Hinata Yu’s long-lasting battle directly shocked the people on the other side.

The particles in the entire sky fluctuated violently.

At this moment, Hinata Yuhisa’s eyes still revealed a powerful killing aura, which was enough to engulf the entire world.

It can be clearly seen that he has raised the spiritual power of the whole person to another level.

In the next second, that mass of dragon breath once again shot towards Sheren.

At this time, the other party guy no longer had any ability to resist and no chance to resist, and a cloud of purple gas directly sent him flying.

It’s just that when that purple gas hit his body, he felt a burst of pain that destroyed the world.

At that moment, his whole body trembled violently.

It’s just that when this huge force began to engulf his entire person, the whole person was completely desperate.

I didn’t expect that Hinata Yujiu’s strength at this time was actually so powerful to such a terrifying point.

Especially the power of the true dragon can engulf the entire world like an existence.

Such a large force outside the entire fishing village was completely suppressed.

It’s just that when this powerful force began to invade through this world for a moment, everyone was stunned.

Kakashi’s eyes widened like this, as if he couldn’t believe what he had just seen.

“Is this really the strength of Hinata Tamaki? The power of that purple dragon breath just now was so powerful. ”

“In my opinion, this cloud of gas is as strong as it can engulf the whole world in that instant.”

“I’ve never seen such a powerful force.”

Tsunade stared at himself like this, his big eyes seeing all this in front of him.

No matter when anyone saw the explosion of Hinata Yuhisa’s strength just now, they would be a little scared.

It can be clearly seen that the strength of his entire body is beginning to rise continuously.

It is only when the strength of the whole person is produced to a certain height, and the explosive power of the body reaches an extreme.

Anyone who saw such a powerful force erupting from Hinata Yuhisa’s body would have a feeling of fear.

Tsunade ran directly over: “The strength is getting stronger and stronger, how can the other party be his opponent?” ”

“Everyone evacuate quickly.”

After Tsunade said this, several other people evacuated the dangerous place now.

Because the power of Hinata Yujiu’s purple dragon breath is enough to engulf the entire world.

It’s just that the moment this dragon breath power begins to invade the underground world, everyone will follow and can’t help but retreat.

No one dared to face the suppression of such a powerful force.

As long as it is suppressed by such a large force, it will produce a great sense of fear.

At this moment, anyone’s inner world has suffered the worst blow they were born with.

It’s just that when their inner world was attacked so strongly again, everyone’s hearts were suppressed the most powerfully.

At this time, everyone began to run in one direction non-stop, for fear of being hit by this powerful force.

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