The toad fairy suddenly woke up from his dream.

A few big drops of cold sweat appeared on his head.

“The purple dragon… New immortals… And the sleeping god…”

Fear spread in the back of his heart.

Because he saw that a new god would rule the world, the Earth Dragon Cave was full of corpses, and the Myomu Mountain and the Wet Bone Forest were all in ruins.

“What the hell is going on here?”

The toad fairy whispered.

He said to Fukasaku beside him.

“Call Xiao Ziraiya and Little Naruto!”


Fukasaku was also slightly stunned when he saw the expression of the big toad immortal.

Since he became the Toad Immortal’s right-hand man, he had never seen the Toad Immortal show such an expression.

Toad’s eyes shrank slightly.

But I still pressed my doubts to the bottom of my heart.

Just call Jiraiya and Naruto and he will know the answer.

Jump on the mount toad and jump towards the place where fairy arts practice.



A purple toad jumped high and slammed the stick in his hand on Naruto’s face.

Will suck out all the natural chakra that will turn Naruto into a toad.

“Still can’t do it? Shima Sento! ”

Naruto covered the half of his face that had been beaten, a little deflated.

“Why is the immortal mode so difficult to cultivate!”

Shortly after returning to the village, Naruto Uzumaki was pulled here by Jiraiya to begin the cultivation of the immortal mode.

Before he could figure out what the situation was, he had already started the practice of immortal mode.

He only vaguely heard a few key characters from the conversation between the lecherous fairy and Tsunade.

“Hinata Tamaki, Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko!”

Among them, Naruto cares most about the name of Hinata Tamaki.

How many times has he heard his little friend mention it.

I heard that Hinata Tamaki was transformed into a dragon through the secret method of the Great Snake Pill, and caused great damage in the Sand Shinobi Village, and even Sakura and they almost died in the disaster caused by Hinata Tamaki.

Every time Naruto heard them talk about it, he felt incredible.

Hinata Yujiu was just an indifferent teenager before, but now he has become like this.

The main thing is that it is too strong.

Just like Sasuke, he felt as if he didn’t know him, and even became the kind of monster that was even more terrifying than Orochimaru.

He has now turned into a monster that can easily trigger natural disasters.

And his strength is simply impossible to defeat him.

Come to think of it.

Naruto sat cross-legged again and entered a state of cultivation.

But he listened to the lecherous fairy.

As long as he cultivates into immortal mode, he can have the power of immortals, and he can also have the power to release ninjutsu comparable to catastrophe.

At that time, whether it was Hinata Tamaghisa or Sasuke, he Naruto had to chase them back one by one!

This is what he believes in Naruto Uzumaki!!!!

At this moment, the toad immortal is still constantly thinking in pieces, and an unprecedented drastic change is taking place from the distant wind country Loulan.

The experience seems familiar, yet elusive.

As if accompanied by another spatial fluctuation change, it is necessary to divide the power and space belonging to the ninja world again.

“Is it, again… Is someone going to become a real immortal?! ”

The eyes of the toad fairy seemed to have traveled through distant space, and they retreated into the dream again, hoping to get some dream revelations.

But this time in the dream, it was not so beautiful.


A huge and boundless eye appeared in the sky staring at it, making it tremble, but unable to get rid of it.

It was as if the soul had been withdrawn.

A brutal dragon roar faintly sounded in his ears.


“A perfect fairy land with a will is about to be born!”

“This… How is this possible?! ”

The eyes of the toad immortal were full of shock.


And at this moment, the sky above the ruins of Loulan in the Land of Wind.

A huge eye suddenly opened between the rolling clouds in the bursting sky, what kind of eyes were that, the pure white eyes were cold and indifferent, inhuman, as if… There is some kind of huge creature outside the sky that looks down from below like a reptile, which makes people shudder.

“That was…”

Pale pupils.

I love Luo and immediately remembered those eyes that he will never forget.

“That’s the eyes of a real dragon!”

This kind of power that can sweep the heavens and the earth and drive the entire space is only that legendary dragon!

His fists clenched unconsciously, but there was an unconcealable shock in his eyes.

“Such a means is still so powerful!”

From the huge pale eyes, a powerful oppressive force emanated.

It cast a shadow over the hearts of everyone present.

The oppressive force of the giant eye seemed to make the air a little heavier.

Uchiha looked up at the sky among the red skeletons, and he wanted to return to that day.

Hinata Tamahisa was lying inside the cave, and he was standing outside.

The cold look in his eyes made him remember it vividly.

“Hinata Tamaki… Is it? ”

He didn’t know what this guy was going to do.

The huge eyes in the sky made it clear that the other party would not just look at them.

Cracking sound!


In the dark clouds, a purple Razer flashed!

Darui was stunned again, and his heart jumped.

He whispered.

“This won’t be another thunder like a unicorn!”

Onoki snorted coldly.

“Although I don’t want to admit it, the kind of thunder just now is not something that anyone wants to cast!”

He looked at the giant eyes in the sky with a serious face.

“Not even a real dragon!!”


Kakashi, who was already proficient in Ray, was still half Sasuke’s teacher, and was also known as Konoha’s technician, spoke.

“Sasuke first used the Fire Dragon Fire Technique to heat up the surrounding air sharply, resulting in an upward air flow, which in turn generated cumulonimbus clouds, and finally cumulonimbus clouds produced thunderbolts.”

He soon broke the secret of Sasuke Raydu Qilin.

“It takes a long time to prepare, it also requires the help of nature, and it also requires a good pair of eyes!”

“Hinata Tamakisa, who has been transformed into a dragon, has lost the powerful eyes that he had before.”


Kakashi shook his head, and then said in a loud voice.

“Now Hinata Yujiu can’t perform a technique like Lei Dun Qilin!”

He picked up his forehead and looked at the sky with his chakra eyes.

Soon he had a judgment.

“The true dragon can borrow thunder and lightning at most to display a good thunderbolt!”

Kakashi’s calm analysis was quickly recognized by everyone.

Even Darui, who was from Yunnin Village and was good at thunder himself, nodded in approval.

Can be next to the space barrier outside Loulan,

The trembling trio didn’t think so.

Shuiyue is a little sluggish.

Just now, Sasuke’s thunder and unicorn also had his credit.

You know, this is the desert of the land of winds.

Where does the water vapor come from to form such a huge rain cloud?

As a water dun expert from Mist Ninja Village and still a water dun expert who can transform water, Shui Yue naturally contributed his part.

Looking at the figure in the distance wearing Xiao Robe, the mackerel held in his hand, Shui Yue’s eyes were full of envy.

“I really envy the senior of the ghost mackerel! If only there was his Chakra, which was comparable to a tailed beast! ”


Fragrant phosphorus slammed angrily behind him.

“What time is it, you still care about this! If the purple thunder in the sky falls on us, we will definitely not survive!” ”

As soon as Shui Yue turned her head, she saw Xiangphos’s extremely angry expression.

“Got it, got it.”

With a wave of his hand, Shui Yue said sarcastically.

Then he muttered in his mouth.

“Is it really that scary?”

Although he had spoken quietly enough, his two teammates were both top-level perception ninjas, and they all listened to them.

“I sensed a large collection of natural chakras above.”

Shigego pointed to the dark clouds in the sky.

“If it’s really attacking us, our chances of survival…”

He closed his eyes as if calculating something.

“It should be 0%!”

“You’re not kidding, are you!!! That purple thunder…”

Shui Yue exclaimed.

Before he finished speaking, he was covered by Xiangphos.

At this time, the gaze of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel came over.

“Oh, is it that little ghost from the Ghost Lantern family?”

He just glanced at it and didn’t pay much attention.

Instead, he looked up at the dark clouds above his head, and the attacks that were bred in them made the muscles afraid of abnormalities.

“Is it really that powerful?”

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel murmured.

Sasuke’s unicorn just now was enough to frighten him.

But he still has the confidence to block it with his muscles.

But now the purple thunder and lightning made the muscles feel afraid.


The ghost mackerel couldn’t understand that since approaching Loulan, the muscle’s guts had become much smaller.

Is the real dragon reincarnated by Hinata Yuhisa really that terrifying?

Or is it because of the Chakra of the Dragon Vein?

I couldn’t figure it out, but the ghost mackerel just stared blankly ahead.

And the fragrant phosphorus that was retracted from the ghost mackerel struck Shuiyue several more punches.

“You fellow! Don’t draw attention to others. ”

She knew very well that their three-man squad was the weakest.

Even the ghost mackerel who just saw it could kill them all alone.

“I really shouldn’t have promised Sasuke!”

Xiangphos is a little regretful now, why did he follow Sasuke to this Loulan, even if he stayed at the base of the Great Snake Pill, it was better than here…

She hadn’t finished thinking about it, a thunder. The thunderous sound tore her thoughts apart, or rather tore everyone’s thoughts in an instant!


Dark clouds rolling, purple thunder churning.

A purple thunder cut through the sky.

It was as if a giant was chopping down from the sky with a giant axe.

The whole sky was split in half.

Sasuke, who had finished casting the Thunder Kirin Qilin, was about to run out of Chakra at this moment, but he suddenly found himself firmly locked by the giant eyes in the sky.

The sense of oppression released from that giant eye pressed him alive in place.

It was difficult for him to perform even the most basic instantaneous technique.

“Abominable! What the hell is going on? ”

Sasuke looked at the purple thunder about to strike him, his face changed drastically, he felt a deadly crisis, and the cells all over his body were trembling, as if he sensed something.

“Damn, what kind of ninjutsu is this, how is it possible…”

Sasuke Uchiha shouted angrily, he shuddered, every muscle in his body warning him that this seemed to be an unprecedented life and death crisis.

Even if he had defected to the Great Snake Pill and experienced countless pains, he had not had such a sense of crisis that he was about to die today.

Countless green tendons burst out, squirming like a snake on his body, and the only remaining Chakra turned into a thunder attribute to stimulate the muscles of the whole body.

Tear the ground.


He stimulated the leg cells with Thunder Chakra, and the ultra-fast Thunder Instantaneous Technique instantly escaped, and a faint sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Want to kill me, Hinata Yuhisa, you used to be an ant, when I have those eyes, I must kill you.”

But suddenly, he felt the sound of sweaty hairs exploding, and when he looked back, a goosebump suddenly appeared on his skin.

The twitching corner of his eye, how can I not believe it.

That purple thunder. Ting was actually like a winding whip, chasing his figure, and instantly attacked him.

Everyone present almost subconsciously looked there, looked at the sky, their pupils shrank dramatically, and saw a terrifying scene that they would never forget.

An incredibly vast purple thunder. Thunder fell from the giant eyes of the sky, rumbling, tearing the endless air flow, carrying a roaring sound, terrifying!

Just for this moment, the heavenly dome seemed to be affected by this purple thunder. Thundering cracked, and the burning breath could be felt nearly a thousand meters away, suppressed to the extreme power.

A trace of despair sprang up in Uchiha Sasuke’s heart.

Purple thunder smashed down,

Drowning Sasuke and that figure in it…

The earth is collapsing, the desert is crystallizing.

A purple light violently emanated, rendering the entire heaven and earth purple.

Everyone’s chill gradually stood up.

The heartbeat stopped with the hum of thunder.

The brain was completely filled with the purple light, and the soul seemed to gradually separate from the body, losing control of everything in the body.

Their eyes, hearts, and thoughts were filled with this purple thunder.

Their space fell into a death-like silence.

Only the purple thunder is still roaring!

“Sasuke, abominable!!” Kakashi’s pupils in the distance trembled, although this disciple of him had already embarked on a crooked path, but watching the other party fall like this, he was still difficult to accept.

One minute

Two minutes

Three minutes,


After a long time, the purple thunder disappeared in the sky.

An incomparably huge pit appeared above the sand.

Large expanses of sand have all been crystallized.

A gentle breeze blows.

The gravel that had turned into crystals rolled through the potholes.

Everyone was there like wooden people, and their hearts were still deeply immersed in shock.

In the middle of the hole, Sasuke looked ahead stunned, his eyes were extremely shocked.

His black pupils, which had faded from the chakra eyes, reflected the figure in front of him.


Sasuke muttered.

His body was trembling and his eyes were constricted.

The purple thunder that seemed to destroy the heavens and the earth descended from the sky, it was a thunder that was more powerful than his qilin, and he could clearly feel it.

There is simply no way to dodge, it cannot be avoided.

Even his last life-saving means of channeling the Ten Thousand Snakes lost its effect.

The only thing he could think of in the end was to block such purple thunder with a thousand birds.

Too powerful!

Why is there a thunder dun that is more powerful than his unicorn!!

And also appeared in front of him.

It’s terrifying! What a surprise!

Just when the thought of dying here today arises in the bottom of my heart, but I am unwilling.

An unexpected figure blocked in front of him.


The man killed the entire family, not even his parents.

The man humiliated him again and again.

Let him recall the tragic situation of the night of the extermination.

But why did the ferret stand in his way.

A huge red giant wrapped them up.

Wutengu’s armor was already broken under the bombardment of purple thunder.


Blood gushed out of Uchiha’s mouth.

Two lines of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

After receiving this purple thunder, his body was almost unable to hold on.

Itachi’s heart is extremely uncalm now.

Hinata Tamaki… After all, I underestimated him!


I’m afraid it’s a real dragon!

That mysterious guy always surprises others.

They never saw him clearly.

Maybe Hinata Yujiu had expected that he would fail in his research on forbidden arts, so he prepared the best rebirth materials for himself.

At this moment,

“Uchiha Itachi!”

“Who allowed you to enter my realm!!”

The terrifying kind of echo reverberated through the heavens and the earth, it was a thick and thunderous one. The sound of thunder explosions is like this heaven and earth are talking to you.

It makes you involuntarily feel a kind of trembling all over your body.

Everyone was shocked, in the blood light, Uchiha Sasuke looked terrified, this was his first time in contact with this level of power, which was completely different from Orochimaru.

But how could there be a power in the world that could influence heaven and earth with will, but his current brain was in a mess, Itachi, and the so-called true dragon turned into Hinata Yujiu, all the information caught people off guard.

“This… This is really the voice of that guy from the real dragon, he… How can he be so powerful!! ”

Kai Laozang of the Land of Wind couldn’t help but look horrified and exclaimed.

What a mighty thing this is!

Back then, he didn’t feel such a terrifying feeling, and the huge eyes stared at people, as if a mountain pressed you, making you unable to move, you can only let that thunder. Thunder chopped down.

“It’s really… Don’t be underestimated guys, are the little guys so powerful now? ”

Chiyo’s old mouth muttered like bark falling, and he was even more curious about how Hinata Yuhisa did it, and his cloudy eyes unabashedly expressed the meaning of inner shock.

And it’s hard to imagine, how old is that Hinata Yuku!?

“Is this voice that little doll from your Konoha? What a tough person! Chiyo couldn’t help but ask Kakashi and Yamato.

The two looked at each other, both opened their dry mouths, a little speechless, both of them were unfamiliar with Hinata Yujiu, and could not distinguish his voice.

But the eye in the sky is indeed a white eye.

And at this moment, Uchiha Itachi’s whole body trembled slightly, and he looked at the huge eyes looking at him in the sky in shock.

I still wondered why Hinata Tamahisa would do such an unwise move.

Unexpectedly, everyone underestimated him.

The reincarnation of the immortal corpse in the hands of the Great Snake Pill was completely different from in the hands of Hinata Tamaki.

Also use means that can master the power of the dragon vein.

He should have understood long ago that Hinata Yuhisa would definitely not be so simple!

A guess surged in the weasel’s heart.

Hinata Yuhisa’s body may not be dead, maybe that’s what the success of the study forbidden technique looks like.

As long as Hinata Yuhisa appears in the ninja world from the day it is renewed, I am afraid that everyone in the ninja world will not be his opponent.

After all, it is a means of exchanging reality and reality!

But I’m afraid he’ll never see that day!

Itachi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and slowly put away Susano.

In the third stage, Susanoo could only barely resist the blow of the purple thunder.

Look at the purple thunder in the sky.

He could only sigh slowly.

I didn’t expect him to have an arrogant day.

Hinata Yuhisa this person is not something he can underestimate at all!!

A voice rang in everyone’s ears.

“Mr. Tamaghi, we have no intention of staying longer, we will leave soon.”

Uchiha covered the blood at the corner of his mouth and said in a trembling voice, he didn’t know how much human divine wisdom Hinata Yuku could maintain now.

But the best thing to do is to follow the other person’s ideas.

Otherwise, once the creatures that turn over the river and the sea riot, I am afraid that the presence will rarely be able to stop it.

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the dragon, it seems that it is going to entrench Loulan in the country of wind, and there is no conflict with the country of fire.

He didn’t want to provoke this creature now.

Although he still has ten fist swords, the matter of the big snake pill has not yet been resolved.

“In ten minutes, get out of Loulan!”

“Otherwise, you will all have to die!!”

The indifferent and thick voice made everyone instantly come back from the shock…

But at the moment,

A discordant voice suddenly sounded.

“An animal that has become a climate, actually such a big breath!!”



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