I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 101: Chuan Guo Yuxi smashing walnuts?

"Congratulations to the host for getting a positive value of 15000.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining Natural Fountain*1.""

Early in the morning, Ye Yu had just woken up when the system's voice sounded in his mind.

"Fuck, fifteen thousand points are on the positive side!"

Ye Yu's eyes widened suddenly, Lao Zhao and Lao Zhu didn't come for three days, according to the time, it should have been 21 days for them.

These two guys, what have they been doing in the past half a month to actually cause such a big historical deviation.

"This guy, Lao Zhao, didn't he have already wiped out the Huns?"

Ye Yu muttered, but his eyes flashed with excitement.

Sure enough, fighting is the best way to get a positive value!

No matter how Daqin and Daming develop, they are only partial to one corner, and the positive value they can get is limited after all.

But if you look at the whole earth, the positive value obtained must be able to increase geometrically!

Ye Yu whistled, washed up and made breakfast.

Just after breakfast, Liu Cang's voice rang in the courtyard.

"Boss Xiaoye, I'm here to nag you again!

"Uncle Liu, a giant tomb was discovered in Shangdu, and there is a giant stone tablet in it, I have to rush to Shangdu, I really don't have time to waste time here.

Outside the small courtyard, a short-haired beauty followed behind Liu Cang, looking at the exquisitely decorated small courtyard in front, a hint of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

"What's the meaning of the tomb, girl Yusuo, you don't know, there is a long-extinct phoenix in this yard, Uncle Liu will open your eyes today. 55

Liu Cang said with a hint of excitement on his face: "I have been studying the habits of this phoenix bird these days, and I found that although the phoenix bird's habits are not much different from those of modern birds, its genes are enough for my current bird in Tianxia. Very similar, obviously, this imperial bird is probably the ancestor of many birds in my Tianxia!

"Girl Yusuo, do you know that this imperial bird is an exotic beast recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Over the years, we have discovered creatures very similar to the exotic beasts of mountains and seas all over the world, and with this imperial bird as evidence, Our Tianxia ancient book "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" may not be as simple as a simple myth and legend.

I already have a 70% certainty that the "Shan Hai Jing" is an ancient Chinese landscape geographic atlas! This is a subversive discovery that can push my Tianxia historical heritage forward for thousands of years!

As an expert on Shanhaijing, Liu Cang is very clear that this discovery will have a subversive impact on the history of Tianxia. This is a great discovery that is enough to shake the world!

Seeing Liu Cang dancing with excitement, Chu Yusuo's face was full of helplessness.

Although she really wanted to go to Shangdu now, but Liu Cang was so excited, she didn't want to disturb the enthusiasm of the old man.

"Forget it, stay here for a day, and then take the plane to Shangdu tomorrow." Chu Yusuo thought about it in his heart and planned it.

"Professor Liu is here, hey, you are... Miss Chu `˘?"

Ye Yu walked out the door and looked at Liu Cang and the two standing at the entrance of the small courtyard, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Isn't this girl the beauty I met last time I went to the auction house, I really didn't expect that she would come to her own small farm.

"Are you... Mr. Ye?"

Chu Yusuo was also stunned, and said in surprise, "This is your farm?

For Ye Yu, she was very impressed.

After all, not everyone can take out ten pieces of jade towers from the Warring States Period at one time, and they are still in such good condition.

She had previously suspected that Ye Yu was the eldest young master of a big family, but she did not expect to be the owner of a small mountain village farm.

In an instant, Chu Yusuo suddenly felt a sense of disillusionment.

"Hahaha, Boss Ye, this is my niece Chu Yusuo, it seems you know each other?" Liu Cang said with a smile.

Ye Yu pursed his lips and smiled: "There was a relationship."

He nodded to Chu Yusuo: "Long time no see, Miss Chu."

"Hello, Mr. Ye." Chu Yusuo also smiled at Ye Yu with a curious look in his eyes.

She always felt that the man in front of her seemed to be enveloped in a layer of mist.

To be able to easily take out ten pieces of valuable jade towers, but living in such a small mountain village, is like a hermit in those mountain stories.

But he is so young and full of mystery everywhere.

Liu Cang smiled at Ye Yu and said, "Boss Xiaoye, my niece is very interested in your imperial bird. I wonder if I can take her to see it?"

"You can do whatever you want." Ye Yu waved his hand and said, "I don't have anything in this farm, you can just turn around. By the way, you haven't had breakfast yet, I'll go make some breakfast for you.

After saying that, Ye Yu waved to the two of them and ran to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Seeing that Chu Yusuo kept looking at Ye Yu's back, Liu Cang smiled and said, "How about Yusuo girl, isn't this boss Xiaoye nice?"

"He is handsome and knowledgeable, and his cooking skills are superb, but he is much better than those prodigals in the capital. Would you like Uncle Liu to help you match?"

"Uncle Liu!" Chu Yusuo rolled his eyes and said, "You know, my only interest is archaeology. 99

"What's the point of studying a group of ancient people who have been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, it's more interesting than studying ancient creatures with Uncle Liu and me.""

Chu Yusuo was a bit dumbfounded. What is the difference between ancient creatures and ancient people?

Liu Cang sighed, and said somewhat in a sullen mood: "Forget it, you are a talented girl. If you study ancient creatures, you might be able to surpass the old man. If you don't want to, forget it, let's go, uncle will take you to see the emperor bird. .""

"The meal is ready... eh?

Lu Ming held a few plates of small dishes, and raised his brows as he watched the beautiful Liu Cang standing alone under the Juling Tree: "Where's Miss Chu, gone?"

Liu Cang stared at the big beauty standing on the Spirit Gathering Tree, and said without turning his head: "Just now, that girl Xiaoling came over and took girl Yusuo to visit your living room.

Ye Yu snorted, put down the plate and said, "Then I'll go and call them. 35

After saying that, Ye Yu walked into the living room and saw Chu Yusuo standing in front of the "Orchid Pavilion Collection" hanging in the living room, dumbfounded.

Ye Yu secretly thought aloud, that he forgot to put these treasures away.

Chu Yusuo is an expert in archaeology. If she finds clues, it will be troublesome.

Chu Yusuo turned around when she heard the movement, looked at Ye Yu who was standing beside her and took a breath: "Mr. Ye, is your "Orchid Pavilion Collection" real?

Ye Yu smiled dryly: "Miss Chu laughs, this is a fake I bought for a few dollars, it is worthless, worthless. 99


Chu Yusuo's big eyes were full of confusion. This pair of "Lanting Collection Preface" was written with dragons and snakes, and every word was intricate. It had a strong sense of power, even more than the copy version in her family's collection. real.

Is this kind of treasure actually fake? Chu Yusuo was a little unconvinced.

Seeing this, Ye Yu immediately said: "Who doesn't know that the real "Orchid Pavilion Collection" has long since been lost, how could I, an ordinary farm owner, have such a treasure, forget it, don't read it, Let's go eat. 99

Chu Yusuo took a deep look at Ye Yu, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "A person who can easily take out ten pieces of a jade tower that is priceless is really ordinary.

The authenticity of this "Orchid Pavilion Collection" was temporarily held in Chu Yusuo's heart.

She decided to check it out after she went home. Although it is said that the number one book in the world has been buried in the tomb of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and never appeared in the world, it is only a legend after all.

To really confirm the authenticity, but also need professionals to identify.

Just as Chu Yusuo turned around, his eyes swept over a large seal placed on the coffee table, and his whole body froze.

"This... this is the Imperial Jade Seal???"

Chu Yusuo hurried to the side of the coffee table, raised the jade seal, and immediately exclaimed.

It is four inches in diameter, with five dragons in Shanghai and New York. On the front, there are several big characters written by Li Si, "Ordered by the sky, longevity and longevity".

This is clearly the appearance of the legendary jade seal in the records.

How could this jade seal appear here?

"No, no, no!"

"This jade seal...how is this jade seal so complete?"

Chu Yusuo suddenly found something wrong, this jade seal is too complete.

In the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang usurped power. Wang Zhengjun broke a corner of the Chuan Guoyu Seal in a fit of anger. Wang Mang had no choice but to replace the corner with gold, but the Chuan Guoyu Seal in front of her was complete and intact Quality, not to mention missing a corner, even if there is not even a scratch, as if it was just carved out.

"This...how is this possible!

Chu Yusuo kept telling herself that this jade seal of Chuanguo (Li Qian's) must be fake, but the translucent and warm jade quality, the eight characters engraved in the small seal, seemed to remind her all the time, this is the The real thing!

Chu Yusuo's eyes were full of confusion, and she felt that there was a huge discrepancy between the history she was familiar with and her current cognition, as if her previous cognition was all wrong.

"Sister Chu, you don't think this is true, do you?" Ye Xiaoling, who was sitting on the coffee table watching TV, laughed. She picked up the Chuan Guoyu Seal and patted it on the coffee table. A few walnuts were immediately turned into scum. scum.

Ye Xiaoling happily peeled off a few walnuts and handed them to Chu Yusuo, and said with a smile, "This is the street stall goods that Brother Yu didn't know where they came from. I usually use them to smash walnuts, how could it be true? .

"Smashing walnuts with the Imperial Jade Seal?"

Chu Yusuo was stunned by Ye Xiaoling's show.

Ye Yu glared at Ye Xiaoling, hurriedly put away the Chuan Guo Yuxi, and said with a dry smile: "Miss Chu, Xiaoling is right, this is a fake, you must not take it seriously.

Chu Yusuo didn't speak, just gave Ye Yu a deep look.

Thinking of the ten dollars that was confirmed to be invaluable, a dignified look flashed in Chu Yusuo's eyes.

The identity of this little night boss is definitely not as simple as he looks on the surface.

Even if he wasn't a tomb robber, he was Qin, the son of a big hidden family.

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