An old face appeared in front of several people.

The face of the serious national character face, a pair of green white eyes, all of them no longer explain his identity.

Aoki Hinata! The second elder of the Hyuga Sect clan!

Sure enough, Hinata Yujiu in front of him did not have any chakra on his body, he was just an ordinary person, and only the pair of azure eyes like the starry sky highlighted his extraordinary.

Second Elder Hinata Aoki smiled slightly.

He clearly felt the powerful pupil power through the white of his eyes.

If you want to make a visual comparison, it is that the pupil power of his white eyes is like a small fireball, and Hinata Yuhisa’s eyes are like the sun.

It’s so beautiful! It’s so powerful!

He tried desperately to suppress greed, but he didn’t take his eyes off Hinata Yuhisa’s eyes for a second.

Ino was slightly displeased with the second elder of the Hyuga Sect, she had obviously stayed with Hinata Yu for a while, and this bad old man was going to let her go.

But the others were the elders of the Hyuga clan, and they also said that they had something important to say to Hinata Tamahisa.

Shikamaru’s eyes were leisurely, and he pulled Dingji, who was still eating Haisei next to him.

The second elder of the Hyuga clan came, at least he could see Hinata Tamakisa, and he had to tell Naruto-sama the news now.

“Don’t go fast yet!”

Aoki shouted with some dissatisfaction.

The three of them got up and walked outside.

“Aoki, this is my guest, are you qualified to ask them to go?”

Hinata Yuhisa took a sip of sake and said lightly.

The three of Inoka Butterfly only Ino paused slightly, but was pulled by Shikamaru to walk to the shop of Ichiraku ramen.

Aoki looked at the three of them and smiled faintly.

“They did it themselves, no matter what happened to me.”

He waved at the hand and the calamus to let them go, and he didn’t want these people to hear about the next thing.

“Say it! The so-called second elder of the sect family, what’s the matter! ”

Hinata Yuhisa continued to drink sake and said indifferently.

Aoki just glanced at it with a blank eye, the only Konan, except for him and Hinata Tamaki.

Extremely large Chakra, but a woman is not a concern.

With his strength, he can suppress it with a backhand.

“Hinata Yujiu, don’t be so rusty, you must know that your parents’ wedding was completed under my witness, and you yourself belong to our vein, just call me a second grandfather.”

Aoki first played the emotional card.

“If there is something to say quickly, there is a fart to release quickly!”

Hinata Yuhisa spoke in an unceremonious tone.

“Hinata Yuhisa give me those eyes of yours, after all, you are an ordinary person first.”

“And as long as you hand over your eyes, I will give you a chance to enter the sect family and provide you with shelter.”

“Hinata Yuhisa, you need to understand that the moment you enter Konoha, you have been stared at by countless pairs of eyes, maybe the Hokage has already rushed towards this side.”

Aoki said to Hinata Tamahisa in a coercive tone.

“As long as you fall into their hands, there is only one way to die.”

He sighed slightly at Hinata Tamaki.

“Second grandfather doesn’t want you to die!”

“Second grandfather feels sorry for you! So I asked you for a chance, as long as you give me those eyes of yours, everything will be fine. ”

Aoki looked pained.

“Hinata Yujiu is now an ordinary person, and he can’t use those eyes anymore, give it to the second grandfather.”

“As long as it is given to the second grandfather, the second grandfather, I will promise!”

Aoki looked at Hinata Tamahisa with a sincere look and patted his chest to make a guarantee.

“You and your descendants will all be the Zongjia, all the scrolls of the Zongjia are open to you, everything in life will be reimbursed by us, and the pressure of the Hyuga family on Konoha’s side will completely resist you.”

“As long as you give me your eyes!”

“Huh! That’s a nice thing to say… I don’t know, do you really think that your old man is a kind person? ”

Hinata Yujiu showed a sneer slightly, threw the chopsticks away, and said quietly.

“Anything else to say?”

Seeing Hinata Yujiu’s attitude, Aoki’s tone changed, became gloomy, and threatened.

“You don’t have to be weird here, you know who I am,…… If you don’t give me your eyes, then… Everything is difficult to say. ”

Looking at Hinata Yuhisa who looked as usual in front of him, Aoki’s eyes showed a cold light.

“Don’t give a face, Hinata Tamakisa.”

Hinata Tamaki took a sip of sake.

“Aoki, you really put gold on your face!”

“Isn’t it you who gives face?”

At this moment,

Aoki smiled wickedly and grabbed his hands sharply towards Hinata’s eyes.

Since the other party does not give a face, then he will take it himself.

No one can remain silent in front of these azure eyes.

As long as he has these eyes, let alone the Hyuga family, even Konoha is his.

“As an ordinary person, is it bad for you to obediently hand over your eyes? I have to do it! ”

Since he made a move, he naturally had a fierce and decisive attitude.

In an instant, his hands had come to Hinata Yuhisa’s eyes, and he was immediately able to gouge out the eyes above these white eyes.

Aoki was ecstatic, the corners of his mouth rose wildly, and a crazy face spread wildly on his face.

“Fight with me, you’re still tender!” A slight disdain surged on his maniac’s face.

Even Hinata Yuhisa of the Megatron Ninja Realm had to be obediently taken.

But in the next second, his expression stiffened on his face, feeling like he had seen something extremely incredible, and the twitching corners of his eyes couldn’t believe it.

What’s going on?

His hands actually passed through Hinata Tamahisa’s body.

What kind of ninjutsu is this? Or has he already fallen for Hinata Tamaki’s illusion?

How is this possible?!

But the next scene was beyond his understanding.

His hands!

His hands!

It actually turned into a phantom, and it also spread towards his body.

Aoki hurriedly withdrew his hands and moved away from Hinata Yuhisa, but his body was blurred.

“Hinata Yuhisa, what have you done to me!”

He asked with some trepidation towards Hinata Tamaki.

Hinata Yujiu did not speak, but only smiled slightly.

“Damn it!”

“Hinata Yujiu, I will not only want your eyes, but also crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces!”

The whites of his eyes turned red from congestion.

The killing intent was released from his body, and he placed his hands on his shoulders like a demon, with his hands that had not yet been completely blurred.

“Illusion, absolutely illusion!”

One force.


With this sharp pain, he broke off both arms, including shoulders.

But strangely, he found that he did not smell any blood.


What the hell is going on here?

He looked stiffly to the ground, and suddenly he felt that all the sweaty hairs on his body stood up, and his spine was like a cold snake climbing on it, and he was horrified to see it.


His arms floated on the ground like illusory pictures.

And his body is still gradually fading.

Aoki tried to run backwards, but one stumbled and fell to the ground.

One of his legs has also begun to fade.

“Hinata Yuhisa, what kind of magic did you make, don’t forget that this is Konoha, kill me, you will also have to be besieged to death!”

Aoki’s entire worldview was shocked, and his white eyes showed madness.


A rhythmic sound sounded, it was the sound of clogs stepping on the floor, like the death knell of death.

Aoki turned around in horror like a worm,

At this moment, Hinata Yujiu had already stood up indifferently.

It’s obviously not very high.

But it gave Aoki the feeling that Hinata Yuhisa was looking down on him, like a god on top.

The incomparable look on his face, in Aoki’s eyes, was completely the biggest mockery of him.

“Hinata Yuhisa, you parted family, why did you awaken such eyes! Why is it stronger than our sect family. ”

Aoki’s hair was completely scattered at this time, and his mouth was not covered.

The chakra in the body was running wildly, but it still couldn’t stop the blur.


How can it be?

Knowing that he couldn’t stop the blurred Hinata Aoki, he opened his sheet and frantically rushed towards Hinata Tamaki.

“Elder Aoki, you really look like a dog!”

“Just like you said when you carved me with a caged bird.”

“Just because I didn’t go to you doesn’t mean I forgot what you did.”

“How dare you come and look for death!”

“Do you really think Konoha can save your life? Oh, what a joke. ”

“Do you see Tsunade daring to say this in front of me?!”

Hinata Tamatsuhisa looked at Aoki who passed through his body again with a slight mockery, but this kind of Hinata Tamatsuhisa with a slight sneer, Aoki felt like he saw a demon climbing up from hell.

It is obviously an entity, but it is as if the phantom cannot attack!

Aoki could not contain the fear in his heart at this time.

Anyone facing such a scene will have the same despair as Aoki.

Such unpredictable means.

It is simply not something that ordinary people can understand.

It was as if a mortal was facing the power of a god.


Tears and snot left on Aoki’s face.


Aoki actually knelt down for Hinata Yuhisa.

“Hinata Tamakisa, second grandfather, no! Aoki begs you, let me die! ”

“For the sake of the past relationship, spare my life!”

Aoki said in an almost trembling voice, bumping his head on the ground.

Although he couldn’t wait to eat Hinata Yuhisa’s flesh and blood, his face turned red with hatred, and his eyes bulged like demons.

But the long-standing concept of survival made the elder of the sect family barely recover a trace of his long-standing survival wisdom, and he decisively knelt down towards the mysterious young man in front of him.

Although this is just a guy with an extremely inferior status at the beginning.

At this moment, he had an unparalleled regret in his heart, why would a guy who didn’t even have a chakra body have such a terrifying method.

Only when facing this guy can I really understand the feelings of those who have faced him.

Aoki clenched his teeth, blood running down the corners of his mouth, begging for mercy in horror.

Looking at the elder kneeling in front of him.

Hinata Yuhisa only felt bored and disgusting, any figure who looked so bullish still had to kneel and surrender in the face of the crisis of death.

“Oh, the elder is really able to flex and stretch.”

“But unfortunately, my principle has always been to kill people, and it is not my principle to leave half of the enemy down.”

Hinata Yuhisa didn’t have any mood swings.

Aoki’s eyes swayed wildly, and he raised his head in disbelief and looked at Hinata Tamaki in front of him.

It seems to be in stark contrast to the white-eyed boy who was inconspicuous at the beginning.

The guy who didn’t even dare to have the slightest emotion of resistance at the beginning.

At this moment, his sharp fangs were also exposed.

This made Aoki feel a heartfelt sadness.

The merciless words made him understand that he would definitely die here.

“Hinata Yuhisa, you wait, sooner or later you will go to hell with me, and your daughter-in-law will also be insulted because of you.”

He roared hoarsely.

“I’ll wait for you in hell, Hinata Tamakisa!”

Hinata Tamahisa just slowly snapped his fingers.

Cracks were created on Aoki’s body, and a huge pain seemed to tear his soul apart.


Aoki let out an extremely harsh scream.


Aoki was like a piece of glass and like a picture began to be blurred and gradually spread, Aoki felt that Hinata Tamaki was the kind of god who controlled power, and a thick fear arose in his heart, and he could feel the gradual disappearance of his life force.

I feel like I’m really a painting, and my body parts are constantly being blurred.

All traces of what is left behind is constantly fading.

“Do you really think I won’t kill people? Dare to shout again that your descendants who have enjoyed the glory of your vicious forces should also die. ”

Hinata Yuhisa’s expression completely froze.

Aoki’s face suddenly became terrified, and his expression turned into that complete fear.

“Nope… You can’t…”


Hinata Yujiu shook his palm violently, and with a swoop, Elder Aoki, who had completely turned into a shadow, was completely snatched into nothingness by him.

At this time, even Xiao Nan next to him felt stunned in place.

The whole battle process was so short that she couldn’t react a little, was that the ability to blur herself and let people come into contact with the same blur was Hinata Yuku’s ability?

This is also too terrible, this ability is simply a fantasy, how did he do it?

Even she was once again horrified by Hinata’s terrifying ability.

This ability cannot be hit by others, and it is inaccessible.

It’s scary to touch that and disappear into this world completely!

“This guy is strong again… And how did he transform from an illusion ninja to this point, feeling like living in a cave to eat and drink, the only danger is the months of sleep. ”

Remembering the hardships that his strength had advanced to today, Xiao Nan felt that the world was so unfair, and he couldn’t help but feel some deep jealousy for this guy in front of him.


Among the largest hot springs in Konoha,


It’s not the sound of water.

Konan, dressed in a blue swimsuit, soaked comfortably next to Hinata Yuhisa.

Hinata Tamaki’s eyes stared intently at such a beautiful thing in front of him.

A close-fitting swimsuit shows Xiaonan’s grace even more.

Without a trace of fat / meat,

The proud chest/bosom in front of the body, the curve/line of the fan/person behind him.

The fair skin is red in the white under the heat of the hot spring, and it looks very tempting.

Hinata Yuhisa directly reached out and touched it.

It’s like silk.


Konan, feeling Hinata Yuhisa’s movements, slapped on Hinata Yuhisa’s thick chest/muscles.

It made Konan’s little hand hurt, and he glanced at Hinata Yuhisa with dissatisfaction.

How could she not have noticed before that Hinata Yuhisa’s figure was so good.

Hinata Yuhisa, who originally thought that he was lying down all day, probably had a lot of fat / meat on his body, or no muscles / flesh.

Konan, secretly glanced at Hinata Tamakisa.

The well-defined muscles/flesh are like the work of a master sculptor.

Full of human/body aesthetics while exuding a slow male / sexual lotus / ermon, making Xiao Nan just look at it and his heart tremble.

Hinata Yuhisa also seemed to notice Konan’s gaze and beckoned with a smile.

Xiao Nan’s face instantly turned into a red apple.

She felt her body/body hungry.

This is an instinctive reaction that remains inside the human/gene.

Xiao Nan, she couldn’t stop it at all.

“Come here!”

Hinata Yuku hugged Konan.

“Let go.”

Xiao Nan said in a low voice.



Hinata Tamaki’s big hand slapped on the curve/line behind Konan.

Konan’s glare at Hinata Tamahisa in shame.


Hinata Tamaki’s heart jumped.

Xiao Nan’s current expression, she didn’t know how tempting it was.

Red Dandan’s face, slightly pursed cherry/peach mouth, and eyes that are watery enough to seem to suck people in.

Hinata Tamaki reached out and wiped on Konan’s face,

Sakuzuo leaned towards Konan’s, and Konan’s face froze as she looked at Hinata Yuhisa, who was getting closer and closer.


Noisy sounds coming out outside.

This caused Hinata Yuhisa’s movements to leak, and the original feeling was also washed away.

Xiao Nan also recovered from his stunned look, and quickly swam into the distance with a red face, his eyes did not dare to look at Hinata Yuhisa again.

“Who the hell is it?”

Hinata Tamahisa frowned.

Following him, he saw an imposing figure walk in, shouting loudly with a cloak that belonged to Hokage.

“Hinata Tamakisa! Where did you get Elder Aoki of the Hyuga Sect family! ”

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