When Chojuro heard that he was about to visit Hinata Tamaki, his heart was actually a little joyful.

It is indeed necessary to visit Hinata Yuhisa.

After all, Hinata Tamaki is a very powerful powerhouse in the current ninja world.

If you look up and don’t see it down, there may be an intersection in the future.

And the most important thing is that the place I came to now is the realm of Hinata Yuhisa!

If it wasn’t because of Hinata Tamakisa.

Then the current Yu Ninja Village would definitely not be such a thriving scene.

So when you come here, you really should visit Hinata Tamakisa.

When he thought of this, Changjuro also nodded slightly: “We came to the realm of Hinata Yujiu this time, and I went to visit it at this time!” ”

The two men looked at each other like that.

The moment they glanced at each other, they had already decided that they were about to visit Hinata Yuhisa.

It might be better to visit Hinata Tamaki then.

Soon the two began to visit these surrounding people all the way, and began to go in the direction of Hinata Tamaki.

Soon the two of them immediately arrived at Hinata Tamaki’s residence.

It was only when these two people came to Hinata Yuhisa’s residence that they saw Hinata Yuhisa’s residence, which was so magnificent.

At this moment, these two people also realized that Hinata Yujiu had three women.

Four people lived in this place in Yu Shinobu Village.

Isn’t this kind of life a life that everyone yearns for?

When that warm sun began to shine from the sky, then on Miteru and Chojuro’s faces.

Both of them felt that the atmosphere of the scene was a little warm.

Soon the two men came to the wooden door, and then knocked softly on the door.

At this time, Hinata Yuhisa and the other three women were enjoying the delicious food made by Konan.

“Knock knock knock!”

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my wooden door.

It’s just that when Hinata Yujiu heard his own wooden door, when he was knocked on at that moment, he didn’t have any hesitation, and then came directly to this place.

Kaguya’s door opens.

When Kaguya opened the door for a moment, he saw two familiar figures.

One is Miteru, and the other is Chojuro.

When the woman opened the door and saw these two people, there was a feeling of anger in an instant.

Everyone knows that Mei Zhaoyu is a top-level beautiful woman.

The so-called Nothing Happens to the Three Treasures Hall, this woman came directly to the Yu Ninja Village at this time.

Even when he came to Yunin Village, he even came to Hinata Yuhisa’s residence, and knocked on the door directly.

Just in an instant, Kaguya’s entire inner world exploded.

At this time, vinegar began to soar infinitely.

“What are you two doing here?”

At this moment, Miteru and Nagajuro looked at each other, and their expressions were particularly calm.

Even at that moment, there was no fluctuation at all.

“We came to the Yu Ninja Village this time and saw the Yu Ninja Village, such a peaceful atmosphere!”

“Almost all of us know why the realm of Yu Ninja Village is so calm.

That’s all because of Hinata Tamakisa! ”

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