Ye Yu rubbed his chin.

If he guessed correctly, Chu Yusuo would definitely be unable to restrain his curiosity and collect more evidence to confirm his conjecture.

And as Ye Yu continues to transform Da Qin and Da Ming, and as more and more emperors come to the farm in the future, there will definitely be more clues about him in the future.

This misunderstanding may never be explained again!

"It seems that Chu Yusuo should keep this secret for now, otherwise if the news spreads, people at the national level might have to intervene.

"It's better to treat mine as an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, and no one should dare to touch me until I understand my details.

Even if they want to move me, no one can do it in my three-thirds of an acre of land, and my safety is not a problem for the time being.

"However, this kind of thing is not safe. The people above already know the existence of Qi practitioners. If these people join forces to go to the "627" village, it will be a bit troublesome. I don't want to be pulled to slice. Research.""

In Ye Yu's heart, there was an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Even if Chu Yusuo wanted to keep it secret, it would not last long.

Because as his transformation of Da Qin and Daming becomes bigger and bigger, the world will definitely undergo greater changes, and it will definitely affect him at that time.

Even if there is no Chu Yusuo, there will be people at the national level who will notice him. In front of this kind of state machine, the power of a single person is very weak after all.

At that time, it will be a bit difficult for him to imagine being a farmhouse owner so leisurely as he is now.

"Looks like it's time to start laying out!""

Ye Yu groped his chin and asked in his heart, "System, is there anything you can do?

"Ding, indexing is in progress!"

In the system mall, countless products were rolled around immediately.

After a while, an apple-sized crystal blue object appeared in front of his eyes.

"This is……"

Ye Yu's pupils shrank, and without any hesitation, he immediately exchanged the item.

"I didn't expect that there are even such things in the system mall. After reading it, if you have something to do, you will go to the mall to have a look. After

There is a smile on Ye Yu's face, with this thing, he can solve the current crisis perfectly!

After redeeming this thing, Ye Yu decisively contacted Ying Zheng and Chongzhen and asked them to come to the farm as soon as possible.

Ye Yu had an order, and Ying Zheng and Ying Zheng naturally did not dare to neglect.

When the fog lingered that night, a group of people hurried to the manor.

"Old Zhao, I have something for you, you must keep it!" Ye Yu said straight to the point when he saw Ying Zheng.

At the same time, when he turned his palm over, the apple-sized crystal appeared in his hand.

Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, and said puzzledly, "Sir, is this?"

"This thing is called a spiritual energy seed. As long as it is planted in the place where the dragon veins converge, it can gradually grow, but it will take thousands of years. When the spiritual energy seed grows, it will usher in the era of spiritual energy recovery!

Ye Yu's plan is like this. Now that the Qi practitioner has left the school, he will help behind him!

After the recovery of the spiritual energy, the mysterious caves around the world will inevitably appear frequently, which will have a great impact on modern society!

When everything is in chaos, even if the state knows his identity, it will be too busy trying to find him trouble, and may even ask for his help!

The most important thing is that with the recovery of spiritual qi, he has Taixu training qi technique in his body, and he will definitely become stronger at the fastest speed.

Blacksmithing requires one's own strength, no matter how much power there is, it is not as safe as one's own strength!

"Aura seed? Aura recovery?"

Ying Zheng and the others were completely confused, and couldn't understand what Ye Yu was saying, but it didn't affect his attitude.

"Don't worry, sir, after the widow went back, he planted it in the Kunlun ancestral vein, and dispatched the most elite soldiers to guard it day and night! 39


Ye Yu nodded, but there was a hint of contemplation in his eyes.

Reiki seeds are systematically protected, and they can escape the correction of time and space and have been preserved until modern times, but others are different.

Without the power of the system, these people are likely to be wiped out by time and space directly.

But it's not enough without protection in the spiritual energy. If someone picks peaches in the middle, he has to cry to death.

Ye Yu's narrow eyes narrowed slightly, frowning in thought.

Ying Zheng and the others did not dare to disturb Ye Yu, and sat on the spot honestly, not daring to take a breath.

After a while, Ye Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he secretly asked in his heart, "System, you said before about belief, and memory is the most difficult thing to be corrected by time and space.

"If I established a religion, a family, and the like in ancient times, and then brainwashed them all year round, asking them to protect the seed of spiritual energy from generation to generation. Do not interfere with the change of external dynasties, so that the impact on history will be minimized, Can they escape the revisions of history and survive into modern times?39

The system immediately replied: "It is possible, but the trimming of time and space cannot be calculated, and the probability of success is temporarily immeasurable!

"It's possible!""

Ye Yu immediately nodded excitedly....

The system's answer is equivalent to opening a new path for him.

As long as there is room for manipulation, he can let Ying Zheng arrange a group of people to guard the seed of spiritual energy.

It doesn't matter if the probability of success is low, just use the number of people. As long as there are too many people, there will always be a few fish that slip through the net.

Moreover, the physical fitness of those who stay around the seed of spiritual energy can be greatly improved.

These people can become a wave of strength under his subordinates after the aura recovers.

Making waves in the future wave is the real way to survive!

"Now there is a problem, how to solve the problem of loyalty.

"For example, to set up a family to guard the seeds of spiritual energy, but how can I ensure that after passing it down for dozens of generations, it will still be under my control?"

Ye Yu was baffled and could only ask the system for help in the end.

"System, is there any way to control a person across hundreds of generations?"


The interface of the system mall suddenly appeared in front of him, and dozens of exchangeable icons quickly appeared.

【Children's Yin-Yang Gu】: A special product of the Xianxia world, the person with the child Gu will forever be loyal to the person holding the mother Gu (5000 positive value for exchange)

[Memory Modifier]: A product of the world of science and technology, which can be modified and reshaped memory, so that the person who modified the memory will surrender forever (the exchange requires a positive value of 3000)

[Slave Seal]: A product of the fantasy world, after the second seal is planted into the body, it can control the opponent for generations (50,000 positive values ​​are required for exchange)

"Tut tut 0.6.35

Ye Yu nodded with emotion, the system sure would not let him down.

It is really all-encompassing, only what he can't think of, there is no system.

For example, this [Slave Seal] is not bad, it can control the other party from generation to generation, and it does not require too many positive values.

"It just so happened that Lao Zhu contributed 40,000 yuan a while ago, plus Lao Zhao's contribution, these should be enough! 39

"System, exchange slave seals!

"Ding, the slave seal has been exchanged, please check the host!"

After deducting the 50,000 positive value, a translucent seal with red light appeared in Ye Yu's hand.

The instant the seal appeared, it turned into a red light and appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Yu's eyes lit up, and from then on, as long as his mind moved, he could separate a sub-imprint from this slave imprint, and then control it.

"Good things are indeed the product of the fantasy world, awesome!"


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