The moment they put the rock sugar gourd in their mouths, they just felt a delicious smell fill their entire mouth.

The taste buds are comforted in a moment.

This was a relatively satisfied expression on the ninja’s face, and he once again got a kind of enjoyment in his heart.

“Oh my God, this kind of food is simply something I have never enjoyed before, I didn’t expect to reach such a level!”

“This is also too delicious, is this the legendary rock sugar gourd?”

“Sure enough, Hinata Yujiu is a top chef!”

There is no way to hide the expressions on the faces of these ninjas, and the first time they enjoy such food, they get the greatest sense of security.

At this moment, Hinata Yujiu just smiled slightly, and then picked up a string of cold pot skewers and put them in this mouth.

That fragrance filled his mouth again in an instant.

I can clearly feel the moment when this delicacy explodes in my mouth.

At this time, Hinata Yujiu smiled slightly, and then said to these ninjas: “Our rain ninja village will always be a place full of rivers!” ”

“If you want to come to live in our Yu Ninja Village and enjoy the peace of our Yu Ninja Village!”

“As long as you pass the check-in assessment of Yu Ninja Village!”

When Hinata Tamaghisa finished saying this, the guys became ecstatic on one side.

The feeling of happiness on the face is completely impossible to hide for a moment.

Because no matter who knows how powerful Hinata Yuhisa really is, he was a strong man in the ninja world at that time.

As long as you can live in Yunin Village, you will be able to be blessed by Hinata Tamaki from now on.

Anyone who wanted to destroy them would have no way to enter the Yunin Village, because this place was controlled by Hinata Yuhisa.

Anyone who enters this village must give his life before he can enter the village.

Take the Datongmu clan, for example, these guys secretly mixed into the Rain Ninja Village during the ninja competition.

They originally thought that after entering the Yu Shinobi Village, they would be able to directly put maximum pressure on Hinata Yuhisa and completely eliminate him.

Even if he couldn’t completely eliminate Hinata Yuhisa, he could at least turn this place upside down at that time.

But these brats are too weak, it’s just whimsical.

Because all that they did at the beginning had already entered the trap of Hinata Yuhisa, and everyone had completely failed.

When they actually entered the Rain Shinobi Village and were about to start doing something inside the Ninja Tournament, Hinata Yuhisa had already kept an eye on them.

In the end, it is directly closed to beat dogs and catch turtles in the urn, so that the big tube wood family has no way at all.

There was an incredible feeling in everyone’s eyes, it was a real fear.

At this moment, when Hinata Tamaki finished saying this, all these ninjas on the scene were willing to join him in the rain ninja village to live.

This will be an expectation that no one has ever seen before.

“I will apply to join the Rain Shinobi Village right now!”

“I think the Yu Ninja Village is a peaceful atmosphere, as long as you can enter and live inside, then you won’t have any other thoughts in this life!”

“I especially like the current situation in Yu Shinobi Village!”

“In the peaceful earth, you can get the protection of Hinata Yuhisa!”


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